I still don’t understand how we’re all being subjected to the fucking ravings of a mad man who has absolutely no attachment to reality or common decency.
Does musk know that you can't really hold an election while your land is being bombed and battered by a psychopath?!? Just wondering how that would work. Would there be an armored building for them to vote in? How about on their way there? Will there be a cease fire while this takes place? Moron...
I couldn't agree more. I believe he is too scared tho. He doesn't want to be proven wrong. He will say it's too dangerous.... I see news reporters there all the time!
I also remember hearing someone say that they are under Marshal law at the moment and while that is enacted there can't be any voting... Idk I could've heard wrong but it would kinda make sense
that is a disgusting post - since when does Musk know what is in the hearts of the Ukrainian people? I am just devastated at the cruelty of Musk and Trump - make it stop
Those idiots will still blame the Democrats and they'll say that it was the work of Obama or Biden. The first rule about being in a cult is you never blame the cult leader for anything and that's exactly what these trump humpers are following.
75+ million of us NOT digesting any of these lies. We know EXACTLY what
Felon47 & his work wife are all about. And we’re riding up against the traitorous GOP supporting these two sad excuses for a human
Bad doge is misdirection
Breaking agencies meant to help ppl
Hit 12 agencies with 32 cases against him.
Lies with no evidence while feigning transparency
200,000 fed workers fired
Every working class family affected
Quality of life will decline
income disparity will increase
Kill shitocracy
How can a human go so disgustingly low? 🤮
I'd be happy to know that he actually has mental issues because otherwise he's the worst scum humanity has right now
He is trying to force an election so that Putin can fix it for his puppet pick to take office. Like he did in 2014. Musk is doing Putins dirty work in plain sight.
One of the main reasons I deactivated my twitter account and moved here instead. I don't want to touch anything that has that lying, narcissistic sieg-hail saluting Piece of 💩 stink all over it.
So Mr. "Freedom of speech" wants to censure X because community notes went against his lies? 🤔
Only craven cowards would spew such utter shit. Musk is lower than dirt beneath Zelensky's feet. He could never be half the man Zelensky is. Musk is a low-life bottom feeding parasite who makes children so he can mess with their heads.
Why are people still on that site? It’s a cesspool. Let it be their echo chamber. Free speech died when Eloser bought it. Same as when he bought Shitler.
Notice Elon Musk, Mike Lee and Trump turn against Ukraine and Europe while we have servicemen scattered all over military bases in Europe? Sadistic disregard, no awareness of consequences. The treason to our military is obscene. While at the same time firing administration for nuclear oversight.
Elon Musk, JD Vance, and Trump, are trying to knock out Zelensky's power, authority and reputation. They've taken an enemy position towards Ukraine. Therefore an enemy position towards Europe. They've allied with Putin in his invasion of Europe. The sooner we all move through the shock, the better.
Treason in Trump administration is obscene. To ally with Russia & justify an invasion into Europe while we have soldiers scattered all over military bases in Europe. A stab in the back to everyone serving over seas, in any capacity. As Trump plunders in Ukraine himself!
Elon is off his frigging rocker, his reverse psycho babble is not going to work on a man with integrity, the 'I dare you' shit is like a 10 year old. Zelensky is a very smart man and can see them both for what they are.
Zelensky is a Jew, of course these fucking Nazis hate him. It doesn’t matter that the only thing Zelensky did is defend his country from white supremacist Russian rapists. They will always hate him, even when they’re in hell.
The plunder rape and pillage in Ukraine is obscene. That the U.S. is now part of this plunder is a disgrace and shame for all Americans. As Ukrainians fall on the front lines of an invasion into Europe protecting our military bases and service men stationed in Europe. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ceqjn74gdwzo
Trump's plundering in Ukraine, demanding 1/2 of their rare Earth treasure as their people are falling on the front lines to hold back an invasion of Europe. Protecting our military bases & soldiers in Europe. Rape pillage and plunder in Ukraine. And now we are part of it. A National Disgrace.
He should know that the Ukrainian Constitution’s provisions for Martial Law, written before Zelenskyy came into office, suspends the holding of Parliamentary or Presidential elections while Martial Law is in effect.
He has a mangled Micro-peen from a botched implant! Imagine being the world's richest straight man with a Defective Penis. It had to be the deal he made with the Devil to secure his obscene wealth, he had to give up a Prized Possession, but the Devil didn't tell him which one until it was too late.
This actually makes me think Musk fixed the US elections so he is hoping Ukraine holds elections so he can "fix" them to so a Russia loving person is put in there, too. I know it is going down the rabbit hole but I can't help it
How gross! His country is at war which means that they are also under martial law. Elections aren't held under martial law. Pres. Zelensky shouldn't have to fight a supposed ally in addition to the enemy!! Keep out of their business if you aren't going to help them defeat Russia.
