I mean, when we're abroad we always risk being seen as "stupid Americans", but wearing a MAGA hat is just broadcasting that fact before you even open your mouth.
Ha, tell him the kings guards love it when you touch their horses or stand close to them....oh and they really love it when you want to try out their swords .
It is always a joke with Trump until it isn’t. I could easily see Trump saying he won’t defend Canada. Russia then encroaches on Canadian territory in the North. Then Trump extorts Canada for resources or whatever. Like he is doing to the Ukraine.
You need to be more seriously alarmed against Poilievre and Canadian version of our MAGA united with US MAGA fascists, than Russia actually physically invading Canada.
Right, half the population would be on our side, would they actually DO anything? Very skeptical about that. Malcolm Nance is taking invasion talk pretty damn seriously. Your kind of thinking's what got you where you are. You didn't think he was serious about destroying your gov institutions didya?
I know this most likely didn't happen, but if it ever does, give them the worst directions imaginable. If they don't find themselves in France, you didn't try hard enough.
An American interested enough in the rest of the world to travel but who hates it enough to wear a MAGA cap as a middle finger to them? It's like flaunting his hate for them.
OTOH, what message do you think the 'USA!, USA!, USA!' in Congress relayed to the world?
Those fascists travel too.
That said, the rest of the free world should have had visum-/entry-bans against all of Maggop already, for weeks if not months.
Same idiocy for allowing Trump Jr. to visit Greenland.
https://youtu.be/oTi6-99gciA?... https://Pslweb.org program.
Even if Harris won the homeless poor working poor working class minorities&women still would have lost & palistine obviously. The need for organizing a revolution would be exactly the same.
A dictatorship of the rich every 4 or 8 years we elect a Czar.
Would be the shadiest of shading (practical) jokes if some journalist asks him to put such a hat on now, in front of camera, amidst of a crowd.
'I dare you.'
Thank God I wasn't there. I'd knocked that hat right off his F*** head. Sorry. Ya Americans are aggressive but that's for a good cause and avoid further embarrassment
As an American, who voted against Trump and can’t afford a trip to Europe (due to the fact that our family pays more than $12k for health care each year) I want to say Bravo/Brava but I also want to cry. 😭
In DC, everyone on the metro just looks through them like they don't exist while they ask their questions louder and louder. It's actually very satisfying to just make them untouchable in public.
I'm American, and fully on board this MAGAts traveling abroad being treated like this. The blinding lack of self-awareness of this chud thinking that wearing a MAGA hat anywhere in Europe is breathtaking!
If an American travelling outside of the US pretends to be a Canadian, just ask them what a Double Double is and you'll know if they are Canadian or not.
Some KNOw that if Americans tourists stop coming to London to be ripped off you will be eating week old bread in no time. Don't be the asshole you seem to be.
Crise climatique
Justice Sociale
Voici les mots que l'administration Trump a interdit pour les demandes de subventions pour les recherches scientifiques.
Cela porte un nom : le fascisme.
That's the level of ignorance we have been dealing with in our country for a long time now. It used to be a good source for jokes, now it's become a threat to our surviving as a democratic nation, and it's not looking good.
Send them to the pits of Felixstowe and shove their sorry asses on a Ferry across the North Sea...at night.
~Travels tips from an American that lived there.
I mean, he deserved it. How tone deaf or ignorant could he be to wear a MAGA hat with all that’s going on? He’s either terminally stupid or a hateful troll. I vote for both.
Oh they do ! I am in England - and we often see these morons parading around London and behaving like aresholes and entitled tourists . Rudist pricks you can ever imagine .
my parents in Australia have gone to the dark side. just brainwashed. a disturbing number of Australians approve of the US regime. Election coming up with a contender. I am scared.
Seems like a great opportunity to make MAGA feel incredibly UNWELCOME - let them realize some tangible repercussions for the actions of the Orange DikTatorTot
that's actually their whole scheme. they are attention w****s, provocateurs, to the point that when people leave them alone they poke and poke until someone reacts. then they cry with big croco tears on youtube showing how they are being "discriminated" against.
This is not unlike stories I heard about older Dutch people alive during WWIi who when asked directions by German tourists would send them in the opposite direction.
They only know the lies FOTUS tells them-the world loves him, world thinks he’s a great leader, world respects him—and then reality hits them when they travel out of the US.
