Any smart writing out there on how to make sense of peak homelessness and falling life expectancy and rising child hunger etc. on one hand and low unemployment and steady GDP growth on the other? Feels like trad stats have detached from most folks' lived experience, and I'm wondering how/why.
These kind of stats need to start being broken down by ideology/state.
You'll see some very strong correlations.
Poverty, By America author is Matthew Desmond
even as it's increasing to current peak, the absolute homelessness rate is still 0.23% of total US population, which means 99.77% are definitionally housed.
and that is still a crisis unto itself, but twice an order of magnitude away from employment stats
The answer is that all surprlus value becomes rent and inscreased land value (home prices).
Stealing from the robber barons is usually the most ethical form of consumption.
Cost of everything has risen to compensate for corporate pandemic losses. Wages haven’t risen to keep up.