Zelensky it loved, and Trump is not, that is what Elon is trying to cover up here. They think we aren’t in touch with Ukrainians. I follow many here. Follow Ukrainians 💙🇺🇦.
Elon musk is a total #nutjob. This madness needs to be brought to a speedy end.. keep up this work guys. The rest of the sane world is behind you as much as is possible.. don't let the bastards win!!
You threw a few extra zeroes in there. Russia does not have a population of eight hundred fifty million, let alone that many dead soldiers. 850,000 casualties with about 250,000 dead is closer.
With respect, your number is wrong. It's 850,000 killed and wounded Russian soldiers. The actual number of Russian soldiers killed varies wildly, but a few estimates are 200,000 to 250,000.
What a dumb fuck. yes, shut down the government and gather as many Ukrainians into a concentrated groups so Russia can take them out. This guy is truly stupid.
Cutting our allies out of the peace process worked out so well in Afghanistan. I wonder is this the first president to surrender in 2 separate conflicts?
There must be some Ukrainians on BlueSky. I doubt any follow me, but I wonder what actual Ukrainians have to say in response to an actual South African’s claims about their President?
🇨🇦 CANADA 🍁 🇨🇦. if you are listening….
Be extra careful!!! F-ELON will corrupt your election engine just like he did to the US - and trying with Ukraine. By insisting on a 🇺🇦 election.. he knows he could dethrone 🇺🇦’s president!!
Canada is having an election soon. It remans to be seen when the election will be, but the misinformation campaign has been going on for years in canada already. Big oil lobbies hard in canada, so do the tech bros & big pharma, but at least Canadian federal elections still use paper ballots.
Musk cries because his own fact-checking system corrects him.
Now he calls Zelensky a dictator while cozying up to Putin and Trump.
An oligarch lecturing us on democracy? Ridiculous.
If he wants to spread propaganda, he might as well apply for a job at the Kremlin.
Musk weint, weil sein eigenes Fact-Checking-System ihn korrigiert.
Jetzt nennt er Selenskyj einen Diktator, während er sich bei Putin und Trump anbiedert.
Demokratie erklärt uns jetzt ein Oligarch? Lächerlich.
Wenn er Propaganda machen will, soll er gleich für den Kreml arbeiten.
How dare he come to this country and insult us domestically and foreignly. He is anti-American, anti-constitution, and harms our worldwide allies and friends.
And the GOP sits idly counting their money, laughing all the way to the bank.
I wonder which of them decides the lies they are both going to tell? Zelensky is greatly respected. Increasingly, Trump and Musk are despised and deservedly so.
I think you’re out of your mind and you’re trying to make excuses. I don’t want to hear excuses I know exactly what’s going on and if you don’t that’s on you have a good evening.
Dump was fomenting insurrection during this time on Twitter and was finally perm. Suspended but it was far too late. Leon reinstated him and X has been a cesspool since.
But how can he hold an election win half of his country has fled because of the war and the other half is fighting? I mean is that a great time to have campaign rallies and where the fuck are the ballot boxes going to go?
Jesus man only stupid people would think this.
Why don't American politicians take the time to at least know a little about the countries they want to work with/make deals with. They should at least know what that if a country in under Marshall law that they have conditions that take place instead of telling the press & anyone that will listen
to the BS they spout things he refuses to have an election, because he knows the people hate him. What is it they better to be thought a fool, then to open your mouth & remove all doubt.
As Bernie Sanders said, people need to take to the streets. If they start putting people in jail for protesting, FAFO. We need a leading voice right now and people are afraid. Would such a movement and a violation of rights of assembly get any air time, though? It's a nightmare.
For a guy with soooo many government contracts he sure loves to stick his nose into politics around the world. Maybe those contracts should be cancelled and he can run for president of Tesla?
How about we hold another election here. Disable all internet access for 48 hours or airgap all the systems associated with the voting and counting phase. It's only been a month but I expect the tide has already turned a beautiful shade of blue.
Of all the things they have co-opted how do people not see that free speech was always just a phrase to them. It's the speech THEY want...not actual free speech. President Musk sucks...
So surely over 50% of the country can't be ok with this. It's time to do something. Musk is out of his mind, so are most of them...them I say. We have to find a way to collectively say no way.
So within a month, President Musk and his orange puppet have alienated the USA against the world ...the only friend they have left is Russia ...good luck with that
It's pathological. Google "Rich Asshole Syndrome" (why are people so mean?)
It's a actual study where the researchers use "rich asshole" in their findings.
Fascinating stuff.
He's one guy I actually despise without ever meeting.
