So help me . . . I swear if they bring back this crap that damages people there will be hell. Don't test us because we are all at the breaking point with this shit.
I want to see even just one person who advocates conversion therapy to subject themselves to it. How many times do they think it would take to change them from straight to gay? If they had to go through it, they would be firmly against it. They want it for other people, not themselves, though.
I don't know the exact number, but Clarence Thomas specifically said he can't wait to reverse gay marriage. I imagine with a SCOTUS stacked with Trump appointees, they are itching to take away what few rights gay people have gotten.
So it’s ok for states to ban medical procedures like abortion, books, sex change operations but NOT conversion therapy? Okay! Seems hypocritical though.
That's no "Supreme Court" that court is a joke. No one trusts them. Court reform is necessary and a few justices need to be investigated. Thomas, Kavenagh, Gorsich, Roberts, Alito, & Barrett would be a great start. Lock em up during trial too, no bail for treasonous traitors
Notice that Christians suddenly want a right to privacy with their patients. However when women want to make private decisions with their doctors regarding birth..they are denied. There is no “right to conversion therapy” written in the constitution. Use their own arguments against them.
Additionally notice the parallel where the Supreme Court sent abortion rights back to the states at the behest of conservatives. In the Conversion case, the state of Colorado banned the therapy. Now conservatives want the Federal Government to step in. The hypocrisy is STUNNING!
It is definitely not therapy. All therapeutic govering bodies in this state should be vocal about it not being an approved form of"therapy." It gives therapy a bad name.
Thomas and Alito will overturn the ban based on their conservative and religious views. Another example of the Supreme Court disregarding experts in favor of bending American society to their will
The APA is opposed to Conversion Therapy. Ethically, no licensed psychologist will practice conversion therapy. Problem is that if this ban is overturned, there are enough who WILL practice it, and tons of MAGA families will force kids into it. It's dangerous, abusive, and a huge risk for suicide.
What is to stop unlicensed practitioners especially those affiliated with evangelical churches from practicing Conversion Therapy? There will be no governmental oversight, and will likely be akin to the private adolescent treatment camps for out of control teens.
That's what I'm talking about. If the ban is overturned, people will literally come out of the woodwork, mostly unlicensed people, to set up clinics and camps and all sorts of awful stuff. This is why it's so dangerous to even consider lifting the ban.
He was somehow associated with some group that heavily promoted the practice. No way any of those folks were legitimately licensed, though as no licensing body would ethically support this "treatment".
Three of the justices, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas, have agreed to hear it. It takes four justices to grant review. The nine-member court does not typically reveal how justices vote at this stage of a case so it's unclear who might have provided the fourth vote.
JFC, what's next? Someone gonna sue because not giving patients electro shock therapy, bloodletting , or lobotomies violates their fist amendment rights?
These corrupt GOP grifters have zero credibility. They’re mostly concerned with not going to jail for years of absolute fuckery. Impeach them the first chance you get. The rule of law is dead in the US
This is crazy- but fits into their overall agenda of hate and punishment. This is a brutal and dehumanizing process. Does not “convert,” long/term, and it’s definitely NOT therapy
Don't bother fighting the Supreme Court until you've fought the battle in ur own backyard.
Still have a drink with your Trump voting friend? Don't bother me. Still share a laugh with your Trump voting co-worker? Don't bother me. Still watch a movie with a Trump voting actor in it? Don't bother me.
I received an email from CPS (Chicago Public Schools) stating students info was hacked and they had taken Medicad ID and gender and other info. This is worrisome with this administration and what is going on.
Oh, it will not apply to them. All of these draconian laws are only for the masses, not the elites. That will include Clarence, little v and turtle man McConnell and every other Republican in an interracial marriage that I haven't mentioned.
Congressional national campaign and local campaign to flip a seat to BIG BLUE in District 7 South Carolina.
