🚨BREAKING: Donald Trump is claiming dictatorial power, declaring in a social media post that the pardons issued by former President Biden are null and void—using lies as his justification.
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Ha ha ha!!!
That's not the way presidential pardons work Donnie boy. Whether they were signed in auto pen or not. You are the only thing that is VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT...
Signed by a US citizen that has a country but does not have a president
The Republican Party and Trump had to lie full time to American citizens to win. They lied all through the Trump campaign. They lie in every interview. They are not in an honest relationship with American citizens. This is not a valid "win". Their power is based on defrauding American citizens.
To say that Biden didn't know what he was signing is insulting. Biden used auto pen to sign the pardons so they, too, aren't legal. Are you saying that trump sat at his desk on day two and signed 1600+ pardons with his own hand? He couldn't sit thru sorting the J6ers to decide who gets a pardon!
NOTE: Jan. 6th Committee members & all those who worked in the Committee are immune from prosecution under the Speech or Debate Clause. https://youtube.com/live/9wUBl7iCZ80
The question is: Who cares? Who will stop them when they start arresting these persons? Who will enforce the law when Trump and his cronies break the law?
And when he was given “full immunity” from prosecution?
The minute SCOTUS gave him immunity is the day they handed that orange POS and his cronies unlimited power…..and when he won the election he became a “dictator on day one”. Just like he said.
which, yeah, im guessing was the purpose of the post. to his sycophants it doesnt matter if its true all that matters to them is if they can use it to inflict harm on people. all they care about is harming others, and they are convinced it will satiate them, but it will not. you cant win that game
Yes but just think unlike last time how many pepople he has in the background encouraging him. What happens when he's gone? Unless they are all charged with treason someone else just ends up taking over where he left off.
I wonder what the people think now that thought Joe Biden was wrong to issue those pardons. 🤔He wants to go after each and every individual who he thinks had a hand in all of his criminal investigations. He won’t be satisfied until he gets retribution. He is an insane demented man.
If the judicial branch of government does not hold the executive branch accountable, there will be nothing left to call this a country. It pains me to think about the number of opportunities there was to get rid of this clown. Now he thinks he is indestructible.
Ok and let’s not fool ourselves apart from all the levers of power this guy is abusing at warp speed are Americans going to really allow this guy to start offing any opposition without the Military saying “ok we have seen enough.!!!” He does have nuclear codes as well! Mothers call your sons home.
Alternative idea: Krasnov conspired with a foreign adversary and a tech junkie to defraud the American people. HIS pardons of J6 rioters are not legitimate because HE is not a legitimate president.
It's almost like he's BEGGING to end his life like every other despot before him. NONE of them ever survived their attempts to destroy their countries. He's really mentally unfit.
Does IQ47 have any knowledge or understanding of any of the Executive Orders he has signed or were they all written by the Project 2025 team. How about the Jan 6 insurrectionists - did he sign each of those pardons, 1500+, with his sharpie? What an asshole.
Trump is a would-be dictator plain and simple. It remains to be seen if our judicial branch can constrain him. Seems to me, he is testing the waters, defying court rulings, and if he can get away with this, then it's game over. The would-be dictator will now be a full-blown dictator.
Think he may have just found out sum1 he wanted to go after was pardoned, sounds like that sort of rage rant. No idea can a Presidents pardon be un pardoned? Hope not.
You're absolutely right. But perhaps a REVOLT "the likes of which they have never seen" (as the bloated Cheeto would say), might begin a chain reaction. I just know that doing nothing will get us nothing. The town halls are an indication that revolt is smoldering.
How long are we going to put up with this crap? He ignores the courts, make up his own rules for revenge, time to kick him out of office, other countries do so why can't we It is up to the people now. The democrats aren't doing enough.
You can't expect a corrupt system to unfuck itself. Even if the dems pulled every dirty trick in the book; none of it would stop Trump because all of those tricks falsy assume the other party will play by the rules. No, the way WE stop this is with pitchforks and torches
The human race & life on the planet is heading towards total extinction
Trump & 🇺🇲 is too insecure/volatile, causing WW3 There's too many existential critical things going wrong, automation, global warming, geoeconomic crises, geopolitical tension/war, the list is growing... https://youtu.be/X_wLVgMzSH4?si=c-trMmRgxFmblapS
These crises are happening, yes, but to say life on the planet is careening into extinction is arrogant and untrue. The planet is becoming less hospitable to *humans* but life will still survive just fine. Society may collapse, but humanity will survive--this isn't the first time nor the last.
Don't forget we survived through the ice age as a species AND the dramatic climate change to our current world. The current fight is for stability and adaptability--change is inevitable.
Hope the supreme court is rethinking their choosing of unlimited power to this nut case. They are at fault for this abuse of power. I pray we make it through this nightmare. He needs to be removed and so does Musk, Vance, & Johnson. They are insane
He's truly lost his mind now! If pardons can so easily be desolved, then the J6 pardoned are also null & void! Every pardon that Trump has done means nothing & they should all go back to prison!
