We had Ox Tail, Brown Chicken stew, rice n peas, plantains, mixed vegetables. I'm usually a no nonsense turkey guy but this was outstanding. Sweet fingers Oakland
The only reason for turkey dinner for thanksgiving is the turkey sandwich (with excessive amounts of mayo) leftovers. But that's a good enough reason for me.
Made that decision at the grocery store last night. All the same sides - Mormon funeral potatoes, stuffing, yams, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, seven layer salad - but no damned turkey.
Salmon is better than ham or turkey! For the first time, I prepared turkey and salmon! One guest ate turkey, everyone else ate salmon! Luckily I had enough salmon!
Everyone was not created equal, no matter what Thomas Jefferson thought. Some people enjoy eating shit, so you can't say eating ham will be perfect for them. To each their own. Be that a turkey, a ham, or a steaming turd on their thanksgiving plate. As long as they are thankful.
...i should stop.
I'm picky about meatloaf & bison 100% passes the bar.
So it’s gonna be turkey for Thanksgiving. But the best part of a turkey is the leg, so I bought 4 nice big legs.
- ginger scallion chili crab
- BBQ ribs
I’m stoked
They are slightly smaller than a chicken, but have a wonderful smell and flavour to them.