Just an FYI Darrell Issa doesn’t even live in that district – he lives in Rancho Santa Fe, which is a completely different district than that one – he may bought a house out there, but he doesn’t live in it. He changed district because he lost in the one he was in and he knew we could never win
They have to stop doing that…changing districts just to win. What’s the reason they want to win so badly? Payoffs. They all get rich in gov doin nothing for the people.
Yes, it's a ruby red district but is the crowd ruby red? I've asked many who've attended the empty th's if there are actual Republican constituents there and have not received an answer. Obviously this is an interest piquer! Hope you let us know, thank you!
Right. I just would love to hear some confirmation on that. Do R's care enough to make their own statements? @muellershewrote.bsky.social, c'mon, please.
I am his constituent and am at the town hall. I am an independent voter that did not vote for Mr. Issa. Not everyone in my district is a Republican. So yes? His constituents are here. What are you even arguing??
Thank you. I've joined Indivisible and see that it was organized by them. I'm just hoping that Republican voters begin to show up and get angry. Maga is still holding on, strong, and seems dementedly ok with what's happening.
Oh I don't believe that shit at all! Glad to hear that there are those who voted for Trump and his House and Senate who are open to seeing the light and getting angry.
Watch for and report when you start seeing independent moderates, and even moderate Republicans opposed to Trump and his administration (regime), showing up and identifying openly. Be sure that they are WELCOMED, because we need everyone to rid us of this coup.
We all believe in the Constitution.
Yes but at the one I attended invited the Rep. She actually sent 2 staffers to attend. Our speakers spoke to her explaining the impact of her ignoring her duty to check the power of the president. The staffers were young men who apparently had not hearts since they seemed unmoved by stories
They certainly had the DOGE Bro look.
One woman was speaking about how the cut in Medicaid will impact son w/MS. The audience started yelling at the young guy who was on his phone. People were furious & told him to pay attention.
This same dude was hanging w/us when we were protesting at her office
As a Dem in his former district (CA49) I’m here to say we did it once and can do it again. It started out exactly like this, town halls where he showed and then stopped showing. This photo is from 2015. It can be done. His current district is redder, but he’s already running scared.
I am just noticing how many gray hairs are taking to the streets and the town halls but fox news would have you believe that they are paid protesters of fraudsters (this is exactly what Trump's cronies have said).
Here’s an idea. Someone come up with a way to mail fake plane tickets home to all the members of Congress avoiding their constituents. Sounds fun, no? Not tech-savvy enough to do it myself. Anyone wanna take this up?
Yeah, really. And the rallies that get thousands, it's just not enough. It indicates the Americans aren't rising to the level their European counterparts are at.
This is a red territory, and this turnout is amazing. Europeans have been doing this for decades. Give us a minute for all of the others to realize what they have lost, and every march and rally will be bigger. This turnout would not have been possible even 4 wks ago. This is progress!!
And I think as older Americans, we need to remind this country of every veteran that died needlessly in that war, and what is about to happen again for a POS!!
Which all these big crowds are suspect....If they are mostly Dems and no disgruntled Republicans, than the GOP will keep these districts. Johnson was just re-elected so why should he care?
Who said “ you cannot reason with a Tiger..when your head is in its mouth ?“… well anyway… looks like a fashionable fight .. it’s drawn the finest people
Well, Elon did promise to pay people to vote for Trump, so I guess it is inconceivable to them that people may have actual principles that bring them out where no money exchanges hands.
This is why they will be sending the military into our streets by the summer and are very VERY busy right now identifying the KKKristofascists in the military who will gleefully serve as leadership and protestor-shooters for the deployments.
I'm so confused! Why is this happening? It's almost like...people expect their congressmen to meet with them or listen to them and...represent them? What a concept! We should have thought of something like this sooner!🤔
Yes and 85% of them voted for what they got. Christ why is this so great that these fucks that voted for what they got is big fucking news. It’s not. Until they get out and rebel and vote for their own self interest THAT WOULD BE NEWS. This is oh shit we fucked up.
