All the “Ds” should walk out. Grandpa is lying again, mixing his facts up and barely has the strength to read the speech. Must be tired from yelling at Zylensky.
I mean objectively look at him. Look at him with his badly applied burnt sienna pancake foundation, dyed yellow highlighter hair (or whatever the fuck that is on his head), too-long red tie, ill- fitting, barely can walk… he’s a fucking carnival clown imbecile
I’ve been studying Trump a long time and everything that would cause an average person to crumble seems to make him stronger. It’s all backwards. So booing only helps him.
I was hoping for more from my Democrat party tonight…..they had the chance to raise hell and had an opportunity to shift the Dem momentum and blew it. We are counting on them all to rise up like we are!!!!! It’s time to shake this mess up!!
They won't. They're asking just like always. The corporate Dems gained control of the party 30 years ago - the same people - that was it. They're only it for the $.
I hope he says something that would make a normal thinking person guffaw right in his face, and then I hope the Democrats laugh in his face. What he needs is as many people as possible, laughing in his face, because he is a clown, a buffoon, a jackass.
That is fine. It throws him off, it takes the spotlight off him and that becomes the story. He looks even worse. So go ahead Dems! Make a spectacle. Get tossed out one by one and watch him fume!
I’ve been a loser Dem all my life and last night’s reaction from the weak losers is why. One person, only one person did anything of consequence. F your little signs and pink clothes. Thanks Rep Green.
I think this is why they don't allow us to sit in. We just "vote" and deal with whatever happens, but if they actually had to face those who are affected, it would be a much different outcome.
But alas our Dem reps revert to following rules and sitting quietly. We need new democratic leadership who has a clue on how to get our outrage across.
“You can’t handle the truth! (That you’ve rightly figured out, but saying it aloud will result in the few remaining people who like me completely turning on me—Also, the Russians will detonate the poisonous device implanted in my spinal chord).”
😩 #Centrists keep calling for Dem #solidarity but will only do on THEIR terms.
When ⭐️ #RepAlGreen was the ⭐️ first congressperson EVER to be forced out of a #SOTU that should have been the cue to walk out en masse. Missed opportunity as usual - like when #ElonNAZI #SeigHeil ed at the inauguration.
They were easily silenced—very disappointing, but not surprising.
For a brief moment, I thought they would rise to the threat level of this fascist coup and not just sit there holding up signs.
Tonight at the Heart concert in Sacramento CA a picture of musk was shown on a clip reel and the spontaneous, collective boos were deafening! It's a predominantly over 50 and very white crowd. Make my heart happy.
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
That American traitor could fall over tomorrow and nobody would miss a beat, would be a Ticker tape parade in NYC. Better Americans in prison right now. Rot.
Would it be too much to hope that Democratic leadership would have consulted a psychologist to figure out the best strategy to trigger Trump into a meltdown during his address? Yep. Another easy, easy potential win squandered.
If you think that only liberals are taking issue, you're ignorant. People who voted for him are suffering, too. MAGA seems to have an empathy problem - they're okay with hurting themselves & each other as long as "the libs" are also hurting. This self-own will be put in history textbooks. Good luck.
Johnson would deny the MAGA Messiah three times. JD Vance will sell the MAGA Messiah to the Jewish Chief Priest and elders for mega dollar deals. Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, David O. Sacks, Hegseth would handover MAGA Christ to Pontius Putin...then the rest is politics with China.💔
Hmm🤔💭Thinking maybe now IS a good time for a hands off approach, to give Trump enough room for him to do Trump while never giving him the attention he lives for. Make issues, policy vs policy et al the only subject. Trump will have a🦇💩meltdown. Wait unti he hears how badly he bombed last night.
Narcissists hate being made fun of, #fatnixon is asking for it. All the name calling? Do it harder. Fuck this guy. This is our country, our homelands, not his goddamn empire.
No. FORCE Pussy Ass Bitch to go off the rails.
Ridicule, trash, boo, and lampoon PAB nonstop.
Kick all Pussy Ass BitchETTES (aka MAGAturds lol) to the curb.
Boycott fascist businesses like Bozos' Amazon.
Get the hell off Fuckbook, Shitter, Instacram et. al.
Not only booing, use the most derogatory pics of him you can find. Stop putting up 'normal' pics, use the massive wattle pics, the overly orange pics, any pic that isn't in any way flattering.
They are spineless. I’m so sick of hearing from the Democratic leadership how they need to not cause a disturbance and give the Republicans any ammunition. You can’t continue to play by the rules and follow decorum against a team that will never play by the rules.
Because his handlers only let 47 see complimentary news articles and web pages about him, he gets livid when he sees what Americans and the word really think about him.
Exactly. Those who don't speak up or stand up to him are cowards. The ONLY way to deal with a bully, which is all that trump is, is to stand the fuck up to them. They're more scared than we are and they'll back down.
Obstruction by loud voices!
"You are only the gender you were born, God doesnt make mistakes"
No mistakes????
I can’t listen, but I’m watching. Mute.
THANK YOU for sharing this.
When ⭐️ #RepAlGreen was the ⭐️ first congressperson EVER to be forced out of a #SOTU that should have been the cue to walk out en masse. Missed opportunity as usual - like when #ElonNAZI #SeigHeil ed at the inauguration.
For a brief moment, I thought they would rise to the threat level of this fascist coup and not just sit there holding up signs.
unhinged freak out nonsense will appear in Liecracy
Oh no, Mike Johnson banged his gavel. We're sorry, we're sorry. *ziplip motion*
He looks insane on this pic!!
So degrading to have him as president!🔥
There should’ve been 20 people who stood up and got kicked out
It's just a matter of time before the Dictator keystrokes himself into oblivion.
And by the way Take it down act was but no credit.
Way to unify the country.
Mathew 26: 14-16
BOOOO HIM Democrats!
The more we wait, the more damage he will be able to cause to dissenters.
Thanks for this - I need the laugh
Ridicule, trash, boo, and lampoon PAB nonstop.
Kick all Pussy Ass BitchETTES (aka MAGAturds lol) to the curb.
Boycott fascist businesses like Bozos' Amazon.
Get the hell off Fuckbook, Shitter, Instacram et. al.
Ridicule him
Actually I think them sitting still not reacting fucks up trumps head more than if the stood and yelled
You would know.
And yes, let him go off the rails.
Call him a squared haired bald rapist.