Given some only check their 401(k) balances quarterly, orthopedics specializing in facial reconstruction are going to be extra busy at the end of March when more jaws dropping to the floor.
The "not paying attention" is pretty much the subtext of all of this isn't it?
The facts and numbers told us the Biden economy was stable and robust yet somehow ppl of a certain demo "believed" it was terrible. We knew about the P2025 playbook yet voters are shocked it's happening.
Not demographic but more like the financially challenged. The down fall of this nation will be from financial illiteracy. Kai said the most meaningful thing when he opened Sound Money on NPR. “The only thing complicated about money are the people who are in it.” I think that’s how remembered it.
Trump broke everything in 2019 and lost the election as a result of it. He didn't learn the right thing from that experience. This time around, he determined to break everything sooner into his presidency so that he'll have enough years thereafter to be perceived of as saving us from what he broke.
So once the S&P has dropped 20-30%, will Mexico and Canada give Trump some bullshit “win” for him to claim “victory” over so he can rescind the tariffs (after he and his friends scoop up the bargain-priced shares people panic-sold)? Is that the plan, or is he just decimating everyone’s 401ks?
I moved my federal TSP retirement account out of the semi aggressive fund and placed it into the conservative one right after election results were announced. Already seven percent better than I would have been. Saw this coming for sure!!
Do you moved it into treasury bonds? You know what’s next right? He’s going to screw up the most stable economic investment in the history of capitalism
Agreed he is going to sink everything he can. For the federal TSP: The G Fund is a low-volatility U.S. bond fund that's only available to TSP investors. It offers investors interest rates similar to long-term Treasury bonds, but without the risk of losing principal.
Until one of his ghouls decides to fuck with that too. Sorry I am very pessimistic. I should move my funds too. Last time he was in office I took a huge hit.
Trump and Musk are in the middle of a treasonous attack on our economy, our democracy, and our national security. No other explanation for their actions makes sense.
US equity markets are very overpriced. A 1.5 percent slide happens on any random Tuesday. Never fear...when the correction starts, you'll hear that "giant sucking sound".
I am a middle age full time working mother of two, who saw this coming a month ago. When I had my mother call her investment guy to move stuff around, he actually laughed at her “hysteria” and assured her that all would be well for an 80 yr who depends on SS and her investments to live. Duped. I struggle to understand who will work all these alleged jobs when they allegedly return to the U.S. Unemployment at historic lows, for now, and no more immigrants.
The facts and numbers told us the Biden economy was stable and robust yet somehow ppl of a certain demo "believed" it was terrible. We knew about the P2025 playbook yet voters are shocked it's happening.
that is so freaking off scale compared to the last few years !!
from one of the few sites with a decent stock chart, enough detail, but not cluttered with junk
Or they're getting ready to short the hell out of everything.