US liberals share responsibility - collectively they’ve displayed arrogance, complacency, laziness, weakness. This outcome was high likelihood years ago. Why wasn’t trump in prison for insurrection? Why weren’t his links with Russia, the mob & Epstein prosecuted?
Epic! It would have been even better if she said, "I could explain it to you. I don't know if you are educated enough to understand simple directions."
They wear their MAGA cult gear in Mexico makes it easy to avoid those Nazi/Putin lovers…and it also makes me wonder if things are so great with your felonious orange god back in power why aren’t you home in the states??? Why are you in Mexico?????
Dude was getting a bunch of stink eye looks and a lot of Mexican people are pissed off so I don’t think it was a fruitful mission…plus the cult leader has really cooled it on MX as 52 once he remembered that’s one of the places he’s deporting folks to.
Yes cheaper but have you actually stayed/or have had to go to a Mexican public hospital?They are not clean, you need to provide any blankets/pillows. They give you a prescription that has to be filled at an outside pharmacy (none in the hospital). Family members & friends are basically your nurse.
Countries are setting up clinics for American patients, so these wouldn't be public hospitals. Maybe not too many south of our border but they are thriving in Thailand. I know a lot of Americans buy prescription medicines in Mexico.
That’s a long ways to go for medical treatment. If insurance companies actually paid their hospital claims and didn’t play the delay, deny, depose games here in the US our healthcare would be much more affordable no need to fly to Thailand. (I am a former hospital biller/collector.)
We are liberals but sometimes pretend to be Canadian (if asked) in Europe to throw off all the scammers that prey on Americans-especially in France. Can't do that in the UK, though, because they recognize an American accent.
On my flight to Italy, an American man was wearing a pro gun tee shirt with a nasty message. So embarrassing. His wife just sitting there, like this is a normal way to present yourself.
Oh yes they do and they wear their hats proudly. Spent 10 days on a cruise with several old men in their MAGA hats. They proudly exited the cruise ship in Panama as Trump was threatening to take the canal back from the Panamanian people.
Yes! Thrilled, really, that across the pond & from many other quarters, the world sees the disaster train that is wrecking democracy in the US. #notinourcountry is a good pushback, whether it be bus stop ads, direct resistance (non-violent, of course), or in different forms via the airwaves. Thanks!
It very well might be, but on the other hand i don't think this reaction would not be that far of what would possibly really happen in such a situation.
Someone wearing a MAGA hat when traveling in Europe? DUMB. DUMB. I have a hard time believing it actually happened. MAGAs don’t get out of their bubble.)
I live in SF Bay Area. Had a huge furniture delivery once from North Carolina. While they were unloading furniture, I offered water. “No thank you ma’am. I won’t drink the water in California. We’re going to finish up and get out of here as soon as we can.”
Red state shitholes….Thats why we need total overhaul of how we pay federal budget. No money from Cali should not go to red shitholes other than for defense facilities. Frankly in near future you will see blue states doing that or forming own u ion building wall…
Petition for 2028 ballot “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?" If yes declares vote of no confidence in US but won’t change state's government or relationship with the US. The measure would call for removal of U.S. flag from state bldgs
It’s a start!
There will be some sort of Confederation between Canada Mexico West Coast,North East, Lake states , Colorado corridor. In practical terms Mass & Alabama are like 2 diff planets. Constitution was glue, but thats obviously a mirage these days. And then strict visas, proof of vaccination etc for them…
OTOH, what message do you think the 'USA!, USA!, USA!' in Congress relayed to the world?
Those fascists travel too.
That said, the rest of the free world should have had visum-/entry-bans against all of Maggop already, for weeks if not months.
Same idiocy for allowing Trump Jr. to visit Greenland.
Seen a few around here too.
And bumper stickers. SOOOO many bumper stickers. 🤮 Usually accompanied by Punisher (the irony never escapes me) and Thin Blue Line stickers.
More like we're still at the crafting a fictional cutting response to someone who abuses us after the fact to feel less pathetic.
Sorry, fooling yourself, or most likely attempting to pass cuck cope off as fact to help others fool themselves and do nothing, isn't the win you think it is.
Well, keep in mind these are exactly the same people who claim (and probably believe) that the rest of the world has been laughing at the US for the last four years, and they’ve stopped now that we elected Trump.
C’est maintenant qu’on se moque de vous, pas avant.
