Ossoff would make a brilliant minority leader.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
OSSOFF: Disagreements between the president and VP about US plans and intentions would be of obvious interest to foreign intelligence services, would it not?
OSSOFF: And they were discussing the timing of sending US aircrews into enemy airspace where they faced an air defense threat
OSSOFF: And they were discussing the timing of sending US aircrews into enemy airspace where they faced an air defense threat
Pete too
I guess Chuck Schumer
@schumer.senate.gov should stay as long as he can. As they say in Putin's ru$$ia about him: old hen doesn't protest, it makes good broth.👍
the bench is deep.
I will not forget Tim Ryan, also great, losing his seat in Ohio. He was awesome and would be so great in the House right now.
Ossoff doesn’t take PAC money.
That being said— he was fantastic today. He drove home “our troops could have been killed.”
Otherwise not interested in their witty repartee.
Ossoff: Cause we'll have more troop fatalities and losses due to the enemy knowing when and where we're coming in advance.
Seems like the script almost writes itself.
I;ve been gitting them both weekly.....
That's what it takes, a stand-out moment.
Very happy to see it.
Georgia, vote Senator Is soft again!
He's a keeper
Jasmine Crockett should be his veep. Their personalities and smarts put together would be unbeatable.
Chuck Scmoozer needs to step down ,take a nap.
Time for a young leader
Jeffries is a coward, an ineffective charismatic dude that has no plan. No backbone. No drive or motivation.
Seemed crazy at the time, and am now one of the things I’m most happy I did.
@ossoff.senate.gov and @warnock.senate.gov are such amazing senators!
They should have voted no on everyone
Damn Chuck Schumer and Jeffries
He's leading-man good. When he speaks, it cuts through the noise. It's arresting. It demands attention.