A reminder: in the past, when a singer's mic cut out during the U.S. National Anthem at a hockey game in Canada, the entire arena stepped in, singing every single word of the Star Spangled Banner together.
Tonight, thanks to Trump, Canada is booing during the National Anthem.
Tonight, thanks to Trump, Canada is booing during the National Anthem.
I'm okay with that.
It’s what neighbors do .
He is hurting our allies and the citizens of all both countries with his petty temper tantrums and fagile ego, like a jilted unsuitable suitor hell bent on revenge. 🤮
That's the only reason there could be, why he would cause so much heartbreak and upheaval! He is loving every minute of this!
Rat bastards don't belong in the White House! 😤😬🤯
We may be small but we’re mighty. And ready.
They'll just walk over the border, plant a flag and we will all just wring our hands in disbelief. I hate this timeline.
Don't kid yourself, it'd be a bloodbath.
Not to mention article 5 of the NATO treaty.
Toronto Maple Leafs vs Buffalo Sabres March 2023 and
Toronto Maple Leafs vs Nashville Predators November 2014
My point is the Citizens of Canada seem not to feel that way
Israel has been responsible for a sweeping far right agenda across the globe. Facilitated by big tech and media. Who’ve been undisturbed liars
The UK has gotten worse since it left its EU partners.
American empire is in its end stages.
Y’all about to learn a difficult and painful lesson
I'm wondering what Trump and whoever is behind this hope to gain from antagonizing our allies.
I suspect if that is true, he's not the one who really wants Canada. He isn't that clever or skilled.
Never mind, it was a rhetorical question.
♥️ you Canada. I'm so sorry for the malicious behavior of trump and his nefarious band of liars and thieves.
I know the American anthem as well as I know ours. According to my mom I would sing along since I was a wee lad. Hockey Night In Canada! I'm nearly 57 now.
The planet significantly changed forever, today.
Signed, a proud and independent Canadian. #tariffs
We are trying!!
every damned day!
all fucking day!!!!!
Trump and his party are destroying the America we too love, and it's terrifying to witness.
Um, not if the fire is at Mag-A-Lardo. There on their own.
Side note: I think only US Hockey fans know the Canadian anthem. The rest of us only know "O Canada" and that's it. Lol
My gut told me we aren't America anymore.
I will be displaying my pride flag for the month of June, though. I hope my Trumper neighbor across the street enjoys seeing it every day.
I'm sorry Canada.
I'll cunt punt the SOB.
Tonight, I would have booed as well.
Trump, maybe Americans (not sure) see this as a game or about money.
We Canadians see this as an act of war, I’m not being overly dramatic about that either….
I fully expect the Americans to fire on us. Drone strikes. Missles. And they'll *just be following orders*.
I'd love to be wrong.
I think 45 is colluding with Putin.
They both want our resources.
Putin has been waiting for the Arctic Ocean to melt enough so Russia can invade from the north.
IOW we’ll be attacked from the north and the south.
Who will help us?
The world loves Canadians.
As for tonight’s booing? Also quite special and very much appreciated! Canada joins us sane Americans in despising the despot.
We will harmonize together again, once our house is back in order. 😘 🇨🇦 🙏🏼
Next time I hear it, I’m not even going to fucking stand.
(no, I am not in a wheelchair, just to clarify)
Canada strong 🇨🇦
Now we are pissed..
Just remember that 35% of them actually *like* the ratfucker and what he does. We know that two-thirds of Americans are our friends, but that still leaves us with seventy million enemies.
And as always #fucktrump
Fill the Fed bank accounts with $, not from billionaires, but with everyday US citizens money.
Follow the MONEY!!
They've spent the last week taking over the purse strings of the Federal Government.
Connect the dots, I'll give you a minute.
We know every word to O Canada.
But seriously, we can only do so much. This is on Americans to hold Trump 🍊🦧 to account.
Harangue Republican legislators without mercy! RAISE SOME CAIN!
Trolls on internet are trying to divide Dems. DONT TAKE THE BAIT.
Vermont, New York, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New York,
California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, and Montana.
They are threatening to shut of the power.
They are our neighbors and ally. I'm so furious with him and our worthless elected officials.
Stay Glorious and Free Canada. Don't back down, he'll just make it worse. Know that the majority of the US loves you and it's ripping at our souls that he's involved you in his plan to decimate the US.
Also ideas can be stronger than abstract action like economic purchases.
They knew what was gonna happen. 🤣
And, many in the US are good people, too, who don’t deserve what Trump has set upon us or upon the world itself.