On a scale from 1 to “The fury of the burning fire of a thousand suns,” how mad do you think Judge Boasberg will be at Trump and Rubio laughing about defying his court order?
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So, what can he do with this anger?
Can he freeze assets?
Can he have someone physically restrain or imprison anyone of note?
Arrest the pilots of the planes that did not turn back?
I don't know Judge Boasberg, but I give her 48 hours to hold someone in Contempt of Court and mete out a penalty. If she doesn't do it by COB Tuesday, I'll say she's not serious.
If Marshalls went rogue - very possible right now - that's also got to be a broken law, no? And then go after that too. I'm just trying to understand. I sure hope folks have learned they gotta hold everyone accountable every time. Fully. no time for "let's see".
"On May 4th, 1970 the United States National Guard, Ohio division, shot 4 students on their way to classes, dead. Nobody has ever been held accountable in the years since. Doesn't that single event define us? 🤔"
About a 2. How many times have you heard a judge say "There is no lying in my court"? That doesn't refer to whether or not anyone's actually lying other than the judge
I'm waiting for someone to get held in contempt and sentenced to jail time. Then the real constitutional crisis will happen. Unless the judges see that and decide to let them do what they want like Congress is.
Spineless Marco prolly had a no-win situation. Refuse Orange Dumpsterfire's and he'd have to go underground from the MAGA domestic terrorists. Or accept the gig and hope he won't go insane. Too late, he already was a crazy mufukker with his ideas about economics and good governance.
I hope that Americans wake up, fully, to what is happening and that we all will need to participate in stopping all this. And to know it will take time.
Also, just for kicks, if your family member had an appt with the dr can you sue for damages if they are harmed by their inability to access medical care? Asking for 1000 nephrology patients…
Mad enough to both declare them in contempt, file a complaint requesting she and her staff are disbarred, and just for good measure, file a complaint with the Florida bar association for dear old Marco Rubio.
What happened to those NRA folks who said their high powered gun arsenals were to protect Americans from a rogue government. Could we please find out their definition of "rogue" as they are very, very quiet all of a sudden. No action means gun bans are valid now.
You are awesome but this judge’s emotional reaction is completely irrelevant. Let’s talk about how we are going to deal with and survive an executive branch that has gone lawless and authoritarian as we speak. I’m feeling way too helpless here to focus on a judge’s feelings.
I'd think the judge would be pissed but what is the best-case outcome in holding them accountable? It seems like there are no laws or rules or guidelines or repercussions or anything at all anymore. Legit question. Not trying to troll. What are the legit options for forcing compliance?
I would really, really like to see the Judge hold them accountable. In front of the entire nation and world. We also need to amend the Constitution to allow a sitting president to go to jail if the situation warrants it.
This is not an issue that Democrats in Congress have any control over. So yeah, they could make statements on this and every one of 1,000 other outrages every hour. But how about keeping the blame-spotlight on the actual culprits?
Literally time to March on Washington. I want these motherfuckers to be terrified. Where are Liberal hackers and millionaire/billionaires? Where are our armed Democrats? We exist. Enough.
The thing that matters is what he will do about it, & whether that has any consequences. If not then the US is a lawless state for some ppl, while others will simply be deported, & that looks like it could be anyone.
If I read the axios article correctly White House lawyers advised the administration to defy the court order. Can Boasberg bring them in for a contempt hearing and refer them to the Bar?
I guess tomorrow morning SCOTUS employees will be greeted by a video of CJ Roberts licking Trump's feet as we have officially become the United States of Article II on Roberts' watch
Should be pissed as hell - and then some.
Unfortunately, with SCOTUS deciding he has full immunity as POTUS, the court's hands are tied.
Rubio, though... 😏
They all are in deep shit. From what we know of Judge Boasberg, the Felon in Chief’s and his bumbling bloviating blowhard bullies picked the wrong federal judge to f#&k with this time.
5 or 6 right now. He's probably going to order DOJ counsel to appear sometime in the next couple days, and there's definitely potential for him rapidly going much, much higher, depending on what they say when (if) they show up.
That's right 👍 so if the judiciary wants to continue to exercise any authority they need to hold someone accountable. Then see how funny it is when someone throws the cuffs on them, aaay Marco.
Depends on whether US judiciary have the cojones of their Italian counterparts who took apart organised crime.
Each time a judge was murdered, another stepped into heir shoes to continue the work.
We will see., but I don't have high hopes.
Even damn Hitler was smart enough not to attack every branch at the same time and never the industrialist or the military. They’re overplaying their hands.
Not so sure, Hitler had key industrialists on board. As for the military, I suspect they will just sit on their hands, as the key players at the top are comfy.
Over playings ones hand only applies if one is playing to an agreed set of rules that all adhere to. Reduction of social services, weaken public institutions are a key characteristic of a coup. The speed of the decline may vary. Peru and Belarus come to mind.
Judges may have the power to appoint another party to arrest, but once an administration openly defies the judiciary is not law in it self a mute point, then as you said at that point is anyone safe.
No welcome to a potential totalitarian dictatorship. There are more examples out there other than Russia. Better to keep a broader perspective as how thing could develop.
Russia is a decent model though. Land empire built on disposing and destroying original inhabitants, oligarch led (this has been the case since 19th C).
We will see, certainly these are 'interesting times' we could have done without given we are decades behind on global warming...
One of these Judges will have to cross the bridge to order contempt and then take the steps to enforce it. Trump is making Judges face this. I am praying for a judge to do it!
