When you erase the history of the code talkers, you are erasing the history of the Second World War.
Dumb Educated Individual (DEI).
The people coming up with these ideas represents DEI to the fullest.
Can't remove the truth. To late. It's been recorded and taught.
Why do extreme groups on both sides of the political spectrum want to delete history?
It is pure and blatant racism.
Why not go all the way & deny that WWII ever happened
The entire war will be purged
They'll be teaching kids in Red states that Hitler was a hero & that he died peacefully in his bed
Instead of shooting himself like the coward he was
Only greatest trump’s victory over nasty Europe somewhere in XX-XXI century.
if they were in europe we would throw tomatoes and milkshakes at them in the street
I'm guessing that we can find someone who works at a prison who could reach about that far.
If I’ve just described you, I meant what I said.
There is no kindness, no humanity, no benefit in denying humans anything based on the color of their skin.

Navajo were strictly Marine.
The Hopi served in the army’s 81st Infantry Division.
Every name etched in stone at the war memorials, Arlington Cemetery, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and across the land sacrificed EVERYTHING so others can be free. Their history will NEVER be erased.
He was soldier at the end of the group raising that flag.
Your domestic and foreign policy is 100% run by a foreign billionaire who is dropping Seig Heils, dude. They're fuckin Nazis and anyone arguing it is also a Nazi.
Trump’s Adm. Is Unqualified Opportunists, Treasonous Fascist Traitors!!
I was going to say somewhere safe, but where is safe?
People always use their ingenuity. Ireland was known as the island of saints and scholars for preserving knowledge during the dark ages.
By all American Authors
The more copies the better.
We'd all b smart to write on stone, too. The Sumarians did and look how long their stuff lasted.
Trump is much more of an immigrant than any Comanche or others tribe's code talkers.
They were here first!!
And their appalling ignorance and cruelty.
The Code Talkers are extremely brave heroes who helped win WWII.
I found this page, which will probably be erased soon enough. Thank goodness for the Internet Archive.
Where will this end?
How do people within the army feel like now?
So-called concentration camps were "protective housing."
There were no Jews, Roma, homosexuals, etc. among the casualties.
"Fine people on both sides" for Allies and Axis.
WWII began when Poland invaded Germany.
Pure scum. This old Lady Veteran is PISSED
Erase it and the greatness is erased.
Vote Blue!
71m voted for this. According to a recent poll, 30+% of the population regard themselves as MAGA.
So lets be clear, the MAGA label should be "RBM".
"RBM" is DISCRIMINATION while striving for SEGREGATION & the STRIPPING of rights from The People by Racists, Bigots, & Misogynists (RBM)
Most people don't even understand what the acronym stands for. Folk automatically associate it with "black people who have no skills but were given a position because they were black."
Ignorance at its finest.
They don't care about that.
The invitation said 'GUNFIGHT' not 'tea party'.
Dress accordingly.
They would not say this. I will.
I'm writing to you hoping someone will help me before it's too late!
No food, no money, no safety😢
Please, don't leave me and my family alone! Donate or share the appeal, maybe it will reach someone who can help!
📌 Donate:
Damn the Torpedoes, Full speed ahead!"
He denied the Confederacy their last Harbor to the sea.
The more they try the more other people will strive to record all this info and retain it.
Electric lamp bulb
Lawn mower
Ironing board
Traffic lights
Military gas masks
Home security system
Refrigerator trucks
Automatic gear shift
Folding chairs
And for the kids, Super Soaker’s
All invented by Black AMERICANS!
Your oppression is their profession
I look forward to spitting on Trump's grave. . .
When people realize they can’t get their Social Security it’s going to boil over.
When the disapproval percentage reaches 60% it’s close to critical mass. Polling shows it hovering at 56 now.
Fk HegS
The same process going on in the 🎺🇺🇸 as in 🇷🇺: deleting history.
podium talk is different than street talk is different than locker room talk 🤠
we got pilgrimized lads, and they are indian givin it all back to the creators
and when you are too busy playing defense from the black side of the chess board, it makes it hard for brilliant chang to make dinner
maybe gettin the top side of things sorted out will let people understand their grits and gravy vs their bread 🤠
Says they'll use the military on protesters.
Watching the USA right now is horrible.