This is where the state needs to step in and declare them state parks or state monuments. That's if Gavin Newsom can pull himself a way from podcasts with white supremacists.
Trump is destroying America’s natural treasures — AGAIN. Rescinding protections for Chuckwalla and Sáttítła National Monuments is a direct attack on conservation and future generations. How much more will we lose? 🚨🔥 SHARE to protect our parks!
FOTUS, a national/global/universal disaster, is devastating national treasures and raiding the national treasury. He will use scorched earth on steroids to line his pockets, as long as he has a golf course or 2.
Not sure he can do this without passing it through Congress? Him & his always trying to have his way, doing these illegal EO's. If he doesn't like the job he begged, stole, lied & cheated for, he can take leave at any time.
Not this bullshit again!! Honestly, he just picks things out of a hat and throws it against the wall. No explanation on how this impacts his agenda or not.
They're creating a dictatorship. There is no '4 years' - if the fascist regime isn't stopped immediately, they will destroy everything for as long as they want to.
Both the Chuckwalla and Sáttítla Highlands National Monuments, designated by President Biden in January 2025, are located on lands of immense cultural significance to various Native American tribes, including the Pit River, Modoc, Cahuilla, Chemehuevi, Mohave, Quechan, and Serrano tribes.
Check the list of other National Monuments that Trump wants to declassify and you’ll see most of them, too, are on tribal lands or lands significant to tribes.
The petty, whiny little bitch vengence does play into it. Always difficult to tell whether it's the narcissism disorder or pure greed that has the 51% at any given time.
There's talk of opening up the Organ Mountains in southern New Mexico to oil and gas extraction. They're part of the protected Desert Peaks, an astoundingly beautiful area. I've never seen anything like them anywhere else.
Well, protected land doesn’t benefit billionaires that are trying to expand and abuse every resource available to them. He does it to please his hyper-capitalist buddies
Alt, is there any way to shine more sunlight on p25 & specific ppl involved? You know they say the best disinfectant is sunlight?? Make ppl more aware what’s going on…
abandoning our beautiful national parks (and selling them off for lumber? are you kidding me?) may be one of the most heinous things the sentient snot bubble in the white house has done to our country, and that's a long list full of very serious offenses
I hate the idea of militias. But soon we’ll have to set up 24 hour protections of national monuments and parks. GOP thieves and criminals. All of them.
Not entirely true. Courts have the power to name other professionals or entities in order to protect its decisions, completely removed from administration’s executive power.
His friends over at The Heritage Foundation, authors of Project 25, Russia, and a whole bunch of other bad characters are behind all of this. He’s just the unhinged puppet. It’s his tweets they need.
Same. The left has typically been non-violence, but… the more egregious the actions of MAGA culture, the more “fight fire with fire” we will have to become.
Did anyone make sure that Iran know where the White House and Mar a lago are? I'd rather rebuild the White House than rebuild the entire country. I mean, if somebody, could you know send them the exact coordinates that would be wonderful.
All of this so so sickening and disgusting an AI image I created and their interpretation of our National Parks and Forest if they could show their current feelings with all this insane Fuc*ery going on
He wants the land for his oligarch buddies. This is just an attempt at invalidating the native people, so it's easier for the trump regime to take over.
There's nothing in the law granting the president the power to create a monument about un-making a one by EO. All past national monuments stripped of status required passing a law through both houses and signed by the president.
“Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a fight about to start when tomorrow comes.” Les Miserables
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
He's never experienced, nor is he interested in the simple pleasure of enjoying nature and the great unspoiled outdoors. Where we see beauty, he sees dollars signs. He'll destroy anything that normal people enjoy if he can squeeze a buck out of it or hurt someone. He's evil scum.
There’s no minerals to mine at Sattitla. It’s a giant shield volcano in the ring of fire. This is simply a matter of him seeking to undo anything Biden did.
There’s no righting it, unfortunately. They’re sinking it fast. Nothing can stop them. The question is what happens after. Who will rebuild; what will it look like? I hope it’s people with a moral compass and a grip on reality.
This guy is a psychopath. I’m so sick of this country and the people who continue to give into this guy. I’m honestly ready to give up because not enough people care. We are protesting in an echo chamber
Yes. In Utah. And to add insult to injury, many states including Utah want to be able to rescind protections by the last administrations, including Bear Ears
Until there's irrefutable evidence of election fraud, there's no way to do that. I understand there are groups seriously investigating key swing states for tabulation problems, so we may be able to do what you suggest eventually. We'd better hope it won't be too late.
California just needs to take all the parks and forests and monuments and public land back. Until such time the federal government can once again be trusted with the lands.
Doesn't the Federal land policy and protection act of 1976 require a public comment period for withdrawals? Or does this not fall under that? (not that anything they are doing is legal)
That designation was never going to last. If you want them protected from the GOP, you need more than just a proclamation. Becuase since forever the GOP have shown they DGAF about Indigenous heritage. And Trump is clearly a white nationalist.