The message you hear tonight is THE message in red districts. Please join candidate John Gregory Vincent on Facebook
Out of fear of the successful peoples revolution in Russia. The ruling class had the R&D partiee grind the workers into the ground as the czars had. This is the birth of anti union anti communist propaganda all came from preventing a now long overdue revolution.
Can someone point me in the direction of a lawyer that can help a client in NC, with civil rights violations. What is going on with you guys judicial system! Black people are being slaughtered. And I understand the Eastern District is hell on black people! They do not stand a chance.
It’s shameful to me the appeal process has progressed this far. I’m not a legal expert … I guess you just keep appealing until it hits SCOTUS? I just would have hoped somewhere it would have been dismissed for being so blatantly harmful to those being “converted”
How…the fuck…is there standing to bring this case to begin with? She’s claiming her first amendment rights are restricted but where’s the demonstrable harm? In fact the harm is all on the people damaged by the therapy to begin with
So they want to ban gender-affirming care, which the individual voluntatrily seeks out, but want to allow conversion therapy, which young people are coerced into.
Why would anyone want to hurt kids? It doesn't matter if they are different, they are still kids! Period! There is no way they can say no to this ban. What about the 8th amendment? Or all the global agreements we are part of and founded?? Conversion therapy is torture, end of discussion.
It’s the cruelty that is the point. They can hide behind their religion all they want, but there’s no reason other than to harm those in the LGBTQIA+ community. Like the saying goes, there’s no hate like Christian “love.”
Great. We all know how that’s gonna end. Alito will write a scathing, moralizing (but immoral) “majority” opinion codifying abuse of & discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community into law. Reprehensible.
All human beings deserve the right to live free, be their true selves, and express themselves. The Supreme Court better understand that simple concept.
This is a kangaroo court. It is so sad who knew the country would come to this. Where they would sell out the country where they are born and raised. You people are the devils.
Do they not have anything more important to do? There's 5 old man saggy balls, 3 women who look like they grew up doing as they were told, and 1 who looks scared to open her mouth.
They all have a relative or friend who could be subjected to this. They need to remember the rights of the few. That’s who they speak for in this case.
With gay rights, it is all hands on deck for Republicans. Count on them going as extreme as possible against anything to do with gay people, especially with so many Trumpians in the court now.
We've already got several state resolutions trying to overturn Obergefell. My guess is SCOTUS would screw up that reversal so bad they reverse Loving as well
This is not likely to end well. Conversion therapy should not be banned for only minors. It should be banned for everyone. It doesn't work and it leaves people suicidal.
If the Bible Belt and Texas were to secede (and call their new country Howdy Arabia), the rest of the US would probably have to deal with a lot fewer problems.
I know which five, right off the bat will be totally in favor of conversion therapy. I know which three will be against it. Surprisingly, it seems the handmaiden is the only wild card.
Anyone who condones conversion therapy is just evil. Research has confirmed that such tactics are ineffective and strongly associated with long-lasting psychological harm. Suicide rates increase for people that are forced into conversion therapy. It has also been called a violation of human rights.
When will this madness end?! They’re actively trying to be cruel and it’s dangerous! DO THEY HATE THEIR OWN CITIZENS THAT MUCH THAT THEY SOGN OFF ON PRACTICES DESIGNED TO TORTURE AND EXPERIMENT ON THEM?! FFS 🤬🤬🤬
This therapy does not align with medical science. It is theological and the Supreme Court needs to stay away from any medical decisions. They’re too fucking stupid and ugly most of them.
So Christian-SCROTUS is a specialist in homosexuality, bisexuality & gender variance? 🏳️🌈👬
"There is a scientific consensus that conversion therapy is ineffective at changing a person's sexual orientation or gender identity & that it frequently causes significant long-term psychological harm."
What ever happened to the ethics violation these people committed? Everything just got sweeped under the rug. Congress is so useless. No such thing as checks and balances .