He gets more derranged and sicker by the minute... shame on all those around him who still bend the knee and can't wait to carry his water...shame on them all!
Someone is paying off the scumbag Republican Lawmakers! Not one of the black or women Republicans have said a word about the scrubbing of blacks and women also anything to do with Colin Powell and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ! Not one word from Republican Lawmakers they are trash
Go to https://seeyouinthestreets.com
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
President Trump has declared former President Biden’s pardons for members of the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 attacks on the Capitol to be invalid
The Supreme Court did this! They need to UN-do it! Why would they tell this guy that he has immunity from everything? Why? Did they want us to be under a dictator? It's not like they didn't know Trumps personality and know exactly what he would do.
This is NOT just going to go away…the courts are not going to save us & Trump is not going to be “voted” out (remember Jan 6?) Time for SYMBOLIC gestures has long passed. Rallying & marches have little effect, random boycotts even less. Nationwide General Strike! https://generalstrikeus.com/
I know you guys are successful and all but you gotta calm down on the headlines. It is completely turned me off and I used to love you guys. It’s just too much drama. Be truthful.
This is the kind of late night drunk posting you get when you elect a narcissistic clown to the highest level of government. Wake up maga - this is what you voted for.
He sees Republican approval of him going down. He swore to be their "retribution," and they cheered and ate it up. He's desperately trying to win them back.
What the US is learning is that pledging allegiance to the flag and swearing oaths to the constitution are merely performative acts. Democracy requires effort and initiative that can not thrive if people never receive proper education about history,politics and philosophy like Europeans do.
It all worked untill the scotus was rigged. Biden should of have immediately augmented the number of judges. As things stand now there are no longer checks and balances. The legislative, executive and judiciary branch were all united in 1 hand. The US is living the end of it’s failed Weimar republic
They were to concerned about what repugnants would say or do, they always try to be good good, fvck that, they need to get a back bone, we see what these thugs are doing, I can’t express my hate on here, FIGHT LIKE HELL !!!!
The fact is he can. SCOTUS granted him immunity in his official acts. They destroyed their own power with the ruling. There is nothing to stop him now within the law
We've had a handful of chances to stop him and failed every one. He was impeached twice and the Senate failed to convict. His hand picked SCOTUS gave him absolute immunity. And then voters chose him again despite all the warnings. There is no way left to constrain him. Democracy has failed.
Machiavelli's "Prince": "One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived."
Deception is a natural part of politics. Trump's use of deception is used brilliantly. The country chose amoral leadership after seeing a failure to legislate the will of those who voted.
I just can’t understand how career FBI, CIA, Secret Service etc agents are stomaching this. It really is time he met with an ‘unfortunate accident’, I overheard a guy say in a bar a day or two ago.
I wish I could. I'm one of those in danger: disabled, on SSI, Medicaid, EBT. Which also means I don't have the money or physical ability to move - even across town! -, nor will any country take me. I spend my time watching House Hunters Intntn'l, daydreaming of moving to a nice Dem Soc country!
Trump seems to believe his 'executive orders' have the force of law, and that he can use executive orders to override the constitution (birthright citizenship), override congress (disband the dept of education), override previous presidential pardons (his latest midnight rant). FFS WTF is going on?
Nobody has vigorously opposed the "my executive orders are unchallengeable law" idea. Trump ignores the courts and they so far haven't called in the US Martials to apprehend anyone for disobeying the courts.
Effectively, Trump isn't wrong. In practice, his orders ARE indistinguishable from law.
Biden may finally regret having enabled a peaceful transfer of power to a glaringly obvious racist, sadistic, fascist oligarchy. Democrats didn't even bother to investigate obvious election interference and fraud by musk, putin and trump.
1933 continues to be repeated. People need to accept we're in a fully committed fascist regime that has no regard for the previous government, constitution, or anyone not them. Dark times are to come until people realize this and do something about it. The future if dire.
Felon47, your words mean nothing, you have no power and you are stupid. You are not a dictator but a whiny little boy in big boy pants. Get over yourself because you are nothing. You are null and void to this country.
Please keep those jail cells ready for 20 Jan 2028 as there's a lot of people the orange dickhead pardoned who'll be straight back in them.
On a more serious note, this is surely the worst thing Trump has ever said? Essentially he is saying "the law, and how it is applied does not apply to me".
You ever spill a greesy, off color, and foul smelling substance? You could use what you are supposed to use on the surfaces and the stain would go away. But, if you keep adding more of the greesy crap, it just spreads the stain and stench further.
Talk about work from home!!! We have a president who not only thinks he can reverse a former president’s pardons and make changes to our constitution on a whim, but he can do it all by social media posts!!!
It is crazy! No one ever expected our democratic country would elect a total madman, AND for a significant portion of the population to stand by and cheer as he destroyed our institutions and our place in the world order!