He doesn't have one redeeming feature.
He's an authoritarian, he's ignorant, he's painfully unfunny, he's pathetic, he's unfeasibly privileged, he's a liar, he paints himself as a victim, he's almost impossibly cringe.
I challenge? That’s really kicking a man in the middle of a war below the belt.
These men are cruel
It’s almost as if they want somebody to just stop them from themselves. Like really pushing the boundaries on purpose.
Egad Musk showing his permanent disconnect with reality: Ukraine is still embroiled in a vicious war with an invading nation. Sure. Take time out from the daily and hourly decisions and constant monitoring of everything to campaign against people whose MAIN goal will be to lie and discredit him.
They want President Zelensky to hold elections so that Elon and the Russian FSB can do to Ukrainians' votes what they did to the US 2024 votes. Elon is a fool if he thinks he got away with it. The day is coming for his ass to account
Well, all my kids know I hate Trump and Musk. I’m very honest with them about politics. To me, it’s important to understand the good from the bad. Be aware of scams.
His own Communitynotes is a problem?😝 I’m dying. Honestly hope he looses everything and gets deported. The American people should seize all his assets. Put NASA/Space Force in charge of SpaceX, seize all patents for all his stuff and deport him to SAfrica. Canada won’t take him. Lol
Honestly I'm not gonna lie, the day he and Trump die I'm celebrating. Doesn't matter how it happens, I'm celebrating like a person would who has beaten cancer because as a country we will officially have by that point
Musk is so stupid he doesn’t realise that Britain didn’t hold an election during WWII for same reasons as Ukraine. I do not believe bad wins in the end. Musk is facing his last years as a billionaire. When he crashes the US and the world economy he will live in exile. Moscow hopefully.
That's mush's idea of free speech. He can say whatever he wants, right or wrong. He can do whatever he wants even though it hurts people or even gets them killed. So far he's untouchable.
Even better: Since Trump is trying to take everything over, why don't WE have a do-over election and see how well he fares now that the MAGA's see what he is doing to our country.
What a suppository (I'll accept that autocorrect). I don't know of any democracy that would hold an election while the nation is in the midst of a physical invasion.
The USA is *not* in the midst of a physical invasion, but there are a large number of people here who want a reelection!
You mean kind of like Trump's own polls that make him seem more popular than he really is? Oh wait a minute, that would be hypocrisy right? They would NEVER do that! *Sigh*
Allies, we need to get out of our state of shock. We can all read the news. We need to take action! No more reveling in the insanity! Join me in reposting ACTION ideas. Example-anyone can do the attached. Do it as long & often as you can. Will you repost? Let’s match their energy. Please.
When you’re in the middle of a war who gives a shit about ratings. Inflated EGOs of small boys that’s who. Stay out of the way of real men doing real work. Ukraine’s resources are Ukraine’s. Keep making enemies, it’s not going to end well.
The levels of stupid and passing through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole to have any faith or trust that Elon or Trump have your good in mind.
It’s about repeating the lies as much possible. They never care about facts. If they did, it would be painful obvious that if they didn’t support the president, they wouldn’t be fighting so hard.
SORRY. I came off so STINKING angry!
But Iam pissed off.
This COUNTRY is SO VULNERABLE to attack right now because these numnuts have weakened every protection system we had to prevent us from HARM..FAA,CDC,FBI,
FDIC, CSPA, HHS....and the list continues.... who is protecting us? 🤷♀️🤔🤯🤬😤
No apology needed—I completely get it. Every day there’s even more to rage about.
I keep asking how this has happened so fast & why Congress is letting it.
In all my life, I never thought the US would be at risk of such damage—& it’s from the INSIDE!
Right, this is TREASONOUS BEHAVIOR in my opinion. Those gop that haven't stood up to him, will when this starts affecting there CONSTITUENTS in the bank accounts and pockets. When they can't afford to feed their children? I am hoping they might be pressured to GROW A PAIR 🤷♀️🤦♀️
TUFF SHIT ! this is AMERICA and we have laws.... we aren't a lawless nation.
They need to follow our laws or get the hell out ! 🤷♀️🥴🤪
or is it "laws for thee but not for me ?"
We aren’t a lawless nation & we have to hope the courts keep it that way, but trump has shown us that laws don’t matter or apply to him.
Musk doesn’t think they matter, either.
Only power & money rule Elon & Felon.
Musk only has “friends” because he is rich. I think I watched a Hallmark movie about someone like him. It was very sad. To pay for people to like you and be around you. So sad.
You claim you're for freedom, but what do we see?Supporting the AFD, the hate party in Germany.They shout the same slogans, they share your hate,For the diversity and inclusion, it's too late.