Congress is in dereliction of duty and has been on gay rights most of the time. If anything, Congress immediately enacting DOMA as fast as they could, showed how they feel about it. What few rights we got was through the courts. Now, with a stacked SCOTUS, it is all going away.
Try to teach yourself to be without fear. It can be done.
Fear only gives them the advantage and leaves you 3 punches to the face before you even get started.
Huh. It gave me vibes of someone who understands the proven benefits of meditation and is encouraging someone who's afraid to seek methods to help mitigate their fear, because sustained states of fear can result in autonomic dysfunction, which can affect every system in the body. Meditation helps.
It should lead to an uprising ala stonewall but bigger and meaner if they pass this. Make them regret being like this. Their addresses are known. Make SCOTUS scared to be a right wing Russian asset again.
I would love to see that. Make them feel like I felt when the whole damn county came after me back in the early 90s. If I saw one more redneck piece of garbage with piss stains saying, "I'll straighten you out, gal," I was going to lose it. I still might. I've had enough of these fuckers.
They are all the epitome of what the Republicans have declared DEI to be.
Every single one of the "conservative" justices sit in seats that were bought for them in order to do as they're told so their funders have control over the law
WHAT HAPPENED TO LET THE STATES DECIDE? This loathsome, conservative court obviously shares Alito’s wife’s view that homosexuality is disgusting. This is an FU from the court to Colorado and America as well. They WILL decide our morality. They will not even attempt to interpret the law, THEIR JOBS.
Don’t expect anything good to come from this at this point. The Supreme Court can’t be trusted to be neutral/unbiased. I hate that people will suffer 🥹 but folks need to prepare for the worst. Sorry for being such a pessimist. I really am….
You rightly added "harmful" to the headline. This "reparative therapy” is dangerous and discredited bunch of bull trying to claim to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity because the parent/society is trying to fix something that is not broken, just different.
I would love to see the people who are for it have to go through it themselves. They would realize what torture it truly is then. They only want it for us gay people, though. They are rape cultists, in reality.
I’m much more concerned about the young men that dress the same with long guns & ski masks.
All getting into the back of a trailer to go kill people dancing on some street wearing bright colors minding their own business.
So harmful - the poor LGBTQIA community I cannot imagine the anguish having to undertake that awful practice - I wish this challenge every success 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
If that were to go to SCOTUS, it could be upheld by the 1st Amendment-freedom of religion, after all. i.e., if children don’t like the religious push of their parents, put them in conversion therapy run by the Church of Satan.
Just sayin…
They had BETTER fucking agree to stopping it. It’s cruel and unjust punishment. No more conversion therapy!!! LET PEOPLE BE WHO THEY WISH TO BE- as long as it isn’t hurting someone, then let them be!!!
Christian Nationalism is wild. Reasonable people wouldn't hear this case because there isn't anything here worth their time. But that isn't the ninth circle of Hell that we live in.
Sanctimonious White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt could use a refresher course on “Religion 101”!
Thou shall not:
-Speak Falsely to one another.
-Act dishonestly.
-Take no revenge against fellow countrymen.
-Stand by idly while your neighbors life is at risk.
Fuck the right and tbeir fake ass religious cover. They are the antithesis of what people who are actually religious should
and can be - I'm not religious but I know what respectable religious people would do and actually just value their relationship to god
and don't need to weaponize it to enforce their beliefs on others let alone legislate absolute cruelty and hate and literally destroy society and want to oppress others. They don't use it to manipulate people for their votes. It's so gross seeing the right be literally monsters.
Let me grab my crystal ball ....
I predict a 5/4 overturning the ban.
All 3 liberal justices will dissent with either Roberts or ACB siding with the liberals.
Then expect red states to challenge Obergfeld in SCOTUS.
