A bit off piste George, but have you started watching SILO on #appletv ? It has definite 'Star Trek' influences and is very slick. The first three episodes have me hooked. 😱😂
I get a chuckle every time Republican women (and those that voted for Trump) talk about women's right in some way, shape or form being violated. Like I tell my kids when they were young. It takes some "special" people to make the world go around. Otherwise, we will all just be normal.
No, they aren't. What are you going to do, get a med degree, and force gyno every person who enters a women's stall to ensure they are, in fact, bio women? Are you really that big of a pervert and bigot? Where do you suggest all the historically women go, who are not, in fact, biological women?
Does she know that women's restrooms ALWAYS have stalls. Ok she might have to wash her hands next to someone she doesn't approve of but Nancy you will live. Please don't tell me she considers herself a Christian?
If you have ever gone to a concert or sporting event, then you would understand why it shouldn’t matter if the restrooms are segregated. The line for women is ridiculous!!!! I have used the men’s room because I didn’t want to wait!
Nice to know “professional” adults fill their time with this instead of doing anything helpful or of any note. Their constituents must be living lavishly & without need.
Yeah, I always wonder where they want trans guys to go. I somehow don't think these people would be happy trans guys in women's bathrooms, regardless of genital status...
Men are not for biological women? I’m confused ;-)
Also, “biological”: “of or relating to biology or to life and living processes”. So a non biological woman would be… what? A Barbie doll? They don’t pee anyway. A robotic woman, coming for an oil change?
Have to protect the women and girls from cross-dressing incels somehow. Obviously it's a problem. One would imagine a true transsexual wouldn't be a threat to women.
Considering what biological females need to do sometimes in restrooms and at the sink, is it really that bad to prefer to have a space to do those things without concern that a biological male will walk or loiter about in there? It really does happen, the loitering.
This is beyond ridiculous. Has she ever flown on a plane?! Does she protest the family restrooms at Target? This is what they use to distract from the issues. I've been to sporting events where I've pushed my way into the men's room a time or two. nancy wants media attention.
They really want to force that woman into the men's room or, I guess, to go outside? She's still an elected congressperson with constituents who aren't obsessed with her genitalia.
This is an ideal fight to be having because it's fundamentally stupid, our side has the moral high ground, and we win as long as the trans woman doesn't die or quit
AS a trans women, i can tell you it is typically VERY difficult to make us die or quit. We are God's beautiful cockroaches
way back in 1997 there was a sitcom named Ally McBeal where the office had coed bathrooms, nobody boycotted that show... thought we had grown up more since then
I still have to wonder, just why does it seem that the Christofascists aren't obsessed with trans men using the men's restrooms or competing in men's sports?
Or for that matter, old self-important cis men walking into adolescent girls drawing rooms unannounced?
Look at #NancyMace. She would certainly be questioned too in the ladies restroom/locker room with all her manly features. Go crawl back under your rock you transphobic idiot.
And the Bigot of the Year award goes to...drumroll, please....Nancy Mace.
Nancy wants to waste taxpayer money with this nonsense. Nancy, you are a bigot.
Where's the genitals inspector in all of this? Who's demanding proof that all men using the restrooms have male genitalia & the same standards with all women? I mean, just because Mace SAYS she's a woman doesn't mean anything. Either open restroom access for all or inspections for all. Dumazzes.
Imagining the type of men who behave that way trying to pass as women isn’t a convincing mental image. They more often try to pass as politicians and preachers.
Kids are starving in this country, parents are traveling thousands of miles to escape gang activity in their countries, wars are happening…and THIS is what she worries about - where a trans woman pees? Someone should put up a sign in the White House saying convicted criminals are not welcome here.
This picture makes me sick. So where is the medically trans bathroom? He wouldn't even have any problem or discussion if we had single stall bathrooms. This is an infrastructure problem if anything.
Oh no not unisex please. Most woman would rather explode than have digestive issues in a stall next to man. Even the sound of pee hitting water would embarrass many.
Similar to their posturing over Walz “putting tampons in boys bathrooms” (not that it should matter to begin with because tampons don’t attack, but this has repeatedly been proven false; products are available in girls and single/unisex bathrooms). Facts and decency don’t matter to them, though
They have private bathrooms in their offices, which are usually a several block walk from the House chambers. There are some offices for the party leaders near the chambers.
Trans people without access to single-stall private bathrooms will be at risk of getting in trouble for using the “wrong” gendered bathroom or end up developing bladder infections from having to hold it for long periods of time. It’s also a sign of worse things to come. It matters.
Is this what US politicians believe are the biggest issues right now? If so, consider yourselves lucky. Meanwhile the rest of the world is dealing with some serious shit right now.
This is a typical MAGA “weave” ….taking some attention away from Agent Orange’s “suspect” appointments and ethic findings on Gaetz …to focusing on this bigoted trash ..
I saw her on ‘The View’ not long ago. She seemed really cool; I get the sense her constituents aren’t going to be happy about how she’s being treated BEFORE she starts work?
Well they want people to use the restroom of the sex they were assigned at birth so yes. I hope big burly trans men start using the Attention Whores preferred bathroom. I don’t think she’ll enjoy what she asked for.
All (biologically born) women should walk into men’s bathrooms and when they freak out, claim “I was born male and this is the other side to what you want to happen in women’s restrooms”.
Are politicians so bored and have so little work to do they can just waste time going around putting paper in random walls and posting for social media clout like a teenage edge lord who learned a new slur?
I have been in public restrooms with trans women fairly frequently (it’s complicated) and I have yet to have anything happen. It is just like a woman is in there, because it is a woman in there. Don’t confuse trans women with men who are predatory. They are two different things.
What does Mace think goes on in a restroom? You take a stall, close the door and do your business. Could the problem be that she doesn’t close her stall door?
Take this in the bathroom with you every time you go in and spray it all over and make that bathroom unbearable for her to use. Or spritz some near her whenever she walks by.
Cool, so Sarah should find her a HUGE fucking drag queen to go guard her while she pees in the men's restroom. She should also absolutely ALWAYS use the best stall.
I normally don't have a problem with toilets being unisex, after all, that's how it works at home.
But I get a bit paranoid seeing these signs in the mens changing room where I go swimming 😉
I just don't get my head around it, why is this so important to these people. I mean you go there to take a piss or shit. Or are they conducting something different there? Worshipping their own shit or something stupid like that? Please help to understand?
Please seek psychiatric help immediately
Also, “biological”: “of or relating to biology or to life and living processes”. So a non biological woman would be… what? A Barbie doll? They don’t pee anyway. A robotic woman, coming for an oil change?
(My way of saying this is stupid.)
AS a trans women, i can tell you it is typically VERY difficult to make us die or quit. We are God's beautiful cockroaches
Not politically incorrect I assume, since they call themselves that.
Or for that matter, old self-important cis men walking into adolescent girls drawing rooms unannounced?
Nancy wants to waste taxpayer money with this nonsense. Nancy, you are a bigot.
Though even if the office does, when they are on the floor it could be a long trek back to your office.
Not that I'm happy about it, of course, but we knew something like this was coming.
Of all the odd people I have ever met in a public restroom a certain behaviour by the "normies" overwhelms all other risk factors!
Marjorie Taylor Greene
#NancyMace #LaurenBoebert #restroom
We the People, say HELL NO to living in GRUDGE TOWN!
#grudgetown #recount
predator like Matt Gaetz becoming the AG though. Fucking hypocrites.
But I get a bit paranoid seeing these signs in the mens changing room where I go swimming 😉