Comment avez-vous pu élire ce type minable ? Où sont les américains et leur démocratie, liberté…? Réveillez vous !
Some of them don’t give a shit and/or are stupid enough to do it. These people have no self awareness. Definitely don’t know how to read a room either.
That’s great but ignores a shirt that says I hate him and I never, ever voted for him would you guys help me? This is a real fear of mine. I hate the dude. I’m hoping there’s a repeat on the idea of March!!
I've never been drunker than I was in Glasgow and I came home feeling like I should have stayed. I love that city. This was right after he won the first time, when asked about it at the pub trivia I went to I told them 'i voted for the nasty woman in the pantsuit' and continued to drink...
Keep this up, world. Your scorn and mockery of the Trump/MAGA bullshit actually helps normie and engaged Americans to fight back / break through to our apathetic and indifferent fellow citizens.
Just back from Cuba, someone wearing a maga hat there was being hugged by some of the Russians in the hotel, they'll soon be the United Soviet States of America.
It's not really a joke I live in the UK up until last month we had allied US bases in our country...now we have Russian aligned bases ... And are waiting to see if the troops manning them are hostile to western freedom or simply too compromised to pick a side.
That a whole new kind of idiocy to travel abroad with one of those stupid hats. 😬 MOST of us know we’re living through a nightmare in the US and we are heartbroken and embarrassed.
More than 80 Afghan women who fled the Taliban to pursue higher education in Oman now face imminent deportation back to Afghanistan, following the Trump administration's sweeping freeze on foreign aid programmes.
What until King Charles finds out what Canada will do if he dares to host Donald Trump at Buckingham Palace as he said ge would. 🇨🇦 could very well cease to be a Member of the British Commonwealth.
It's the British Government that controls the Military not the Monarch. Canada & Britain are members of NATO. And 🇨🇦 joined British forces to fight Hitler in Europe.
Those fascists travel too.
That said, the rest of the free world should have had visum-/entry-bans against all of Maggop already, for weeks if not months.
Same idiocy for allowing Trump Jr. to visit Greenland.
https://Pslweb.org program.
Even if Harris won the homeless poor working poor working class minorities&women still would have lost & palistine obviously. The need for organizing a revolution would be exactly the same.
A dictatorship of the rich every 4 or 8 years we elect a Czar.
'I dare you.'
Would make lovely, yet gorish, television.
Some of us are democrats.
For those of us who understood how far we’d fallen at the end of Term #1, we had hope that we could recover from it.
To know that we’re all being seen as stupid (and for letting him steal power, I guess we are,) because of this is beyond mortifying.
Great job, America.
Support from NY.
They have no idea it identifies them as a racist idiot.
Masters of dry wit.
Like a martini for the brain.
Crise climatique
Justice Sociale
Voici les mots que l'administration Trump a interdit pour les demandes de subventions pour les recherches scientifiques.
Cela porte un nom : le fascisme.
Wearing a Blue Cap that reads “I’m Not One of Them”
"You'll tell the Russians."
"They know already."
"Good, you can ask them then "
~Travels tips from an American that lived there.
Sadly Trump has its fan outside the US.
I shall enjoy reading his obituary most. (But only be a smidge)
((*eff is code for f))
It’s a start!
Those fascists travel too.
That said, the rest of the free world should have had visum-/entry-bans against all of Maggop already, for weeks if not months.
Same idiocy for allowing Trump Jr. to visit Greenland.
And bumper stickers. SOOOO many bumper stickers. 🤮 Usually accompanied by Punisher (the irony never escapes me) and Thin Blue Line stickers.
Sorry, fooling yourself, or most likely attempting to pass cuck cope off as fact to help others fool themselves and do nothing, isn't the win you think it is.
Comment avez-vous pu élire ce type minable ? Où sont les américains et leur démocratie, liberté…? Réveillez vous !
Don't try to fit in. It only makes people stare and giggle.
Love it.
Safe happy waves
Ripping the shirt off/apart could be excused with 'oh so sorry, I stumbled & fell!'.
“Do your own research”
"I'm sorry, I only live here. I'm not a tour guide."
If it were me I would have suggest they get off the tube at Northolt and ask for direction from there.
They’re not welcome.
Also 80 potential suicide-bombers that should threaten & stalk RasMuskPutin for the rest of his life.