I would rather the party focusing on the healthcare for those that are trans rather than participating in a sporting event. Could we all agree that it is more important to provide the medical care for trans? Cause where we are, that is at risk in red states with their anti-trans bills.
His position really is ridiculous and anti-LGBT. It's also a massive waste of time and resources. There are so few trans athletes that this non-issue only exists as a rallying cry for trans hate.
This is a sticky wicket, but Newsom is a pragmatist, and this probably not the hill to die on while we're trying to extricate ourselves from living under a dictatorship.
If we start choosing groups of people, defined by who they are, to throw under the bus for political expediency, then we're no longer people who care about important things, like human rights.
It's not the Republicans, it's the independents he is speaking to and you might be surprised that many democrats hold the same view as Newsom. Just look at the responses in this thread.
Very few people are trans, so I guess it's ok- I mean, as long as he gets more votes! It's silly to stand up for a vulnerable, tiny minority, because THEY certainly won't win him an election. They don't really matter.
And I’m not trans phobic. It was a big part of why we lost in 2024. The issue needs to be taken out of the spotlight and this is the only way to do that
I think he’s drawing a line in the sand. It’s mainly a republican distraction, however in this case Newsom has the majority opinion. He’s not saying no LQTBQ. Just a limit.
One cannot be pro woman and pro trans when it comes to sports. It’s clearly not fair to women.
DISTRACTION. In the grand scheme of things, does this really freaking matter? The democracy is collapsing and so is the world’s biosphere. And we’re worried about whether somebody might have an advantage in some athletic event because there may be a trans individual competing competing? Wow. WTF?
If you live in CA, submit comments! Mine was: “I am beyond disappointed in the Gov. for aligning w the far right and further oppressing minority voices in his new podcast. I withdraw any future support as a CA voter”. He only cares about votes, not people.
Most lefties agree with him. Girls and women in sports agree with him. Many clamoring social media voices likely also agree with him, but not out loud. Girls and women have fought too long, to now be disadvantaged in their own sports by male biology.
men are significantly more likely to hold your stance than women are, because the underlying logic is misogyny, even if it presents itself as "benevolent misogyny"
Yeah, how about we not focus on this and focus on the FUCKING COUP THAT IS HAPPENING BECAUSE OF AN ORANGE NAZI, GAVIN! For fuck sake, I hate all these fucking morons.
Yeah this is a dumb hill to die on. We can respect them and welcome them into the community while also acknowledging an unfair physical advantage. There’s a reason we divided sports into male and female to begin with.
I think many people forget that there are sports where genders compete against each other-equestrian sports come to mind. Trust me-the horse doesn’t do all the work.
Women have rights, too. It is unfair to allow trans athletes to compete against them, even if the numbers are few. This is not discrimination against trans women; it is a tough reality. Yours is a performative gesture of self-appointed culture policing every bit as execrable as that by MAGA.
but: I man has 20% more muscle & 20% higher bone density then a female
That's why Andy Kaufman won all his mud wrestling matches.
That is why I run, or cover up, when my GF loses it and comes after me... I'm not afraid I'll get hurt...
I truly support every trans womens right to self identify. But understand gender is not synominus with sex. This isn't apples to apples like race usually (but not always) is. Trans women and cis women have substative differences(ex sports) where equal protection requires different treatment.
Whenever this question comes up I have a standard question that no one ever answers. The question is to understand the issue from as many perspectives as possible.
How many transmen participate in men's sports?
I ask this because they seem to only discuss transgender women in women's sports.
Newsom and many in this comment section don't know how this works. Trans women have no more testosterone than other women athletes. When transitioning, hormones are taken and the field is quite level. Also, this issue affects so few that this is used as an entry to prejudice and judgment.
It is obvious for anyone that a testosterone-soaked
former-dude body is and will always have an unfair advantage over women body.
Nobody has to have an atom of hate toward trans to know that.
