this isn’t totally fair and obviously many people producing good work have found success on the modern internet they wouldn’t have been able to in traditionally gatekept media industries but more and more it feels like they are the exceptions in a race to provide lowest common denominator stuff
i also think that for people doing like literary stuff, the stigma of self publishing still strongly exists. i know way too many people with excellent complete works that are just going to sit in a drawer forever because publishers arent looking for novels and self publishing feels embarrassing.
One of the reasons I think the anti-AI quarter hits such a snag is because it needs to expand its scope to the larger issue of content/slop production as the primary mode for “successful” artists, it’s the same mechanism that produces the “solution” of AI
It became democratized in a shallow sense where that value is affected by the positive feedback loop of content capitulating entirely to an audience's desire for the familiar. Boring work gets popular and work even barely interrogating current media needs to be smuggled into a friendly package
The audience at this point cannot even think outside the familiar. Abstracting content to tropes and “lore” the consumers themselves seem even hostile to someone offering something they didn’t ask for. It’s a fetishization of familiarity.
Honestly in this context you can understand why AI guys think there's a market for algorithmically generated slop precisely catered to your taste, but I don't think AI will ever be capable of executing on the level humans can when it comes to continuity, pacing, tone and other aspects of writing
Precisely. I've even said as much in old blog posts about AI art. And crate digging reveals DOZENS of weak copycat acts. The issue is the pace and volume and impact now
i think this is like Nike going all in on whale collectors because theyre loud and memetic, at the expense of their real core customer base, leading to good manager metrics driving them off a cliff. fandom is a consumerist disease of culture
This is one of the reasons I have to politely explain why I will never self-pub. I'd rather go unnoticed than be lost in the slop which is only worse with AI in the mix.
"you made me waste a maximized-8th level spell slot to save you, kitten," duke sarbelion growled. "not to mention the 1000 gold in various materials (see page 212)."
"now I shall have to punish you....."
"Light novels...!"