POOF! Tim Parlatore is now a Navy Commander! No need to take any tests or earn it or anything. What a slap in the face to actual Commanders.
Reposted from
JJ in DC
Hegseth just made Trump lawyer Tim Parlatore a Navy Commander so he can gut the JAG Corps and do more war crimes.
And I never thought of thinking for myself at all.
I thought so little, they rewarded me
By making me the Ruler of the Queen's Navee!
Hms pinafore
As office boy to an Attorney's firm.
I cleaned the windows and I swept the floor,
And I polished up the handle of the big front door.
I polished up that handle so carefullee
That now I am the Ruler of the Trump's Navee!
#Elon #Musk #Trump #Vance #Thiel #Bonging #Kash #Johnson
Peter #Thiel #FoundersFund gave $15 mil #Masters #Vance
C’mon IMPLOSION do your thing!
The USA 🇺🇸 is the bad guy.
Just a continuation of making the military thugs led by thugs,to okay unnecessary violence,and to be prepared to open fire on American citizens.
However, this is blatantly corrupt and meant to install loyalists within JAG
"His Military"
Hegseth could not say no when asked if ordered by Trump would he allow military to shoot a protester in the leg.
In front of congress he could not say no.
They work for twenty years to be commander
We need leaders for war.
The Republican party is dominated by Russian Spies now who surrendered America for election interference that helped them win their election.
He only read the BULLSHIT that was HANDED to him.
EVEN THEN they were 1 or 2 syllable words because he is a DRUNKIN MORON!
Very handsome
You have to dot your fucking I s and cross every t
I had to talk to them BEFORE I charged someone. Often I would get brass (LT and up) snorting coke and coming up positive. The UCMJ is not regular law.
Every day the foundation of democracy are being weakened and the majority of the country is still standing by waiting to see how far it could go.
People don’t realize that there is no way back once you’re in it.
How dare he risk their lives for his greed and corruption?
He's spinning in his grave!
Resist Revolution Replace or it is terminal…
Tell 'em "boogity boogity boo". They'll know what it means.
Buckle up.
What’s going to happen when this man (or Trump) gives an order, and his troops don’t respect him enough to comply and lay down their lives?
Mediocre, cruel little men surrounding themselves with other mediocre, cruel little men.
he picks now to retire? Are he & Mike ambassadors to 🇷🇺 Russia?