If THAT is your fighting horse you will LOSE and civil rights will pay a far worse price than that trans.
This question constantly gnaws at me: Why is this issue only framed around trans women participating in women’s sports and no mention or argument for trans men participating in men’s sports? 🤔
.95% of the US population/out of 510,000 athletes at the collegiate level, there are fewer than 10 who publicly identify as trans. WTF do Dems spend anytime talking about it as if we are going to die on the sword talking about anything make it universal health care. Y'all feed into GOP narratives..
Enough! Is this really the hill dems are going to die on? Just stop buying into the trans rhetoric the GOP is banking on and start talking about the economy and social security.
I must disagree with your opinion.
I was born intersex. So I have personal experience with the effects hormones have on muscle mass. It takes more than a few years to reduce muscle mass. But once it does, there's no muscular advantage.
My wife opens the pickle jars that frustrate my attempts.
Not after being on hormones and surgery over time. But you aren't looking at the real data and intent of this shit. Besides. Let elite sport governing bodies hash out the details. 500K pro and elite college athletes. 10 are trans and most are female to male.
ReallyThere is not much info in the general mainstream. People have shared and provided good information. More information needs to be put out.Yes it’s there if you search I do support their right to not be discriminated against and to live their lives. It’s a hard life filled with tough decisions.
I was a swimmer. If you haven’t gotten up at 430 am to go to a cold pool day in and day out to shave off a second you really dont get it college scholarships for female athletes are few and far between. If a male transitions after puberty the testosterone worked its magic. It’s an issue of fairness
That’s ok. It isn’t an all or nothing issue. It’s so hard for the people who make these decisions and transition. They do need understanding. I will leave the sports issue to those involved in decision making and the athletes.
Pcos causes naturally high testerone. And this supposedly is about trans women. So why not look at trans men then...oh right cause it's just about trans women...poet f**king bs
Are you a doctor?most transgender children are on puberty blockers and hormones supporting their correct gender so their body composition doesn’t give them a disadvantage. Testosterone levels are measured.
They’ve twisted your mind with lies about 5 girls across the US in grades K-12!
so if you were a sports commissioner, your position would be to means-test transgender athletes on how early & vigorous their intervention was? You can be a trans athlete iff you can substantiate your hormone levels since 10 years old within acceptable range?
You know what? Instead of an attitude an attempt insult …why not just try to educate. When you do this you turn people off who want to learn. the facts
have you met a trans woman. you spout this shit like you know, but you don't. get educated. challenge yourself. how many trans athletes do you think there are? how many groups of people are prepared to deny rights. the answer better be fucking none or you are off the life boat
Yes I have. Several. Don’t make assumptions. Some were the mothers of my students and of my patients. I had 2 students trying to process their life changes.
well then so beautiful of you to stand up for them and super fucking fantastic of you to treat them as lesser citizens with lesser rights. and you know then since your so knowledgeable, that there isn't an issue in sports on any level or age that trans girls or trans women are outcompeting anyone.
Which is wild because I’m progressive and I’ve never thought it was okay for a person who went thru puberty as a male should be allowed to compete with people who went thru puberty as a female. It’s absurd and extremely dangerous is in some cases. That doesn’t make me not progressive.
Ok. There are plenty that call themselves progressive that think it's perfectly ok for mtf to participate in women's sports.
Haven't heard much about ftm sports. I'm sure it's the same problem.
Fake Democrats especially Progressives are Intentionally running off potential new voters!
Half the Democrats r Fake Democrats paid by Republicans to sabotage us from within! They are paid with houses!
Do property cks.
Republicans have created a covert one party system for 100 yrs! RICO case!
And…The more sinister part enables the opportunity for institutions to do sexual verification which involves visual. This is highly disturbing and paves the way more towards sexual abuse of female athletes by coaches, adults, teachers, etc. all to prove your gender. Do freaking better.
