Reposted from
Scott MacFarlane
Rep Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) to ABC:
“We were told that grocery prices would go down on day one, on January 20. Costs aren't lower, in fact, costs are increasing. The price of eggs is skyrocketing out of control”
“We were told that grocery prices would go down on day one, on January 20. Costs aren't lower, in fact, costs are increasing. The price of eggs is skyrocketing out of control”
We fucking know this!!! They are NOT hearing us at ALL!
Damn, that pesky coup.
Time to hear outrage, not "common sense decency," that was thrown out the door and it's time to show just how pissed off Dem's are, no holds barred.
No excuses anymore, no calm talk, no we will try to work with the 'other side.'
Call the assholes out for what they are!
I want them to make a scene. Every fucking day.
I want articles of impeachment.
I want daily news conferences specifying all the laws that are being broken.
Pass your speaking baton to a Democratic congressperson who can meet the moment!
We are well and truly "cooked" (to use the parlance of our times)
It’s white Christianity vs. liberalism.
1) Rounding up disidents and minorities.
2) Ignoring judges rulings
3) Overstepping on Congress' mandate.
4) Suppressing the free press
5) Stealing information for future revenge
The looting, corruption, nepotism and incompetence come for free.
Are they being paid to purposely ignore all of this? Do they honestly believe we’re still concerned about inflation right now?
Which is it: maliciousness, or incredible levels of incompetence?
The DLC/James Carville guys should not be allowed to rep us anymore. I would’ve thought Jeffries was too smart to listen to them…?
Wait...there are elections coming up that could swing the House. Is that their focus? Kitchen table issues in Florida?
It was never about prices for most of them.
I’m so fed up with the party 🥹
Fucking hell I’m so tired of hearing about the price of eggs. I’ll eat cereal. We have chickens and ducks and I’m more worried about the frigging bird flu, who’s heading HHS, why we will not be able to rely on the CDC. Now can we talk about the coup.
Where we’ve been winning - is in the courts.
We’re gonna have to clean house - and quick. Marc Elias can’t do it all.
New Yorkers, join us in Union Square at 1PM. #StopTheCoup #EndOligarchy #ResisttheDictators #RiseandResist
Dems looks lethargic with this type of thing.
Dems not fighting the battles they need to.
The Coup attempt is happening Right Now!!!
#Congress Do Something!
We’re all we have.
I’m not sure how Dems in Congress “address the coup” without swinging some Pubs over, and then winning big in the midterms
It was never about the price of eggs.
What a joke.
Be a maverick or step aside.
Democracy is on life support!
What's happening now couldn't be taking place WITHOUT those in both the House and the Senate being willing complicit on some level.
I care the fuck far more about the cost of democracy these days.
Jesus fucking Christ these Dem donkey leaders are god damn clueless cowards.
May they receive a rotten fucking in Hell.
🇺🇲2/17/2025 "Not My Presidents Day" Protest
🇺🇲2/28/2025 24hr Don't buy anything ECONOMIC BLACKOUT
🇺🇲3/7-3/14/2025 BOYCOTT Amazon WEEK
🇺🇲3/14/2025 NATIONAL STRIKE No work 24 Hours
The Democrats are sitting around wringing their hands and quoting “rules” that no longer exist….hoping desperately that trump is “going to screw up” eventually.
In the meantime, our country and democracy will be GONE.
Please understand there is a coup underway to destroy our Democracy. Democrats need to deal with that. Now please dispense with the BS and figure out a way to stop the son of a bitches.
We are not interested in politics as usual. That is not going to save our Country.
What the hell are they waiting for⁉️
For all of us to die, before they stand and fight‼️‼️
Establishment Dems are showing "outrage" through sternly worded interviews on TV news shows nobody under 70 watches. When they do, the complain about egg prices. 🙄
A fkin coup!
Say it, stop it & fkin shout it from the rooftops & for goodness sake, do something!
Do you know that voters in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Texas made this horrific mess possible?
We need Dems to say to Americans that we're under attack & we need to park our asses outside GOP Congressional offices or the White House & raise hell.
Can they do that?
Can they passionately list all the crazy shit going down & tell people this won't fly? Yes they could
Q: What did the pacifist say to the fascist?
A: Nothing, he was fucking dead...
Fuck fascists!
The moral high road leads to the camps...
The loss of our democracy will be devastating. We have to take to the streets. Where are the Dem leaders?
🇺🇲2/17/2025 "Not My Presidents Day" Protest
🇺🇲2/28/2025 24hr Don't buy anything ECONOMIC BLACKOUT
🇺🇲3/7-3/14/2025 BOYCOTT Amazon WEEK
🇺🇲3/14/2025 NATIONAL STRIKE No work 24 Hours
Not seriously thinking it, but I keep coming back to the idea.
I’m so sick of hearing about inflation, gas prices, egg prices, lack of eggs, blah blah!
A private citizen is hacking into our information and the GOP are allowing it.
No? No?
Now, I believe I can get the job I am not going to get, because I am not qualified. Nor the laborious job I feel I am too good for.
Higher prices you say…no Trump said prices will decrease.