This account is mostly about joy and gratitude, but to be honest it's hard stay positive sometimes when I think about the suffering of homeless cats and kittens in this country. Please adopt if you can, and fostering also saves lives!
It's an eternal mystery how anybody thought this lovebug was feral!
He was probably afraid of them—he took years to realize that a hand moving in his direction was not going to hurt him (yes I would like to kill whoever caused that). But he couldn't be more tame.
I had a semi-feral guy for a couple years (he tore through a screen and took off for the summer but he still comes to eat so I'm hoping to get him back in) and he did the feral-squeak thing until he learned that humans answer to meows 😸
Did your beautiful fellow squeak too?
she was chipped and spayed so we think someone abandoned her when she got sick and i'd like to beat that person up a lot.
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colonies are different, but the same applies. it's humane.
From the same colony as our current kitty. I don’t think they were ever there together at the same time, but I’m hoping they smell familiar to each other! She’s been a great mama to 4 of her own beasts and 1 lonely only
Back on my bullshit (of sterilizing every cat in the neighborhood!)
But he has us. Has his home. Forever.
I guess Wilfred can have it (for now)
I think Wilfred may be my last cat.