We still are quite sexist when it comes to sports and understanding the human body. This Medium article highlights research that indicates it may be better to compete against those who are in the same height and weight class as you. Darn nuances 😉
If females have to take a medical exam, then don’t play for the school. And it isn’t that I don’t want female teams. I just don’t think trans women should play with biological women.
I think the big news here is that he chose to marginalize a certain group to win favor with another group. It feels very intentional and It’s just icky.
Unless you have kids playing sports at a competitive level you won’t understand how crazy parents are and how they will lose their minds if they feel (rightly or wrongly) that another kid has an unfair competitive advantage.
Not saying it’s right but the backlash is understandable.
That line of reasoning is pure insanity. Parents need to get the fuck over themselves and stop turning into creeps over children’s sports teams that should be treated as a team building/health experience not a desperate need to turn them into a cash cow. absolutely psycho behavior.
The Dems are all over the place & it is a complete joke but nobody is in the mood for laughing.
We need unity in order to fight for democracy. We need a solid, actionable plan with everybody on board & that will deliver results.
Reminder: Hitler dismantled Germany's democracy
in 53 days.
Some of these comments are beyond fucking lame. Here we are debating the 10 transwomen who may be playing collegiate sport? Many of you sound like the same assholes who stated “I don’t hate gay people but they are going to ruin marriage”.
On the podcast he brings up the point that this group of athletes is very small. I agree with him that strategically, this isn’t the hill to die on & at the same time believe that trans kids can have a place in organized sports. It should be handled by the schools, not the govt.
Do I believe trans people, as well as the rest of the LGBTQ+ community deserve kindness, empathy, & human rights, according to their life & situation? Absolutely.
BUT, I also think there is some logic to what Newsom is saying, with no disrespect to my fellow humans who happen to be trans (cont.)
I think the moral to take from this is how important it is to sift through battles & choose them wisely, even for those of us who will absolutely fight someone to defend the human rights of people of all colors & from all walks of life.
This is so stupid and absolutely not worth all the effort to exclude these people. The number of trans athletes is at best minuscule as is their records of success in their chosen sports. Newsom should be ashamed that he was gullible enough to take this bait.
Let’s discuss the real issue. He is running for president without saying he is running. Do we want him as our next Democratic president. Or can he win?
Wow! There is a ton of misinformation in these reply posts. Misinformation about trans people. And misinformation about how/when trans athletes were allowed to join and compete in sports programs. 😢
I am disgusted by a governor of a blue state weighing in, but I do like that he points out Harris did not fire back concerning attack ads. Now, let us Cali folks convince her to run for governor and use what he pointed out.
In his rush to cuddle up w/ the repulsive Charlie Kirk, Newsome eagerly agreed to banning books. Sure, porn doesn't belong in kids' classrooms but that is resolved by restricting access not by banning books. Then they talked about whether the Bible was pornographic. 💤
I don't disagree with him however this is not a priority issue. It is a distraction designed to get people worked up about something and fail to notice the hundred other things being done every day by this administration to undermine and tear apart our democracy.
This is rich vs poor and unless you're a millionaire/billionaire us poor and middle class need to stand together against the oligarchs before they take everything from us.
The problem is not Democrats supporting trans rights (as well as other issues) but doing it without any conviction. If you always stand for nothing and shift your positions when defending - you'll lose. Throwing trans community under the bus will not win you any votes but will lose some for sure.
WITH NEWSOM. That being said we have to win elections to give trans and all others the best chances. DEMS have to understand what most of America wants and America does not want trans individual competing with girls.
I am a Democrat and I too agree with Gavin. Men transitioning to women have an unfair advantage. They need to create a separate category for trans athletes.
Sports bodies should be left to make their own decisions on these matters. They are closest to the issues and thus the best informed about their impact on their respective sports.
if trans people want to participate.. start a trans league.. I am for Equal Rights For All, but this has never made any sense.. why would a trans guy want to compete with only females.. it is cheating
I think it matters to the 6 women who get cut from a team. Women’s teams don’t get equitable funding and all likely to be cut in the future. Do, the point might be moot.
