This is all distraction. Trump is conman- he is planning to pull something while we are busy with these distractions. So ignore the cabinet picks and conserve your energy for the real con to come.
It only looks like a sh!tshow. Trump has and will continue to put people in place to completely disassemble our government and give trillions to the wealthiest while sacrificing our position as the world's only superpower. The craziness we see is irrelevant
What are they crying about? This is what it means to not be woke! If they want order and effiency they'd hafta be woke. OMG they really are that stupid!
Trump is playing a brilliant game of nominating someone that make the liberals and their media scream so he can then get who he wants in. Let the liberals scream about Gatz so he can get Bondi in as AG. the game is on and Trump is the master of the game
If they were going to do that before the election would've been the best time. But honestly many if them will profit off this so they aren't worried. If they were they would railing against these picks that can't pass a background check.
They are railing against them fot not passing their background checks. It is just that doesn't get picked up by the news because the car crash(Trump) has more focus then the Clean Up amd First Responders.
I personally don’t think it will make one iota of difference. Trump will still stack the deck with loyalists and demand his plans are implemented. If anyone fails in that regard, they’ll be summarily dismissed. His supply of loyalists is very deep.
Hi Ben. Can you tone down the click bait headlines on your social media? Listening to your podcasts and find that the headlines are misleading. Thanks. Love the content most of the time.
Two things have simultaneously happened over the last decade: the right wing has built a massive media machine while its message discipline has also broken down. Sonit relies on simpler and simpler propaganda but finds it harder and harder to pivot to anything when in power
This time the presidency will finish Trump off. He’ll put on his tough face at the outset & go through the motions, but he’ll soon retreat to the golf course, slumped and exhausted. Then, not long after, his health will suddenly fail. He’ll be taken to Walter Reed AMC, and never reemerge.
And that part will be over. Imagine his executive time was till 11 am in his room last time. Now he won’t leave MAL. he ain’t moving to Washington. He’s gonna do it from
Florida. Ridiculous.
They always bigged Drumpf up & now they are just outliers fighting for crumbs from TangoShitGibbon's UPF ladened table. Same as the Pillow Guy & Rudi with or without his slacks on. Bigger fish have moved into the echo chamber to feed.
Looks like the 'greatest hits' tour is off to a rocky start. Even the loudest cheerleaders can't spin this disaster into a success. 🍿 #TotalMeltdown #AccountabilityMatters
His incompetence is the best gift we could receive. Surrounding himself with yes men kowtowing to his every whim is scary, but it’s also very ineffectual.
I really enjoy Meidas, but I am getting a bit weary with all your headlines and click bait videos. How many "Trump's Fatal Mistake" or "Republicans Melt Down" pieces can you do and then nothing happens. We're all doing introspection and I hope you guys are too. Keep up the good fight.
I agree. I swore off mainstream after the election. Just couldn’t listen to it. Now with Meidas and BTC Adam like etc it’s all right wing bullshit. Trying to get them to see the light. Such bullshite
Seems like that just started lately. With the headlines in their podcasts. I’m so tired of it all. Worried about the 🇺🇸 worried about us 🇨🇦 Leon says we are next for election interference.
My concern is that his fear of prison, like Benjamin Netanyahu, is what will prompt him to work harder than ever to stay in power. He already admires Hitler, so this is just the perfect recipe for hell.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but Trump’s deliberate choice of incompetent and obviously unsuitable candidates for top jobs suggests he wants to wreck the USA not make it great!
In the meantime, I’d suggest informing your fellow US citizens both IRL and Online + looking up your Senator and how to contact them if and when a Senate vote date is set up.
I don't agree that it's been a rocky start. It's been disturbingly efficient. Russell Vought is alarming. And Pam Bondi is a bonafide "stop the steel" MAGA troll.
It's almost as if the titular leader has given no direction, and the various factions are free to back-bite and one-up until nothing gets accomplished and forward progress is paralyzed ...
... the kind of thing that happens when THE KING HAS DEMENTIA.
He’s picking cabinet members like a drunken five year old in a candy store. I’ll take that one and two of those. His WH will implode with infighting in the first six months.
I hope this is a sign McConnell and company aren’t going to drop to their knees like the house magaTs did.Senators are around for 6 yrs so they can tell orange Jesus to kiss their asses. And this would be the perfect time for McConnell to pay the fat bastard back for all the diss thrown at his wife.
I completely agree with you, these are purely vanity choices, sycophants and obedients.
Another 4 years of dread and loathing for the USA and the world.
Wouldn’t you think at least one of those Jesuseseses behind him would thwack this dick in the back of the head? So much for the Christian in 🤮 Christian Nationalism.
That is exactly what I've been saying. Because they (the cult) could never be wrong. They will spin and spin and spin, just to blame anyone but team trump.
Inwardly, I’m outraged. Outwardly, realizing I have very little practical power to change the incoming status quo, I’ve decided to just enjoy the schadenfreude as the right begins its implosion.
When Americans first heard what was in the document, they bugged out, so much so that Trump pretended he'd never heard of it. He owns this.
I also think it had a bad effect during the election, convincing people that the republicans were doomed when they were not.
I worked with one in a large organization for 7 years.
Creating chaos, confusion & conflict among top reports is how they avoid coups against them.
Nothing new to see here.
#MalignantNarcissism #Sociopath #Narcissist
Just, no. I’m exhausted and that crap didn’t work to save democracy and inform the people that need to be informed.
Gillian and his pals had smoother sailing.
Florida. Ridiculous.
How could this have ever gone so wrong?
Soda or wine.
It passed 219-184, succeeding by two votes.
No word on when it’ll move up to Senate as of now.
Allred, TX / Moskowitz, FL / Caraveo, CO / Panetta, CA / Case, HI / Perez, WA / Cuellar, TX /Schneider, IL / Davis, NC / Suozzi, NY / Golden, ME / Torres, CA / Gonzalez, V., TX /Wasserman Schultz, FL /Lee, NV
Here’s a tool for finding your Senator:
Focus more on spreading the word and practice writing your message for IF and WHEN a vote date is actually announced.
... the kind of thing that happens when THE KING HAS DEMENTIA.
That’s the silver lining for the next four years.
Another 4 years of dread and loathing for the USA and the world.
My hope is their " freakout" has physical damage.