The extraordinary prison regime of Tommy Robinson. Trying to imagine what he would say if it was given to a Muslim or an asylum seeker
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Move on a bit, haven't we?
Too far, perhaps.
I'm a hopeless optimist though
Also i don't think prisons actually work, especially for people like him. If they did, we wouldn't have reoffending rates like we do
There is no justice in the UK
There is no mention of the 3 meals a day that is thrown in.
No wonder his crimes pay if this is the outcome of the "deterent" that jail is meant to be.
He'll be releasing a memoir of his time in prison titled "my struggle"....
Extractions and dentures only.
No prison dentist did any conservation or preventative work.
How much are we paying to give him a pampered sentence?
Lennon says he doesn't want to move and housed with sex offenders - odd given the reported histories of some EDL members.
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Instead, he'll talk of the toll it has taken upon him and could they give some money for his recovery.
I have suspected bronchitis, but can't see a GP until 8th April, so must struggle on at work. I'm a teacher & have asthma, so it's extremely difficult.
He gets better treatment than many hard working, law abiding people.
You need a blood test to have it confirmed.
Either way, you shouldn’t be teaching. Call 111.
You can’t teach while feeling under par, it’s a full on job at the best of times.
How is allowing conditions to escalate reducing strain on the NHS?
I’m very lucky where we are, almost always get a quick appointment time, but I realise that’s not the same in many places.
They’re taking a lot of risks with our health. What cost if they had to replace you at school while you had to have hosp treatment taking weeks?
Side note I hope you get better soon. Struggling to breath is awful.
Well, fuck me. What a cunt.
Many would be happy with prison if this was the regime.
How on earth is this acceptable and err payable by us the tax payer.
Just wow!
That's what is particularly upsetting.
Perhaps we could take civil action to recover the additional costs from him? To fund support for other prisoners?