KKKlownCOTUS is ILLEGITIMATE and has no authority! KKKongress has weaponized them to operate as a TYRANNICAL FASCIST REGIME! They’re TRAITORS to the USA and the ENEMY of WE The People! STOP PRETENDING! STOP THE COUP! 🗽🇺🇦🇨🇦🇺🇸
Sure they'll hear it , hear the words, hear the pain.
They won't listen, words are nothing emotionally to the joy of hearing " Tax cuts , big raises, except for the Dems."
Conversion therapy is brainwashing ,torture, cruel and causes more harm than good.
They'll vote how 47 wants.
As they all live in podunk red states with little to no income.
Call everyday at #5Calls
Do these fuckers want to fear for their lives? Because that's how this is gonna go if they don't stop all this.
Not a threat coming from me.
Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies, minor in Psychology
What gives them the rights to "convert" anyone into anything?
This is bad.
Did DOGE act to save its top executives?
Still have a drink with your Trump voting friend? Don't bother me. Still share a laugh with your Trump voting co-worker? Don't bother me. Still watch a movie with a Trump voting actor in it? Don't bother me.
Cut Trump voters out of your life and make them feel it. If they beg for forgiveness ignore them. If they cry do a dance in their tears.
Congressional national campaign and local campaign to flip a seat to BIG BLUE in District 7 South Carolina.
The message you hear tonight is THE message in red districts. Please join candidate John Gregory Vincent on Facebook
Out of fear of the successful peoples revolution in Russia. The ruling class had the R&D partiee grind the workers into the ground as the czars had. This is the birth of anti union anti communist propaganda all came from preventing a now long overdue revolution.
Conversion therapy is psychological torture. It is not free speech. It is illegal because of the amount of abuse involved.
The party of personal freedom.
Trump is the AntiChrist.
The dead-letter-literal-interpretation of the Bible,
evangelical fundamentalists white nationalists churches
have been warning about the man of sin" and "son of perdition.
And when he appears, they elect him president.
Boycott the churches on radio & TV.
Well done, you!
"Removing this ban will damage the lives of gay people. Shall we hear arguments?"
Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch: "NAHH, we've heard enough. Sounds good to us! Strike it down!"
The arsehole of the free world.
Cause we already know that song and it's not ending well for women in red states already
"There is a scientific consensus that conversion therapy is ineffective at changing a person's sexual orientation or gender identity & that it frequently causes significant long-term psychological harm."
Did you see that handshake exchange with Roberts?
"Thank you again, I won’t forget it,” then slapped the chief on the back. 👿
Fear only gives them the advantage and leaves you 3 punches to the face before you even get started.
Asexuality is a sexual orientation and people shouldn’t try to make them change into something that they are not. CT should be banned for everyone.
Every single one of the "conservative" justices sit in seats that were bought for them in order to do as they're told so their funders have control over the law
When are they going to reinstate the Salem witch trials?
All getting into the back of a trailer to go kill people dancing on some street wearing bright colors minding their own business.
All done gradually and we’re being gaslighted every step of the way.
Surprised you did nazi this coming
Which, as we all know, actually promotes kindness to others and inclusivity. So it's a win win.
Just sayin…
I might be considered unconventional.
Sanctimonious White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt could use a refresher course on “Religion 101”!
Thou shall not:
-Speak Falsely to one another.
-Act dishonestly.
-Take no revenge against fellow countrymen.
-Stand by idly while your neighbors life is at risk.
Fuck the right and tbeir fake ass religious cover. They are the antithesis of what people who are actually religious should
and can be - I'm not religious but I know what respectable religious people would do and actually just value their relationship to god
I predict a 5/4 overturning the ban.
All 3 liberal justices will dissent with either Roberts or ACB siding with the liberals.
Then expect red states to challenge Obergfeld in SCOTUS.
They all need to burn
They won't listen, words are nothing emotionally to the joy of hearing " Tax cuts , big raises, except for the Dems."
Conversion therapy is brainwashing ,torture, cruel and causes more harm than good.
They'll vote how 47 wants.