As long as everyone is talking about crediting sources: I made the original image used - and whoever made a video out of it and blasted HUD's monitors Friday did so without asking permission or offering any credit.
And who wouldn't WANT credit for this lovely work of art?
Putin is probably the actual richest man in the world. He has done to Russia what Elmo is trying to do here. Don’t sleep on Putin’s $. He’s just not dumb enough to flaunt it or he’d be Putin’s by his own people.
My thoughts as well! Just like that number $277million!! BS they spent a billion at least and eLon didn’t all the “sudden” decide to back tRump after the so called assignation attempt!! These plans have been in the works for a long minute!! JS and oh…
#FtRump & #FeLon
277 might be what trump got but all the republicans and that voted to confirm nominees and other dastardly deeds have also been paid, they aren’t doing it for free. I’m sure SCOTUS and others have also received compensation.
Or so Elon says, recognize the patterns like Trump yet
2 Dip💩 drug using Cons that want to brag about their being smarts, wealth,tough talking,braggarts,+ friends of American adversaries,esp.
Putin! Take them into custody,+lock them up, seize, freeze, their wealth + assets.
Elon likes to prance about wearing the "World's Richest Man" beanie, but I suspect that Vladimir Putin is actually the world's 1st Trillionaire. He's the head of the Russian Mob, after all, and he gets a taste of everything. And he probably has secret properties & bank accounts everywhere, as well.
People in all federal departments please just resign or go on strike ! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 if they can terminate jobs of your colleagues how long will it take till you lose yours … they can’t operate without you all
Why do you feel it necessary to defend them? Why do you care so much? All this energy by the MT loyalists to attack and/or convince anyone who says they're not on board. There are much bigger fish to fry.
That's awesome and thank you for the reporting. However, Meidas is doing what we need them to do right now which is flood the zone with truth reporting and they are doing that. Hate em if you want but they're the good guys in the fight right now.
They fired a reporter because she wanted to report on the election being stolen. Which it was, but they refuse to acknowledge any of it, including the purged voter roles and the comments made by Musk and Trump about them stealing the election.
I can’t find the video where she talks about it, but she used to be on the Meidas network. And now she’s not. What I understand is that she received an email telling her to stop talking about the stolen election. They threatened to remove her from the network so she left.
It's Jessica Denson & Lights Out. Ben is an attorney, I trust him to know what's legal. There hasn't been definitive proof that the election was stolen & how it was. You can't just accuse w/o proof. That said, I totally believe Musk hacked the voting machines. Both he & #Felon47 admitted it.
I see you don’t check replies before replying. Which falls in line with what this entire thread is about. Jessica only leaned into it because y’all pushed her out so hard. Ben made her want to talk about it more by making it taboo, btw. And the point Jessica makes is no one is looking for the proof.
But they're not "truth reporting." They often get it wrong. Their primary aim is telling Dems what we want to hear at the expense of accuracy. That's not okay, IMO, on either side of the aisle.
They don’t “often” get it wrong. Everyone gets some stuff wrong, even Rachel. They are using a flood the zone approach and because of them, all others are having to up their game on multi platforms. You can get balance by tuning into The Five on Fox every couple of days if you need.
I have zero interest in Fox "News," thank you very much. Not sure why you feel the need to defend them to me. Not interested. Make your own decisions about who to follow.
Truthful reporting would be acknowledging Marisa Kabas as the journalist who brought the HUD hack video to social media. Meidas Touch curated with out credit to Kabas.
Someone in the thread above mentioned that perhaps Meidas rcvd the original link because Wired received it. Not sure about that but there are many much larger dickish things happening right now than that.
Traveling dude, Exactly. They are turning on left leaning media sources. Exactly as the far-right wants them to do. I don’t watch MTN so I have no vested interest. But I see the critics playing into putin’s hand.
Agreed- when the one brother started exaggerating crowd sizes on the campaign trail- in favor of Harris, who had plenty of support at her rallies, I just thought- ugh- here is our liberal propaganda machine…..
We noticed this was posted on Anthony's X feed 21 minutes earlier, which is why he received attribution. We always strive to give proper credit—even when it’s challenging due to the fragmented nature of social media across multiple platforms and the rapid spread of viral content.
And this account, too.
See the time stamp.
It's most likely it wasn't an exclusive story... it broke out to several accounts on various platforms.
It differs if the person that took the video was discredited, but for obvious reason for privacy, it shouldn't or the person(s) who loaded at HUD
marisa, you were really quick to jump on them for this, but slow to respond when it's pointed out you're not the only source for this and still haven't addressed refusing to credit - not a great look
1. This is why I don't follow MeidasTouch, because they are grifters without integrity.
2. Weren't you the person who did the same thing to me, not giving me credit for the Santos drag queen story? I seem to recall you claimed to have broken the story but didn't.
Please relax. They have so many insiders that share stuff with them. Don’t take it personal. You aren’t the only person who knows this. lol not to mention I’ve seen it posted by several accts on X.
We all are just sharing each others info to make others aware. Teamwork.
