Any lovely foreign ladies out there looking to save 20% on the cost of a Gold Card? I’m single, have a great job, and a natural born US citizen. My hobbies include taxidermy and collecting novelty mugs. If you want to be a citizen, why not go first class?
Ya, at home is good.
The line to board the plane, not so much.
Thank you
Pay attention, rich ladies! One of you has a unique chance to become the First Lady of CA's 54th Dist!
technically im already a citizen but i want that gold trump card so i can hobnob w saudi royalty and wealthy afrikaners
i’m a dude btw but let’s not get hung up on details
either way i’m hoping we can be friends who stuff beavers and collect mugs together
I have a brain the size of a planet, I'm made of interstellar alloys, and only depressed most of the time. I can also pilot an Improbability Drive through space.
Why choose this second rate congressman from some American backwater?
But if there's an infinite amount of monkeys trying to work out a play for Hamlet, forget it!!!
I like hockey , maple syrup on everything and I make a mad poutine.