It’s interesting how we never hear about trans men joining men’s teams
Because it affects a small group of people, as Dems, let's not make huge politically charged decisions to "ban" them from anything.
If a local team bans a person, the case needs to go through the courts, argue the case, present the science, but protect their rights throughout the process.
Most democrats agree with Newsome, and I assume nearly all independents do. They should not be playing on the women's teams. They can compete against the men.
Yeah, it’s still a ridiculous thing to pearl clutch about because it’s a really minuscule “problem” but it’s not worth fighting for in this political climate.
Us gays got out then civil unions, gay marriage, gay adoption, people went with it. Drag queen reading to kids some people started to be uncomfortable. Trans adults was getting acceptable.
The shit hit the fan with trans kids. That was the bridge too far. And now, we're moving backwards.
If a man wants to imagine he is a woman, that's fine.
But keep men out of women's spaces, women's sports and women's categories.
It's cheating and robbing a woman of her chance.
The BIG controversy of Trans. participating in athletics is, like it or not, just that, a CONTROVERSY, and a losing one for any politician who stands firm supporting the issue at the K-12 and college level.
Annnd he had Charlie Kirk on his podcast so yeah, Dems aren’t learning their lesson about appealing to the center/right. But I never had any plans before on voting for him for Pres in 2028
kicking trans women out of women's sports is not a non-issue, it's reifying cissexism
us states which banned trans women from women's sports quickly went on to creating laws banning trans people from bathrooms based on assigned sex, and removing anti-discrimination protections
"The Olympic record for the men's 100 meter dash is 9.63 seconds, set by Usain Bolt in 2012. The women's record is 10.61 seconds, set by Elaine Thompson-Herah in 2021."
How about we do away with the idea of gendered sports and just have "sports". If you're good enough to be on the team it doesn't matter what you're packing in your pants. Play together for the good of humanity.
Trans rights are not some minor issue, they are just where the right has decided to lay the crosshairs in their never ending hate cabin. It was gay people before trans and black people before gay people. It is THE hill to die on. Either we protect the innocent or we are fucking cowards. Fuck Newsom
What about trans athletes in men's sports?
If a m-f trans person was on puberty blockers, they wouldn't develop the secondary sexual characteristics people claim gives them an unfair advantage.
I am glad he is just being honest. People that were born biological men should not compete in woman's sports. The whole point of woman's sports is for competitive fairness and safety. They should still be respected as humans. No one should be demonized, but responding to this issue is a loser.
Completely disagree. This is the worst hill to die on for Dems (and die we shall). Not even all trans women support this, and frankly it's both hugely unpopular and totally unimportant.
Trans people deserve rights and dignity, but the progressive policies are not guided by science/medicine/sense.
I'm not worried about trans athletes--I care about political strategy, which is how movements make progress with policy.
GOP nitpicked this issue because it's so wildly unpopular, & all the people screaming/cussing in this thread took the bait & helped put a fascist in the WH. This is reality.
Well I didn’t help put the fascist in the WH bc I actually voted for the black lady 😂 it’s unpopular bc the GOP started making it an issue in the first place, no body gave a shit before then
Yeah I completely agree, and you're not screaming/cussing, because you aren't a political terrorist (at least there's one). Thank you for the civil discussion :)
There is not a single female athlete who has not had an experience going up another female that was bigger & stronger.
If naturally occurring hormonal differences result in some women being bigger & stronger, then hormone treatments that trans athletes receive should also be considered 'normal'
If trans ppl want to compete in sports, i encourage them to do so - w ea other. Go for it. Build leagues. Their physical advantages undermine (biological) women’s sports. Fair competition is damaged. As a lifelong Progressive🌈 I support Gavin Newsom’s position.