Of course he did he hates California and all we stand for. Native Californian and proud to be. Rather be a proud Californian over a narcissistic car salesman.
he will sign anything put before him. at this point he's just a cartoon character. it's the truly people behind this bizarre, sadistic movement that are promising him golf time for signing time
Please do not accept unconstitutional, illegal orders from Trumpists purporting to exercise executive authority over National Monuments. Accept orders only from lawful officials such as Interior Secretary Emerita Haaland.
They won't even call the cops on musk's techkiddies for unlawful entry and theft. I doubt anyone is even going to mutter an insult while they're bending over.
Trump's order PURPORTING to rescind National Monument status is unconstitutional and illegal. CONGRESS has the power to regulate U.S. property, not the President (Constitution, Art. IV, § 3). Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. § 1701) says only Congress can rescind status.
I honestly don’t think he hates the country. He had no concept of nation, citizenship, or shared identity. Hatred is too active and focused for the orange one to accomplish.
Hate is an emotion, I think he just does not care, what amazes me is that his family have no sway over him and they say nothing! They can’t all be as fucked up as him right?
People can be evil and vile, which is perceived and looks/feels like hatred. I think that’s what he and his entire family are. We may never understand his mindset. I couldn’t imagine causing so much harm. If I had the wealth, I’d do everything I could to help others. Really sad and maddening.
I'm wondering who is actually doing all of these things. Trump would never think of all of this very specific destruction. There were 300 contributors to Project 2025, Russell Vought was the primary one. I bet HE is the one issuing all of these commands including the ones to DOGE.
Remember when Vance debated Harris? He talked about making affordable housing on public land. Look at the Project 2025 website—they were promoting development groups a few weeks ago. Private Christian Nationalist developers opportunities. (Private Christian healthcare opportunities, too.)
He won't be happy until the US is fucking Mordor and stripped of resources. He'll sit in his gold tower surrounded by orange flames. I hate him so much.
What's the space alien translation of "Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here"? I want to know so they space lift me and a few dozen friends and family TF out of here!
This may be where it all starts. If the local land rapers start raping, and local defenders start defending, it's game on, only it won't be a game. I was thinking Utah, or Nevada. Could be anywhere out west.
Straight out of Project 2025
While our attention is diverted Trump is stealing our National Parks!
624,000 acres - Chuckwalla
224,000 acres - Sáttítla
In 2019 - Trump slashed more than 1.9 million acres from Bears Ears (85%) and Grand Staircase-Escalante (50%) in Utah #Protest
I don't think there's anyone on the planet I loathe more. Let's just hope that there's judges and lawyers who aren't so clogged up with the other bullshit he's stirring up that they can't tell him to fuck right off with this, too.
Yeah... memes are sometimes OK, but dammit, I wish more folks here would either click that X on the pics in links so we don't have to look at his ugly mug, or censor it with something more appealing like... oh... say... a horse's butthole. Hate his gargly voice, and I won't even say its name.
Chuckwalla and Sáttítla were made national monuments to conserve their natural habitats and protect the area from development of geothermal energy and suburban development.
By signing an EO that rescinds this protection, Trump is paving the way to destroy the land to take its natural resources.
All monuments and idols must be replaced by this angry, selfish toddler. He expects adoration and if he doesn’t get it he throws tantrums and lashes out against people. He wants what he wants and that is the only thing that matters to him.
I live near the Chuckwalla Monument. This was a BIG deal for the area. There is a former strip mine (iron) on the site that company after company have wanted to develop into a garbage dump for LA, or a hydroelectric power plant (in the desert!).
The site borders JTNP, so residents thought that FINALLY JTNP was safe. Guess not. As far as I know, there aren't any minerals in the area, although maybe some company wants to try mining for iron (or maybe gold?) again.
Just makes the toddler look spoiled.
Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Trumpty together again. 🤷♂️
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
When are we going to stop Putin's fascist puppet?
When it comes to yourself, never give up, or you might miss out on your destiny.
And when it comes to others, never give your worst, or you'll never cultivate your best.
Remember, "what we give is what we receive." The lesson: simply to give.
Is the destruction of our natural resources so simply done by evil and malevolent people?
He has no honor or sense of duty to anything
No pride and respect for Americas history or Veterans
848,946 acres of land total.
it would save a TON of money
Stephen Hawking
While our attention is diverted Trump is stealing our National Parks!
624,000 acres - Chuckwalla
224,000 acres - Sáttítla
In 2019 - Trump slashed more than 1.9 million acres from Bears Ears (85%) and Grand Staircase-Escalante (50%) in Utah #Protest
By signing an EO that rescinds this protection, Trump is paving the way to destroy the land to take its natural resources.