Ok I’m going to take this 2 ways.
They were overwhelmingly Democrat in a district that is 67% red and are resisting OR
They are red voters that are sick sad & sorry for their choice.
I’m sure there is a middle but I doubt that matters.
I believe Issa is still the wealthiest member of Congress.
Given his background as an auto thief, he went into the auto alarm business (after pleading to some gun charges). Really made it big after burning down that company (while all files were saved!), using the insurance to bootstrap a new one
If someone old travel to each of the 435 districts multiple times before the next election, & have real honest solutions about how we can be the shining light of the world, they would be president. That’s because the GOP is not going to their own town halls. People want someone to talk to.
I believe that’s what him and AOC are doing. I hope that’s what they all do. The reason why, is Democrats have been absolutely fucking horrible at getting their message out to people in front of them. The GOP straight up does not do it anymore. This is a time to fill the vacuum with the truth.
Good to know. Lol. There’s no tonality or inflection in text. I hope we can get the message out to stop further violence.
Thomas crooks, Ryan Route, & Luigi Mangione are (R) with no training. 65% of vets voted for him, been hardened by 3 decades of war & professionally trained to kill.
it is fun though to see you aren't alone but make sure to find a way to engage the people who showed up after the event. Otherwise we run the risk of performative political theater.
This right here is SO important. These are your fellow community members! Now is the time to find common ground and help each other. Stronger together. 💪
So a bunch of Trump supporters now want to bitch and moan that THEY have to suffer the consequences that thought would only befall the others they hate? Bravo. Let them choke on the shit sandwich they made.
If you’re going to a Darryl Issa town hall be sure to lock your car. He made his millions by stealing cars then telling people how to avoid getting their car stolen.
They didn't pay him as much as Mexican drug cartels to save Arizona straw-buyer gun laws. The presence of American made guns in cartel hands is a Captialist victory for him. Unless you have Mexican drug cartel money, don't waste his time.
Good question. I remember when Google was shiny and new in the mid-90s and their mission statement was “Don’t be evil.” Why does immense wealth always turn people to the dark side?
Google used to be good. Although, now they're more about using your data for money, trend, and ads. Now, Musk would probably use it more so to incriminate people - this administration is odd.
Americans, despite their favorite colors, know that this regime is all wrong. This is beginning to look like a real movement. There really is strength in numbers folks.
To many town hall empty seats!
1 time is coincedance
2 times is a pattern
3 times is a SYSTEM!
They r informed not to show up of course by exactly the force we r trying to wipe out. The 1%,the few,they/them!
Cause no debate, means no progress what so ever. And favors their outcome!
When I make an appointment at a set date for work, And I don't show up unannounced? I might get away with it 1 time, but the damage is already done. I made many people sit there for nothing. I could have called in advance and cancle the meeting?
Where is RED?
Where is red for the counter demonstrations. Where is red to fill all the chairs? where is the voice of RED people?
Why an empty chair in also these town hall meetings? one after the other. They simply don't come? isn't this obstruction of their work they r supposed to do?
#Centrists care sooo much about winning over #Republican voters and care sooo little about losing the #anticorporate wing of their own 🔵 party.
Heading towards 2016 again unless #FelonRapistTraitorTrumo invokes the #InsurrectionAct on 4/20 or #SSA misses a payment. 🔥Elections won't matter then.
We're working on it! I'm part of a grassroots effort that gets together every Weds to protest in front of Young Kim's office in Mission Viejo. There are 3 getting set to primary in 2026. My friend, Joe Kerr, was raked by Kim with horrid commercials last year full of lies. The DCCC needs to step up
His district includes CampmPendelton Marine Base. While the military usually go for Republicans, I have heard these marines are upset about what is happening at the VA Hospitals.
Thanks, I didn't know that. I moved out of SoCal and have not kept up with congressional districts. But, I do know the Marines are very unhappy with cuts in VA.