It's not progress if former male anatomy & physiology keeps estrogen based biology from participating (safety) & achieving. It is precisely what women have been fighting against for 1000 years in Patriarchal dominating socialization. Progress is having their own chemistry domain
Democrats lose elections on this issue.
Transgenders should have equal civil rights, and governing sports federations set the regulations for participation, recognizing physical disadvantages.
Gavin Newsom's taking the right approach.
Your movement has almost single-handedly landed us in our current hellscape of authoritarianism. Fuck off as far as your freak flag will fly you and stay there forever.
Disappointed in Newsom. Democrats are moving to the right to appease a group of voters that won’t vote for them anyways. Having Kirk on is all you need to know.
There needs to be support across the board for LGBTQ.
Lastly why is this even a topic of concern. There are more important topics!
The sex you came out of your mothers womb is the sex of sports you play period. It's the way it has to be to be fair.
Come on now. Do not compliment things.
It frustrates me that Dems continually take the bait on this issue. Sports aren’t civil liberties. Jobs are. Housing is. Healthcare should be. They should be asking GOP why trans people shouldn’t be allowed to have those.
Title 9 prohibitions are based on sex, not gender and like every fundamental right there exceptions such as time place and manner restrictions as well as overlapping protected classes considerations.
Imagine if cis people could understand that trans people should be able to live as their neurotypical sex like everyone else without being discriminated against for playing sports as children.
you know there are huge differences in men's and women bodies right? That's why we have separate sport. Being transgender doesn't suddenly give you the body of a woman and eliminate all that male strength. It simply isn't fair to women to be trounced unfairly in this way.
There’s a huge difference in hormones among men and women too, and people who are transitioning are subject to those hormonal differences. Are we going to measure metrics like muscle mass, bone density, and testosterone or are we just going by innie or outie?
Puberty blockers don’t change someone’s sex, all it does is neuter someone and fuck up their sex life for, well, the rest of their life, it’s a form of mutilation. These people have far bigger issues than competing in sports and deciding which bathroom to use.
They won't say anything about the cis girls who are 7 inches taller than their friends but they will about the trans girls who come 17th in their class races.
But it becomes a problem when that small group of people holds up a larger group from achieving goals that benefit both groups. Trans sports activities shouldn’t be the mountain Dems die on.
He'll be in the primary. No one is going to install someone in the WH without a primary. This actually was him playing politics. He was trying to see what would happen if he went to the right. I think he found out. That won't work.
Whhhaaa? I read the article, it's about fairness, he says. I remember when Billie Jean King beat Bobby Riggs at tennis on national television. Newsom's assuming that women athletes are "weaker" than women who started life in a male body. Ain't necessarily so.
I remember a time in very recent history when “mainstream” democrats kept saying to not support gay marriage because it was losing them elections. It was bs then and trying to throw trans people under the bus is bs now. If you’re for repressing a minority to “win”, you’ve already lost. SMH
He is pandering to the right way too hard for his 2028 run... it's sickening. Between raising the flag for the inauguration to not signing on to the Democratic Governors' Statement in Support of Ukraine and now acting chummy with Kirk and all of this crap... he can bite my ass. 😡
At some point, you've got to pick your battles. IMO, trans athletes in womens sports is a nonissue. It's not common enough to be a roundoff error. But Republicans will continue to hammer the left with this for as long as they can, and it's a winning issue for them.
Here’s an example of how it’s handled in France. I think it’s reasonable. Also transgender rights are recognized & protected here. It’s not really an issue.🇫🇷❤️
“The inclusion of transgender athletes in sports w/in France varies across different sports federations, each establishing its own criteria”
The reality is the human body has dna that can’t be changed with surgery and medication. I’m a progressive Dem. Universal healthcare, paid leave, student loan forgiveness. I also believe in surgery being covered.. what “category “ are you putting me in?
Exactly. Especially when they start ranting about trans-Athletes and we remember that the statistics are double digits even participate nationwide. If there were a widesped problem they would be able to point to a single incident. Even.