Nazi Musks, fuck off!Fuck off, fuck off!
Nazi Musks, fuck off!Fuck off, fuck off!
Trump will surrender Ukraine without Ukrainian involvement the same way he surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban without involving the existing Afghan government.
And people think this fucking loser is a genius...?
Putin is a war criminal
Zelenskyy is a hero
Seems like just another lie of a lie by a liar.
Can he just go away? I don’t care how.
He’s foaming at the mouth in projection.
Putin would not ever bomb an election booth or rig an election.
I did not forget Putin invaded Ukraine in March 2022.
I did not forget Putin annexed Crimea in April 2014.
And I did not forget Zelenskyy stayed and fought in Ukraine.
Musk digs his own grave, siding with blatant falsehoods.
Felon47 & his work wife are all about. And we’re riding up against the traitorous GOP supporting these two sad excuses for a human
Breaking agencies meant to help ppl
Hit 12 agencies with 32 cases against him.
Lies with no evidence while feigning transparency
200,000 fed workers fired
Every working class family affected
Quality of life will decline
income disparity will increase
Kill shitocracy
Trump and Musk= Twin Nut Jobs
I'd be happy to know that he actually has mental issues because otherwise he's the worst scum humanity has right now
Ketamine addict yet?
Would Russia cease-fire so candidates can campaign in the occupied oblasts? In Crimea?
How do Ukrainian prisoners of war vote?
What about all the Ukrainian refugees?
I thought he had some work done on it, so that he could be an Elongated Musk.
So Mr. "Freedom of speech" wants to censure X because community notes went against his lies? 🤔
lying friend.
I still am suspicious about the botch implant. Here say is not a strong argument.
It’s mean, and unbecoming, of America. History is never kind to bullies.
Long Live France!
Long Live Germany!
Long Live Norway!
Long Live Denmark!
The overtime i realized, the lines are beautiful
Celebrate diversity.
How we wish
Has no right to tell world leaders
What to do
He wants an election so he can
Pump million$ in to fix it
And for insurance he will hack it
Like he did to ours
He has inserted himself into every country's
Drug addict
Be extra careful!!! F-ELON will corrupt your election engine just like he did to the US - and trying with Ukraine. By insisting on a 🇺🇦 election.. he knows he could dethrone 🇺🇦’s president!!
Now he calls Zelensky a dictator while cozying up to Putin and Trump.
An oligarch lecturing us on democracy? Ridiculous.
If he wants to spread propaganda, he might as well apply for a job at the Kremlin.
#Musk #Democracy #Ukraine #Kremlin #FactCheck
Jetzt nennt er Selenskyj einen Diktator, während er sich bei Putin und Trump anbiedert.
Demokratie erklärt uns jetzt ein Oligarch? Lächerlich.
Wenn er Propaganda machen will, soll er gleich für den Kreml arbeiten.
Is it because you know just how to make sure he loses one?
How dare he come to this country and insult us domestically and foreignly. He is anti-American, anti-constitution, and harms our worldwide allies and friends.
And the GOP sits idly counting their money, laughing all the way to the bank.
Jesus man only stupid people would think this.
The Praise of Folly (1509)
He’s itching to steal another election. Watch out Ukraine.
Hang in there.
Something has to fucking give.
Elon is a piece of shit!
It's a actual study where the researchers use "rich asshole" in their findings.
Fascinating stuff.
Someone put him down
He doesn't have one redeeming feature.
He's an authoritarian, he's ignorant, he's painfully unfunny, he's pathetic, he's unfeasibly privileged, he's a liar, he paints himself as a victim, he's almost impossibly cringe.
I could go on...
These men are cruel
It’s almost as if they want somebody to just stop them from themselves. Like really pushing the boundaries on purpose.
In ten years, these Republicans will be retired, or…not around. Younger generations are open minded, inclusive
The USA is *not* in the midst of a physical invasion, but there are a large number of people here who want a reelection!
But Iam pissed off.
This COUNTRY is SO VULNERABLE to attack right now because these numnuts have weakened every protection system we had to prevent us from HARM..FAA,CDC,FBI,
FDIC, CSPA, HHS....and the list continues.... who is protecting us? 🤷♀️🤔🤯🤬😤
I keep asking how this has happened so fast & why Congress is letting it.
In all my life, I never thought the US would be at risk of such damage—& it’s from the INSIDE!
Congress has been neutered.
They need to follow our laws or get the hell out ! 🤷♀️🥴🤪
or is it "laws for thee but not for me ?"
Musk doesn’t think they matter, either.
Only power & money rule Elon & Felon.
Nazi Musks, fuck off!Fuck off, fuck off!
Nazi Musks, fuck off!Fuck off, fuck off!