Can't count the number of news stories of Trump supporters crying that they were caught up in his policies. Latest a guy who married a woman who overstayed and worked illegally and he is shocked that she is being deported. He and she both were/are vocal Trump supporters.
Nothing will happen immediately, and with the hold 💩47💩 has over the GOP Congress, we have to rely on the courts and resistance from the people—US! Resist in every way you can!!!
Yes, but where I live, most everyone is just still watching and waiting to see what happens at this point—not just wanting to “overreact”. I believe we have to become active in resisting NOW in every little way we can.
We can increase protests, boycotts, and harassing our representatives. People who have been through this sort of thing before say that resistance helps if enough people participate. 🙏🤞🏼🙏🤞🏼🙏🤞🏼
And people are showing up at protests more than is being reported. Town Halls.Tesla protests. Boycotts. A national strike would be in line.They're messing with Social Security for God's sake. The turmoil he has caused domestically and internationally is not going to beHave they no sense of decency?
OK, here's the thing - Dr. Ronny can't practice medicine anyplace but a gov't facility (don't ask me why). If he's tending to the Yam Man in Florida, he's committing a crime.
A nation of cowards deserves a dictator like him. We need to figure out how long we want to take this BS. ‘Coz after a while, it will become the new normal.
Bill Barr weaponized that first administration from day one when he hijacked the Muller Report and then mischaracterized its contents.
No Ru!
Barr went on to persecute Trump’s attack weasel Michael Cohen.
So, Trump knows exactly who the “weaponizer” is, was and will be.
“We” voted for this!
I'm sad to say I predicted exactly this. Next thing is Bidens sweeping presidential immunity (established by Trump homself) will 'turn out' to be invalid - for 'reasons'. I'm truly sorry to say that any American believing the law and courts will save them is delusional at this point.
Here's my question, "Did Donald Dunce sign all 1075 pardons for the Jan 6th insurrectionists" ?? .... like really?!? He sat there and signed that many pardons?! Give me a f*cking break. He sucks so f*cking bad at being a normal f*cking human !!
History has shown that the only way to stop a dictatorship is to remove "oust" the dictator from office. The military, in part or as a whole usually commits a coup d'état and the people march and demand that the dictator step down. The dictator, cronies & their families usually flee the country.
This is beyond the pale. He's declaring pardons to be void and his administration is ignoring the courts. What other proof do we need that this man needs to be removed now? He's not the President. He's a grifting wanna be dictator.
That's not the way presidential pardons work Donnie boy. Whether they were signed in auto pen or not. You are the only thing that is VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT...
Signed by a US citizen that has a country but does not have a president
Republicans stressed its importance during the election, so Democrats need to get smart, refine their messaging, and keep the focus on the economy.
The minute SCOTUS gave him immunity is the day they handed that orange POS and his cronies unlimited power…..and when he won the election he became a “dictator on day one”. Just like he said.
This is just the beginning
#RiseUp #Resist
If the cult leader says it then its true and we repeat it.
Where are all those people that swore to defend the Constitution?
This is sick what is happening right now and sadly not at all predictable.
For the record,
“Trump is a dictator”.
Trump & 🇺🇲 is too insecure/volatile, causing WW3 There's too many existential critical things going wrong, automation, global warming, geoeconomic crises, geopolitical tension/war, the list is growing...
I’ve often said being the most powerful nation is like being the only guy at a bar brandishing a baseball bat.
Call the world your enemy and start prosecuting and imprisoning everybody and you will soon find yourself running low on allies and sycophants alike.
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
SCOTUS owns this monster
Thanks for keeping people informed
because Biden didn’t use a real pen.
Unconscious “Projections”
of Donald Trump.
Deception is a natural part of politics. Trump's use of deception is used brilliantly. The country chose amoral leadership after seeing a failure to legislate the will of those who voted.
Victor Hugo
BTW he of ALL people should know that BIDEN had the SAME POWERS that he imagines he has now! 💩 🧠
Effectively, Trump isn't wrong. In practice, his orders ARE indistinguishable from law.
Corporate media needs to wake up and cover this story about this president whose dementia is getting worse
Telling lies about a former president Joe Biden needs to sue Number 45
On a more serious note, this is surely the worst thing Trump has ever said? Essentially he is saying "the law, and how it is applied does not apply to me".
The real riddle is why after all Trump's lies, a plurality of Americans continue to believe them?
Yeah.🍊💩. No reason.
So he assumes (for dictators sake) there was no reason for Biden's.
they love that 🙄
No Ru!
Barr went on to persecute Trump’s attack weasel Michael Cohen.
So, Trump knows exactly who the “weaponizer” is, was and will be.
“We” voted for this!
Dismantling of the government.
Declaration of martial law.
Full on surveillance state.
There is an excuse for all of it, no matter what you do, so don't let that guide you.
Stop supporting the system and corporate. Peaceful civil disobediance. Stop the train
Oh dear, it really hasn't sunk in yet has it? Waving flowers and singing kumbahya is not going to resolve this.