What animals is it OK to run from and with what animals should you stand your ground.
This one tried to pet the fluffy cow elk and ended up getting run off by the dominant bull in town.
In this case running was the right option.
Why is that ?
This one tried to pet the fluffy cow elk and ended up getting run off by the dominant bull in town.
In this case running was the right option.
Why is that ?
Predators have a chase instinct that goes well with an eat you if they catch you instinct. Herbivores just want you to go away, the faster the better.
Thank you;
But generally stay well clear of wild animals. THEY ARE NOT PETS.
Of course, the best solution is to keep one’s hands to oneself, as we were taught in kindergarten.
A predator, however, wants food, and her survival includes chasing down 2-legged snacks. Plus, it's fun. She wants to chase.
Leave the wildlife alone. They're not sitting there waiting for us.
Deers, climate change, trashy politicians
I grew up in a national park. People are dumb. Don’t try to pet the 700lb deer with spears for a hat.
A predator's prey drive is triggered if you run from them - so bad idea.
#survival #booksky