There will be American troops deployed on American streets, and it will happen this year. This is an Authoritarian dismantling of Democracy. Now is the time to act!
He will cower to DOJ attorney’s explanation and do nothing. Trump wants martial law so he doesn’t have to pay attention to the courts. He’s “practicing”.
As an American I am enraged that DJT has picked a fight with Canada. Canada!?!?! I love and have a ton of respect for Canada and appreciate the (previously) strong friendship between our countries. I'm stunned and embarrassed about how DJT has ruined that. 🤬 sorry about this mess.
Thank you! It hurts, for a lot of reasons. We realize this isn't all Americans. The bond between our nations goes beyond friendship. We share family, language, culture, and a love for freedom. We've died on the battlefield side by side. This crisis is MANUFACTURED. Love to all our Americans friends.
I'm pissed S4B Donnie is going to start WW3 by invading Canada. Canada is my first relocation destination when the shit hits the fan here. I'm already feeling some droplets. Maybe I shouldn't worry, can't escape the nuke fallout, can't escape the nuke winter. I'll just go kill a MAGA for Jesus then.
I used to think opinions from the likes of Peter Theil were just talk. It's becoming VERY clear that this is no joke. The billionaire's plan to kill democracy has become SHOCKINGLY real.
The American reaction to injustices is to sit back & tolerate. It's why Americans are content not to have universal healthcare, paid family leave, U pre-k, school meals, subsidized child/elder care and every other basic work/life benefit that taxpayers provide to DoD employees, but they don't get.
But WHAT can be done now? The "gang" members are now in another country (probably in prison). SCOTUS said Trump is untouchable..... sooooo..... now what?
Definitely 1000 burning suns. He needs to unleash on the attorneys. If we start holding the attorneys responsible for their bullshit pleadings things will change. He needs to hold the defense in contempt.
I hope to god she actually does something to punish him. I have lost faith that any branch of this government will do anything to punish these rat bastards!
If the judge deems it tomorrow. Then that judge just sits on it? Nope, that judge can hold him in contempt, then appeal can go to SCOTUS. Then the final parts will play out
How many constitutional crises do we need? He's already usurped Congressional powers and violated many people's Constitutional rights. Plus that whole Jan 6 thing.
He wreaks havoc, but none of these are constitutional crisis. Yet.
It's up to the courts to determine whether he has usurped congressional powers. When the courts rule and the executive branch disobey, that's when the constitution offers no solution.
Assuming the US Marshal Service is basically a paper tiger , I can think of maybe about 60 million american
voters who would be honored to be deputized.
The fury of the burning fir of a thousand suns.
The executive branch has exceeded any and all parameters.
They ignore the Legislative and Judicial branches of the United States. Which is exactly what a dictator, king, emperor, and tyrant would do.
Why aren't we talking about how they will actually enforce these orders? Why is everyone acting like Susan Collins thinking he's learned his lesson? He has learned a lesson... The lesson is no one will stop him.
I'm going to guess he'll write a stern letter and the buck will be passed to the Supreme Court who will rule the AEA gives him authority and no law was violated
There will be no political will to go after those who broke the TRO and acted in contempt because of this, so they face no consequences
I mean I very much hope so, but they literally just ignored a judge witness subpoena earlier this week entirely and said "we don't think you actually need to talk to the person you ordered to come here so he's not coming" and nothing happened.
Can he freeze assets?
Can he have someone physically restrain or imprison anyone of note?
Arrest the pilots of the planes that did not turn back?
I know, they still will...
What matters is how can he punish or sanction Trump/Rubio for defying his orders.
If he can’t … then there is nothing left but to take it to the streets.
cause we sure are!
No one came at all.
They were too busy watchin' those old raindrops fall."
Blues Image, 1970.
Steppenwolf 1970
Izzie Zenning.
More than the billions of pathetic pieces of paper they think chasing into the abyss is worth it.
Lock them up!
After all, they are above the law.
Sir, that would be 'never'.
march into the White House and arrest him?
Unfortunately, with SCOTUS deciding he has full immunity as POTUS, the court's hands are tied.
Rubio, though... 😏
But most probably won't. 🤨
Will he do anything? Or will be follow the seemingly popular judicial motto of: "We can't do much to a sitting president"
...I know which way I think it'll go...
He's finished. He was finished the day he took the job. And his body language says he knows it.
Good luck with that!!!
Nothing will happen unless people are starving.
Looks shaky.
Then Trump will ignore it. Again.
Then pardon anyone who follows his orders.
Each time a judge was murdered, another stepped into heir shoes to continue the work.
We will see., but I don't have high hopes.
We will see, certainly these are 'interesting times' we could have done without given we are decades behind on global warming...
JD will be so jealous.
@schumer.senate.gov will just roll over and play passive.
Who has the power and will to actually hold the Executive accountable?
I am also very embarrassed. 🫣
This is all constitutional so far 🤞😬🤞
Whether or not a law is broken, is determined by the courts. If the courts don't object, the constitutional order holds.
It's when the court makes a ruling that the executive branch doesn't follow, that the constitution offers so solution => A constitutional crisis.
It's up to the courts to determine whether he has usurped congressional powers. When the courts rule and the executive branch disobey, that's when the constitution offers no solution.
voters who would be honored to be deputized.
The executive branch has exceeded any and all parameters.
They ignore the Legislative and Judicial branches of the United States. Which is exactly what a dictator, king, emperor, and tyrant would do.
There will be no political will to go after those who broke the TRO and acted in contempt because of this, so they face no consequences
Rules have apparently changed.
Create a posse