Who knows how to pass a problem account on to a moderator for a “Block List” ?
As more and more people migrate here, trolls will figure out ways to slip under the radar.
As a caution, please vet your follows especially in these early days where many people are following others in large batches.
Learning about disorders of sexual differentiation would short circuit the 2 neurons these people seem to have. The world is not black and white for most things. Lots of gray out there.
We learn simple lessons at first - a kindergarten version. We re-learn the lesson over the years with more information and complexity each time - an elementary, middle school, and high school version. Some learn beyond that.
Some never get past the kindergarten version, but think they know it all.
Thank you, Allison~ just blocked account! Would you please follow me on this site, too? I am trying to figure out how to download my twitter list onto this site. 🙏🏼
I can’t understand why that matters to anyone. Yes, we all understand there are 2 distinct genders for reproductive purposes. But how someone lives their life and their preference of how they want to be recognized should not be a problem for anyone. Respect their wishes and move on. It’s easy.
Only problem Mueller She Wrote is going back to preaching to the choir. Personally I'll engage with anyone until they become insulting or rude. But I feel ya💙💪👽🇺🇸
Why do we care when someone holds an opinion that there are only 2 genders? I don't and blocking him does not change his view of the world. Would rather be able to correct him when he posts something incorrect.
These imbeciles have nothing else to do. They are too mean and unlikeable to form any friendships or communities of their own so they just follow "the liberals" around the internet like lost puppies looking for attention.
Something tells me these idiots have discovered they're not going to overrun this place with their horseshit, so it's become a game of whackatroll. The idea? "They can't stop all of us, but it's fun watching them try." Guess what. I'll never stop trying, you witless fuckos.
Very satisfying reporting them and blocking. It feels like that’s taken seriously over here, not like the bad place which loves to laugh at us while refusing to block or remove hate speech and harassment.
Buh Bye
We are needed to build successful social media platforms.
As more and more people migrate here, trolls will figure out ways to slip under the radar.
As a caution, please vet your follows especially in these early days where many people are following others in large batches.
Btw you are part of this #Journalism starter pack made for all of us, “woke political junkies.”
Or just deny them healthcare and let them die?
...my view anyways:)
Copy search and destroy/block!
Some never get past the kindergarten version, but think they know it all.
Thank You!!! 😀
No surprise which one this person chose, or how they feel about others being able to choose theirs.
Also block any followers
You’ll get a nice long list of assholes to block.
Elon's troll farmbois.