One day we’ll be seeing these same faces on trial for terrible crimes.
If we survive it.
If we survive it.
From “Parable of the Talents” by Octavia Butler
This is how democracies die.
Tell me this is happening tomorrow!
Then using the same logic it is hard not to conclude that the ineffectual actions of so many elected Dems suggests that they are GOP ASSETS.
Face it, digest it, deal with it in your own way.
But don’t deny the evidence.
A people's revolution.The only way to defeat fascism is by fighting back by any means necessary. It's times like these our capitalist imperialist fascist state shows us all exactly who they are. Both political parties are there to opress us & keep this empire alive.
Think REALLY hard.
Hillary nailed it!!
I’ve for instance, seen that, when Germany went to the devil in Nazism, people fell into it through their personal shadow.
For instance, they didn’t want to lose their job because they were clinging to money.
That was their personal shadow.
She claimed to be someone else. They all do, in the end.
Learn more about these assholes who want to be CEO Kings:
The Hague awaits all you fuckers for high treason and colluding with foreign known adversaries who are also wanted by the Hague.
Let them all hang together.
“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.
If you can not do great things then do small things in a great way.”
Let’s organize, mobilize, educate, advocate & get into #GoodTrouble to #invoke14thNow
Many of these and the last group never faced Trial,
And the ones from Bush 1 & 2, and Reagan so... no..
No we won't.
Only 2 classes in the USA.
The rich who face no consequences,
and the rest of us who keep them rich and consequence free.
Robert Agee confirmed that the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia is preparing proposals to lift sanctions, in particular on the aviation sector, in terms of supplying spare parts and technical support for aircraft.
The day for their trials cannot come soon enough.
The USA wrests back control from the USSA, and the instigators are jailed.
The USSA makes war with the rest of the world, and eventually the instigators are jailed, but after colossal destruction.
The USSA descends behind a new iron curtain.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
Gotta catch'em all.