I seriously can't wrap my head around how the GOP can be so wrong on every issue. Every single time, they take the position that does the most harm, and reduces our quality of life. How anyone can follow them is truly beyond me.
Let's be clear that I don't want this and won't be voting for Trump (or any R for the foreseeable future). BUT if this did happen, well...guess I won't be paying my medical bills then. If everyone joined, it makes any collections/black marks "moot".
I seem to recall he was going to come up with a superior plan... when he became president? Weird how that never happened. Even weirder that Republicans have had all this time, and a couple of majorities in government to put an alternative together, yet it never seems to appear...
We waited for all 4 of his years for an alternative to ACA and he never produced a thing. 7 years later it’s more blah blah blah blue smoke and mirrors while he plots against all of us in the event he’s re-elected.
well it makes sense, ill people don't work 3 jobs for inadequate pay as well as healthy people
thankfully the pharmaceutical-insurance complex needs all the sickos alive to extract alms from while promising salvations they never bother to deliver
"...plus it's not good healthcare" 100% bet conservatives think that because it covers low income folks
healthcare that helps customers afford medical care and doesn't extort them is """bad""" in the eyes of someone like Trump because everything has to be for maximum profit for these guys
I thought he had a replacement plan already. It will be ready in a couple of weeks.... so now he's going to recycle the same lie. All he wants is a health plan with his name on it. Not Obama's name
You could do with a national health service like us in the UK. Yes, our government doesn't seem too eager to find it properly but they could if they really wanted to.
If republicans wanted the American people to have good healthcare, they would look to improve the Affordable Care Act, not end it. This is only about destroying something that wasn’t their idea (at least outside of state policy in Massachusetts) that improves some people’s lives.
He seriously needs to sit down, shut up, and realize just how much the ACA helps millions. He just wants everyone that is using it to pay out of pocket, plain and simple.
The former liar in chief claimed he and some doctor had come up with a new health care plan and he was going to repeal and replace the ACA, that doctor when asked if it was true during a senate hearing, said it was true that he said it. Meaning no such plan existed, once again he was lying.
Hopefully he will get enough prison time to allow him to elaborate it in details. That is if the US justice won't put on some ridiculous show ending in a slap on the wrist, which wouldn't be a surprising outcome.
trump tried for years to bad mouth & cancel the ACA.
in my mind, just another epic trump failure, sort of like every scam he's foisted.
45 is more crooked than Nixon ever was.
Like all the plans he said he had, but never did, and all the actions he took to deprive "blue states" of PPE during a Pandemic.
He doesn't have the intellectual horsepower to work on building anything. Even his border wall fell over.
When they actually lay out a plan, we can discuss it. Till then it tells me they have nothing. Don’t kill something u less you can lay out your proposal. I’m sure you hate it cause it was created by a human you hate.
Here in the UK they are desperate to dismantle free healthcare, free at first point. Our Tory govt admires the US healthcare style of 'system'. Because everyone, as we know, is born equal despite the fact most people are not.
thankfully the pharmaceutical-insurance complex needs all the sickos alive to extract alms from while promising salvations they never bother to deliver
healthcare that helps customers afford medical care and doesn't extort them is """bad""" in the eyes of someone like Trump because everything has to be for maximum profit for these guys
Trump promised and infrastructure bill.
He produced neither, even when republicans had the house senate and White House.
They DID manage to give rich people $1.4 trillion they didn’t need though.
So there’s that.
By making him President again.
in my mind, just another epic trump failure, sort of like every scam he's foisted.
45 is more crooked than Nixon ever was.
Still waiting...
He doesn't have the intellectual horsepower to work on building anything. Even his border wall fell over.
That must mean he’ll have a replacement in the requisite “2 weeks”, right George?