Yeah first they want to ban blockers for the kids and then they want to ban the kids from sports it's like "really you just want to close trans kids out of society don't you. "
It is time that progressives realize that there is a deep divide about this particular issue within the party. It is possible to be with him on this issue and not be transphobic.
I feel like I've read different interpretations of his position in the podcast - that being said, I have ZERO interest in listening to a nazi, or adding streams/numbers to any podcast that platforms them - and the fact that he hasn't said a word since to clarify anything speaks volumes.
It's one thing to say that Trans people shouldn't be discriminated against for employment and housing. But an 18 year old male of any orientation can be barred from college sports for using human growth or other hormones. Should they be held to a stricter standard than trans people? I say no.
Sure, let's talk about the less than 1% of population with even a smaller fraction being athletes playing in women's sports, instead of having the rich pay their fair share of taxes
That's your opinion. I sorry you feel the need to condescend, when I'm framing those multiple issues in terms of relevancy for people to see how diabolical it is that anyone is even hung up over it.
I agree w/ you Franklin. It’s one issue of many and we each can take a stance & also must be careful to not infight on issues that just weaken our solidarity. Sad Newsom chose this hill to die on! That was stupid. We must keep our eye on the big picture! See my comment on how France addresses this!
It’s time to buckle down and get back into the conversation. Right now, democrats are irrelevant. We already lost with this strategy and your solution is to double down? Ya, that’ll show em…
? What strategy? You mean where they ran as moderate Republicans after chasing out the proven winners? They didn't run on trans playing sports like you're suggesting. Thats not the strategy they employed, even though it's constantly scapegoated & demonized because it's entertains fools.
You think she ran as "woke" culture warrior trying to push trans excellence? She wasn't even close to Bernie, letalone far left. What part of her platform was even prioritizing the trans minority, letalone pushing for a certain outcome like men in sports.
Good! It’s a loosing debate with a tiny constituency. Dems stance should be let the sport governing bodies decide and get the fuck away from that flaming pile of political liability.
I am so disappointed in the One Governor who stood for everyone and didn’t backdown has had the nerve to toss the Transgender Community under the bus!!! Guess he doesn’t “listen and support people” as he has stated!!! Just disgraceful and I see him now for who he really is!!
Omfg stop with this shit. This is why we lost the fucking election. And I bet anybody that’s in favor of this does not have daughters playing sports in school.
This is the diciest topic of them all when it comes to grouping people into categories. Sports are so obsessed with who is “best”, but it’s antiquated from a time before we understood genetics. Today we realize that athletic performance correlates very strongly to genetic makeup.
So debating where trans athletes belong is entirely misguided. We should be figuring out who to create competitive groups based on performance. Most sports already have this concept, so why not formalize it more broadly?
For example, I’d love to play competitive basketball. But that’s just not going to happen given my short size. Why does that mean there it’s no league where i can play with similarly able people?
Once we give up the obsession with a perceived “best”, and focus on what actually makes sports the most interesting—good competition—all this nonsense about with what group trans athletes should play with goes away. They play wherever they are competitively matched. The end.
Gavin Newsom is widely unpopular even (or especially) amongst his own, Democratic Party. I just hope the Dems have someone else to put front and center if we even manage to HAVE another presidential election, because Newsom is a fake and a fraud.
I wish Dems would stop being baited into binary responses to asshole Republican policies. We can support the rights/dignity of trans Americans, and at the same time state, until studies are done, it’s unfair for a person born and developed as a biological male to compete against women.
Studies HAVE been done and show that not only is there no scientific basis in the claim that trans athletes have an advantage, but in fact, the evidence shows that trans women have a competitive DISADVANTAGE against cis women.
Here’s a quick article from Forbes about some of them, including links to the studies themselves. One study was actually funded by the International Olympic Committee. They have been presented to the NCAA as well and have been brought up in court during these legal battles over sports bans.