Republicans are up to something. They are going to lose all seats due to this pathetic behavior. Then when Dems take over the entire government they will cry fraud and Democracy will collapse. This effing stinks to high-heaven!!
Yeahhh, but didn't the Golden Calf go on a rant claiming the protesters at these town halls are paid agents of the democrats, professional troublemakers, etc...of course I haven't heard a whole lot from the democrats, so the Golden Calf gets to shape the narrative that people will come to believe...
This should be interesting. People in his district held a rally to challenge Issa as to why he wouldn’t hold a town hall. The part of my county that he represents is one of the red dots in my blue state. Can’t wait to see the video. He may be in for a surprise…
So as a follow up, Rep Darrell Issa from San Diego was a no show at his town hall. AND, he has apparently decided not to run for reelection when his term is over. That’s good news. Another opportunity to flip a seat.
If Felon 47’s weaponization of the justice department against attorneys is a crisis worthy of SCOTUS intervention. He is trying to deny Americans from legal representation & intimidate attorneys so they won’t accept cases. All bar associations should come out strongly against this & petition Scotus.
That’s amazing! These Republicans have no trouble spewing lies on these platforms, but when it comes to facing their constituents they hide. 😂
Good god, how pathetic.
Ok...but how many of them are Republicans? Is this just a crowd of impassioned Democrats who live in a ruby red district? Because I can probably find enough to fill a room with, and I can guarantee they voted in 2024 as well.
I want to be hopeful but as a millennial I'm used to being burned.
My sentiments exactly. I fear most republicans are at home glued to Fox News that’s telling them the USA is not on fire and democracy is just fine because Jesus Trump is going to save them all. People in cults tend to not venture outside their cult.
These empty chair Town Halls are brilliant. I am so hopeful that we will turn all this around. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the 🍊🤡 and his entourage are not honorable or ethical. As their pockets are lined with gold, our refrigerators have less and less food.
Yes, I thought it was Iowa. But it's clearly not blue enough if they keep Issa in power.
There's cause for concern in NY, CA, of the states flipping red like PA, MI, WI did. The rural areas are united and they show up to vote. These people must be reached if there's any hope of turning this around.
….but did ALL these swing states really flip red? It seems questionable. We won’t ever really know what people want until we do either rank choice voting or abolish the electoral college and make voting safe BUT easy on the average working American.
Exatraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I believe peo.ple sat home. 80M+ voted for Biden in 2020. So many of them sat at home. This matches my own anecdotal experience. I was screaming at the top of my lungs what a threat we faced and was met with meh.
These get togethers are impressive.And fine, and dandy like the Bernie & AOC get togethers. i understand it's to get Dem votes in future elections. Like November this year, and next? But what is changing NOW. I can't even imagine the destruction Tramp will do just in the NEXT month. We need action.
I think the real question here is when given a chance will these people vote blue? Does anyone ask them if they are unhappy with what their representative is doing or are they gonna change or is this the same old red state the bitch and moon and then vote in the same peopleis anyone asking?
EXACTLY! Mostly Dems in Red districts means squat in terms of any election. Why should a GOP creep turn up if most are Democrats if you know that Republicans will fall in line? I want to know if any "normal" Republicans are there, or any MAGRATS. Harris drew crowds, too....
He doesn't care, while you're all there whining he's off enjoying himself and pretending it's not happening. When shots are fired, these people will take some notice. Up until that point they can just ignore you.
Please tell me you don’t believe this won’t happen on the state level .. the GoP wants to be in all aspects of the government.. they don’t have Elon’s computer skills but they sure know how to close or reduce polling stations
They know that from this point forth, fair elections are a thing of the past. They no longer represent the voice of their constituents but act on the whims of FEARLESS LEADER, TRUMP.
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.
This is a waste of time, there's just over 18 months to the next congressional election. Without filling that empty seat with a good alternative to what we have currently, this all is pointless. These events should be introducing those alternatives, not bitching about what we already have.
No Issa here...
Nebraska, Iowa, rural Michigan, Rep Luna (R) in FL…. People are angry at Musk and attacks on workers that are part of their communities.