I first saw this in a WaPo article and then did just a minute of research to realize Marisa posted it first, so I QT'd her instead of the WaPo article. Come on, people.
Not going to acknowledge that you were wrong to call them out for it and didn’t bother to do…journalism…to determine why they credited someone else beforehand?
No, they’re providing an example of her hypocrisy, as she refuses to source people and passes stories off as her own. As stated though, at least two people posted this video before she did, and one of them is sourced by MT, so again, she’s trying to act like this is her story exclusively and it isnt
which, again, is incredible since you actually have taken someone else's scoop and passed it off as your own and did nothing to clarify that when you were called out!
Actually, that’s genius!! 😂🤣
If someone sends me the original video, I will quite literally make a fake email account & use a VPN JUST to send this to them!
Hand to God, I will!
I don't understand the "me first" mentality of folks. She has a massive following but because she's so worried about her content being first, I'm not interested in following her because I'd rather a creator be more worried about their content being accurate than first.
I was privately provided the video and a still image via a messaging app. I posted it on X and then here. Note that I did not try to take credit for anything, nor did I ask for any credit.
i didn't make a mistake. i don't follow that journalist and didn't know anything about her post. i received the video at 9:24 EST and then posted it at 9:30 EST. i hope this information gives you comfort in a world filled with real problems.
Honestly I would point the finger also at this Anthony LaMesa who didn't cite as well. Including Serious both Meidas and Anthony can spend 5 minutes verifying
This is silly. Meidas Touch doesn’t need to “take credit” for anything. We’re all on the same side. Things go viral. This isn’t a newsworthy breaking story resulting from investigative reporting. Literally hundreds of people recorded it in their phones and posted and tagged around.
Hey MT, make it right please--acknowledge the proper source. You may not have known it at posting--but it is clear now.
We are all fighting a battle for our nation that starts with honesty and integrity and ethics--from the ground up. It starts right here.
It’s been all over Twitter all day & was posted by the official HUD site; many ppl are claiming credit for its origins saying they worked with Grok to create it.
Noted. There are a lot of big accounts stealing from smaller accounts and I find it infuriating. Perhaps I misjudged this time and I will check on the information you provided.
And who wouldn't WANT credit for this lovely work of art?
We all make mistakes but it's very important to acknowledge and correct them when confronted!
Internet, make it so.
It ain’t rocket science
In under 60 seconds:
Bah, what am I saying, Trump probably already gave him the nuclear codes.
Money = Power in most cases.
But when you're a dictator to such a large player like Russia? You don't need money. The people's money becomes your money.
That's what Trump and Musk want for themselves.
#FtRump & #FeLon
And the Saudis? It's still uncouth to discuss net worth there.
2 Dip💩 drug using Cons that want to brag about their being smarts, wealth,tough talking,braggarts,+ friends of American adversaries,esp.
Putin! Take them into custody,+lock them up, seize, freeze, their wealth + assets.
Putin, Xi and maybe even Kim Jong have more than elon.
Smart people hide their wealth.
That's why Musk shouts about his.
Just pathetic.
Jeez—the loyalty of MT fans is, I guess?, something to be admired. 😵💫
I'm not going to spend my time trying to convince you. Follow them if you like. It's your decision.
Not a very deep thinker, I take it.
Support independent journalism.
Hacked HUD tv monitors.
See the time stamp.
It's most likely it wasn't an exclusive story... it broke out to several accounts on various platforms.
It differs if the person that took the video was discredited, but for obvious reason for privacy, it shouldn't or the person(s) who loaded at HUD
marisa, you were really quick to jump on them for this, but slow to respond when it's pointed out you're not the only source for this and still haven't addressed refusing to credit - not a great look
2. Weren't you the person who did the same thing to me, not giving me credit for the Santos drag queen story? I seem to recall you claimed to have broken the story but didn't.
Now reread my comment to understand my remix of that phrase. (You might need to know how to make gravy to understand it, but I stand by my remix)
I was being creative and didn’t really think it would confuse anyone.
Inexplicable ommission really
We all are just sharing each others info to make others aware. Teamwork.
Anyway, follow Marisa!
That’s some Fox-level gaslighting.
Are brilliant.
There are a lot more important things to worry about than who posted a video first
One image say more of a thousand words…
#Felon47 #DefundMusk #Resist
NO one voted for #ElonMusk
Are here for it. Leon will Love this. The felon not so much.
If someone sends me the original video, I will quite literally make a fake email account & use a VPN JUST to send this to them!
Hand to God, I will!
Come on…please give credit where it’s due.
We are all fighting a battle for our nation that starts with honesty and integrity and ethics--from the ground up. It starts right here.
This is quite the Conservative tactic of providing news
I don't think anyone intended to slight anyone else.
Unfollowing now.
It seems likely whomever provided it originally didn't do it exclusively just to her.
Apparently, his post was first.
The pitchfork and torch mentality needs to stop. Make sure they are actually guilty before passing judgment on an accusation.
Meidas Touch is Fox News for liberals