I appreciate this. Isn’t this something that governing bodies or sports all over the world could use while they debate this? It could also educate the public.
The public doesn’t want to be educated. Trans activists have been shouting this for years, the studies are shown, but transphobia is deeply ingrained in our society and many people are stuck on their middle-school level understanding of gender and sex.
However, I wonder if old guard Dems play this black & white card to distract from the fact that they seem awfully quiet about addressing the issues their donors don’t want them to address.
They don’t step on allies to rise to the top.
Very few people are trans, so I guess it's ok- I mean, as long as he gets more votes! It's silly to stand up for a vulnerable, tiny minority, because THEY certainly won't win him an election. They don't really matter.
Clever move on his part. He should be very proud.
One cannot be pro woman and pro trans when it comes to sports. It’s clearly not fair to women.
But there is data that men on average are stronger than women.
men are significantly more likely to hold your stance than women are, because the underlying logic is misogyny, even if it presents itself as "benevolent misogyny"
but: I man has 20% more muscle & 20% higher bone density then a female
That's why Andy Kaufman won all his mud wrestling matches.
That is why I run, or cover up, when my GF loses it and comes after me... I'm not afraid I'll get hurt...
Tell me I'm wrong!
How many transmen participate in men's sports?
I ask this because they seem to only discuss transgender women in women's sports.
That's why the left LOSE.
former-dude body is and will always have an unfair advantage over women body.
Nobody has to have an atom of hate toward trans to know that.
If THAT is your fighting horse you will LOSE and civil rights will pay a far worse price than that trans.
You still think there will be fair elections as long as his mob remains in power.
Truth is, since 2016, Democrats should have MASSIVELY won each election against Clownigula and his enabling coward party.
It shouldn't even have been a challenge in any form.
I was born intersex. So I have personal experience with the effects hormones have on muscle mass. It takes more than a few years to reduce muscle mass. But once it does, there's no muscular advantage.
My wife opens the pickle jars that frustrate my attempts.
There are naturally occurring hormonal or genetic differences that make some women bigger & stronger than others.
They’ve twisted your mind with lies about 5 girls across the US in grades K-12!
Haven't heard much about ftm sports. I'm sure it's the same problem.
Half the Democrats r Fake Democrats paid by Republicans to sabotage us from within! They are paid with houses!
Do property cks.
Republicans have created a covert one party system for 100 yrs! RICO case!
There's like 30 total Trans athletes in the states right now.
And…The more sinister part enables the opportunity for institutions to do sexual verification which involves visual. This is highly disturbing and paves the way more towards sexual abuse of female athletes by coaches, adults, teachers, etc. all to prove your gender. Do freaking better.
What they put that Olympic athlete, Khelif through was unacceptable.
It’s that simple — a cheek swab.
It's less than 0.001% of college athletes
and how many of them are trans women ? 0.0005% ?
And yet i'm the one that feels ashamed as a US citizen. How messed up is that?
So very wrong.
Because this is a BAD TRIP, man!
Not saying it’s right but the backlash is understandable.
We need unity in order to fight for democracy. We need a solid, actionable plan with everybody on board & that will deliver results.
Reminder: Hitler dismantled Germany's democracy
in 53 days.
BUT, I also think there is some logic to what Newsom is saying, with no disrespect to my fellow humans who happen to be trans (cont.)
It's OK if things aren't always black & white.
I’m so tired of this jump the gun stuff.
But we have to really use critical thinking here.
regardless. newsom was always a silicon valley puppet. he’s a tech bro opportunist cut from the same cloth as vance.
First, you making a fuss on a .000014% American issue is the problem of reacting to MAGA stupidity.
Second, who cares. Its 6 people that given their path in life face some limitations. Welcome to the fn world.
That does not mean the other MAGA stupidity regarding the transexual community is valid. This is a complex issue with nuance.
It’s interesting how we never hear about trans men joining men’s teams
"Banning" people is just unacceptable.
