I've found that's true in my experience, but every time I say it people get mad and say "what about people with allergies". Well, if you HATE an animal because of your own immune system issues that's still red flag. I understand needing to avoid cats, but not hating them.
One of my best friends is very very allergic to cats. She still likes them and insists on me sending her photos of mine to coo over, seeing as she can't actually cuddle her in person.
My brother has had allergies his whole life. He has had a long series of Cornish Rexes and washes his hands after he pets them. He is also allergic to horses. He avoids them and has neutral feelings about them. No hate.
Right ! I'm deathly allergic to cats but I take Zyrtec, wash my hands after petting my cats & do a lot of cat hair mitigation in my house. And I'm fine. There are viable work arounds.
Most of my friends with cat allergies hate their allergies rather than the cats. The console themselves with pictures and videos online and take massive doses of allergy meds to come to visit our cats when that's not enough.
I'm allergic and I love cats. Currently living with someone else's cat, who doesn't like other cats, so I can't get my own.
Unlike dogs, cats aren't dangerous unless you can't take a hint. So they are expending the energy to HATE a small animal that isn't a threat. And that's just very suspicious.
Also, I recognize that a lot of times people say they hate something, when they mean they just strongly dislike it. I'm not talking about that, I mean actual hatred.
I have known people who dislike cats because of bad experiences when they were younger, generally with a family members cat. My mom has had some mean cats over the years, and I can imagine if that's your early experiences it might taint how you feel about them as a whole.
There's enough people out there who have been attacked by dogs, or have been intentionally menaced with dogs by another human that I can understand if someone is scared of dogs, or strongly dislikes them.
It's a rare housecat that could/would successfully maul someone without obvious cause.
Absolutely. I had many clients (retired psychotherapist) who had an understandable fear of dogs. I am grateful that my dog who worked with me in my office brought a lot of joy to the people who were comfortable with dogs. IMO, Therapeutically, pets are a good thing.
I'm quite severely allergic to cats - I had a really bad asthma attack when I was 3 when one sat on me while I was sleeping - so I definitely avoid them whenever possible! I don't particularly dislike them though.
Cats are about autonomy and consent; if they hate cats, they might have issues with autonomy and consent ...
But hating the entire cat species is indeed a red flag
Not sorry.
Hating cats is still a red flag.
He's a Sweet Big Floof Boi though
Unlike dogs, cats aren't dangerous unless you can't take a hint. So they are expending the energy to HATE a small animal that isn't a threat. And that's just very suspicious.
I'm petting a dang cat. I'll need to wash my hands after, but I'm petting the cat.
It's a rare housecat that could/would successfully maul someone without obvious cause.