Nobody was paid, of course!
We all believe in the Constitution.
One woman was speaking about how the cut in Medicaid will impact son w/MS. The audience started yelling at the young guy who was on his phone. People were furious & told him to pay attention.
This same dude was hanging w/us when we were protesting at her office
I can’t believe the D’s can’t take him out
Way to go, everyone who attended! This is how you hold your representatives accountable.
What did y’all do?!!!?
Billionaire. Who has had
Multiple Issues with the law.
Oh wait, that is trumps criteria
My bad
💼 🪑
djt has radicalized us.
My message for every Republican House member. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
They were overwhelmingly Democrat in a district that is 67% red and are resisting OR
They are red voters that are sick sad & sorry for their choice.
I’m sure there is a middle but I doubt that matters.
#Grocery Prices RISING!
#Pensions and #401(k)s FALLING!
#SocialSecurity and #Medicaid CUTS!
Hard-Working #Americans Oppressed-For NO Good Reason!
🇺🇸 🗽
Given his background as an auto thief, he went into the auto alarm business (after pleading to some gun charges). Really made it big after burning down that company (while all files were saved!), using the insurance to bootstrap a new one
He is worthless.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Thomas crooks, Ryan Route, & Luigi Mangione are (R) with no training. 65% of vets voted for him, been hardened by 3 decades of war & professionally trained to kill.
COME OUT from among THEM or you will DIE.
Your government can't save you! Only God can.
Just a reminder that the GOP supporting criminals isn't really a new thing.
Patriotism is appreciated.
More info in my pinned post…
Google used to be good. Although, now they're more about using your data for money, trend, and ads. Now, Musk would probably use it more so to incriminate people - this administration is odd.
Those lines remind me of the last election… with Kamala.
Family stuff.
Thank you.
I remember the posted "missing" signs..
1 time is coincedance
2 times is a pattern
3 times is a SYSTEM!
They r informed not to show up of course by exactly the force we r trying to wipe out. The 1%,the few,they/them!
Cause no debate, means no progress what so ever. And favors their outcome!
Where is red for the counter demonstrations. Where is red to fill all the chairs? where is the voice of RED people?
Why an empty chair in also these town hall meetings? one after the other. They simply don't come? isn't this obstruction of their work they r supposed to do?
Heading towards 2016 again unless #FelonRapistTraitorTrumo invokes the #InsurrectionAct on 4/20 or #SSA misses a payment. 🔥Elections won't matter then.
Mike Levin reps Pendleton now is doing a great job
Pick a better pastor
Thought he was long gone from Congress.
#VoteDems Get Involved!
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback!
Signups @ #mobilize.us and #fiftyfifty.one for protests
Attend town hall meetings
Good god, how pathetic.
I want to be hopeful but as a millennial I'm used to being burned.
Is this just the passionate opposition or is there actual movement in public opinion?
There's cause for concern in NY, CA, of the states flipping red like PA, MI, WI did. The rural areas are united and they show up to vote. These people must be reached if there's any hope of turning this around.
But you're talking about Musk using some method to steal the election in all the swing states.
These allegations are harmful, to us, without adequate proof.
The fact remains- US people were stupid and/or lazy. We pay dire consequences.
Steve Garvey would have beat Schiff.
Dems. Don't. Vote. Down. Ballot. And we are trying to get that message out that we HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO vote down the ballot.
Musk didn’t hide 5M votes. That many people thought 2020 was important but didn’t feel the same in 2024.
I almost wish it was fixed. We could prove it & take action to remove him now.
But it wasn’t. We failed.
Ring (202) 482-2000
Let him know how you feel about SS checks being cancelled.
You can also email, tweet or facebook him from this page.
Or are we converting some of the mushy middle? (Or, good forbid, the MAGA base)
I don't want to hear crowd size stats until I hear who is really showing up.
They know that from this point forth, fair elections are a thing of the past. They no longer represent the voice of their constituents but act on the whims of FEARLESS LEADER, TRUMP.
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.