But saying that if we, on the more caring side of the isle keep getting lost in a fucking leaf, let alone a tree, we are going nowhere!
If a local team bans a person, the case needs to go through the courts, argue the case, present the science, but protect their rights throughout the process.
Jesus, ZOOM OUT.
Physical size is an inherent advantage in sports.
Otherwise do what makes you happy.
Physical differences whether occurring naturally or under the recommended treatments by medical professionals should be acceptable in competition.
The shit hit the fan with trans kids. That was the bridge too far. And now, we're moving backwards.
But keep men out of women's spaces, women's sports and women's categories.
It's cheating and robbing a woman of her chance.
The BIG controversy of Trans. participating in athletics is, like it or not, just that, a CONTROVERSY, and a losing one for any politician who stands firm supporting the issue at the K-12 and college level.
There are so many other issues to focus on that affect millions and potentially billions of people.
We can’t keep circling the wagons tighter and tighter. We have to pick our battles. This one is a loser.
be oppose to trans in women's sports because of the inherent advantage of size and strength.
Be we have to support the community.
The issue of trans playing sports is a "non issue" in the sense that it only applies to a small portion of the total issue.
What is paramount is trans people are treated as just that, people.
us states which banned trans women from women's sports quickly went on to creating laws banning trans people from bathrooms based on assigned sex, and removing anti-discrimination protections
I think success has more to do with training and mental preparation. Either way, I see no reason to exclude women who want to test their mettle.
That's before they start training.
That's a full second.
The man wins the race by about 25ft.
How many men has she beaten?
We have literal natzis dismantling our democracy so 50 kids can play sports. Which they can’t even do now, because Natzis are in power.
We all are constrained by our actions.
I’m with Newsom.
Sports is not a right and physical stature does play a part in the outcome.
I support trans rights in just about every other area I can think of.
If a m-f trans person was on puberty blockers, they wouldn't develop the secondary sexual characteristics people claim gives them an unfair advantage.
Trans people deserve rights and dignity, but the progressive policies are not guided by science/medicine/sense.
GOP nitpicked this issue because it's so wildly unpopular, & all the people screaming/cussing in this thread took the bait & helped put a fascist in the WH. This is reality.
= "it doesn't affect me directly so who cares if others are banned..."
No. If true, why does CA need to *ban* others if it doesn't affect *all* indirectly?
"Most Dems feel this way"
= "It's ok to ban others if most of us agree"
No. You don't speak for me & I don't agree
If naturally occurring hormonal differences result in some women being bigger & stronger, then hormone treatments that trans athletes receive should also be considered 'normal'
Transgenders should have equal civil rights, and governing sports federations set the regulations for participation, recognizing physical disadvantages.
Gavin Newsom's taking the right approach.
There needs to be support across the board for LGBTQ.
Lastly why is this even a topic of concern. There are more important topics!
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the very few.
the line.
I agree with him. 🤷
As a former college athlete it’s not fair for men to compete. They are built that way for a reason.
It’s the only thing I agree with on the Republican side.
Dems need to get off this train and as you said it’s a major reason we lost the election for a common sense issue.
Gavin has read the room.
This hill isn’t the one to die on anymore.
Come on now. Do not compliment things.
I think people should be banned from pressing charges against people who punch them for being racist.
See how that works?
Let’s hope Kim Kardashian runs too. Then we’ll have a real primary /s
“The inclusion of transgender athletes in sports w/in France varies across different sports federations, each establishing its own criteria”
There is zero issue.
I hate tRump, but I’m really tired of the “both sides” of this.
Born a man, became a woman, great! Playing sports against cis athletes,as a trans, just doesn’t feel legit, to a LOT of socially proper thinking folk
I get that trans people are targets, but the continual telling me how to feel about anything, is beyond tiresome: it is aggravating
(It’s them, it is not the media…)
Anyway, take care 👋