Call me crazy, but how about we don’t give massive tax cuts to the top 1%.
Problem solved, right?
Problem solved, right?
5 Billion of their money to our needs a lot of our problems would be solved, hungry kids, help for the elderly, & a bunch of other things.
I know, because apparently I am too.
This means that if, for example, your salary is $240,000, you pay $1,240 per month into SS, but only from Jan - Aug.
Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec? No SS, lucky you.
You get a little bonus!
Raise the cap.
Billionaires or SS recipients that have paid in over years of working.
Billionaires or food for the needy
Billionaires or children's services
Billionaires or Farmers
Billionaires or government stability
Billionaires or air traffic controllers
etc . .
for us to wake
before the tipping point is tipped
& we the people finally realize WE THE PEOPLE have been
ripped off
by the GOP!
It cannot stop!
It is controlled by GREED,
& I’m so frickin’ sick’n tired
of gettin’ G.O.PEED!!
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
All of these problems, as well as the debt, would just suddenly disappear, 'POOF', like magic.
Just an idea...
What we meant to say was
"We didn't want to fund Medicaid or Medicare." lol
Don't you know, only the billionaire class can rightfully rule us.
It's important we nurture the 1 percenters.
Can anyone draw?
It's all corruption and scams that will impact the majority of hard working people.
The middle class prospered. Many support programs could be funded.
Or at the *very* least, get rid of trump's tax cuts for the sodding rich.
I can’t figure out why people are for this.
We have already had enough. Another battle for the courts and hopefully a massive protest nation wide.
No one.
WE must save ourselves!
WE must save our country!
WE must save democracy!
OUR actions can and will stop him!
Stand with your friends on the street!
Feel YOUR power.
OUR power!
It's up to us.
WE will do this together.
THEY will join us eventually.
Stay strong.
Don’t let disillusionment win.
What you must do:
Find your community, join hands, and protest together.
Local organizations are your allies in this fight - get involved, stay connected, and remember: we’re stronger united!
The feeling of unity is exhilarating!
No one.
WE must save ourselves!
WE must save our country!
WE must save democracy!
OUR actions can and will stop him!
Stand with your friends on the street!
Feel YOUR power.
OUR power!
It's up to us.
WE will do this together.
THEY will join us eventually.
It's to the point now, that "incredulity" is a woefully inept definition of this man's narratives.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.