I thought someone as 'not white' as he is was supposed to be 'deported' after January 20th? That's what the MAGAts have been led to believe is going to happen. How are they going to explain keeping a POC like him?
I’d say sad attempt but it’s not even that… the cult has gotten so culty that they defend everyone even this crackpot. Maybe this is the new Gaetz maneuver, put in someone so terrible who may not get through to take the spotlight all the other names on that shit show parade of nominees?
The more airtime these jokers get, the more pushback they will receive, both from decent public servants and the sycophants in the far-right media. One of the lasting images I got from the first Trump presidency is of a snake eating its tail. Another was the effect of "Bluegill" parasites from TOS.
What qualifications did Rachel Campos Duffy had to land that Fox gig to make such a stupid statement? Being nose picker Puck's cum dump and SeaDuffyil's baby machine? She should stfu.
What's Donny going to do when the experienced people working at these agencies just refuse to work with the morons that he's wanting to appoint? Like, "Hell no, I'll just retire."
Donald Trump is a mushroom; He thrives in shit. It's who he is; an angry, stupid, and sociopathic man-child who will destroy his toys rather than share them with others. He rapes & ruins everything he touches. These cabinet picks are merely a personification of his pathologies & it's getting worse.
Makes you wonder why the FBI doesn't round up Patty and the likes for some chats.
Makes me wonder why none of those who have the power and are in threat of becoming instrumentalized stand up against Trump and his bunch of oxygen wasters.
How can they live with themselves knowing they sold their souls self respect and dignity. What do they tell their kids and grandkids about selling their dignity and self respect. Do they have a conscience?
Fox News is having ratings go up because target audience (old and/or uneducated) still get the bulk of their news from TV. Younger, more educated demographics get their news online or through social media platforms. It’s why traditionally liberal TV networks have seen steady drops over the years.
Let them keep digging they will find something they don’t want to come out. There is no telling what Jack Smith found. The American people may never know all the details. When will this nightmare end?
To the U.S. Senate: Do NOT capitulate in advance! Trump is testing how far he can go. THESE are the votes that can tell him there are limits!! Your duty is to our COUNTRY, not him. Don't help Trump DESTROY our nation. Be a PATRIOT, not an ACCOMPLICE!
In any reality other than ours, this guy would likely never rise beyond directing a franchise operation, but here, now, in this fucked up reality, he’s heading up a federal agency. What in the world is happening? I’ve seen highly qualified people get rejected for lesser demanding jobs. I call foul!
Wow, my wife said that I needed to clean up my resume because it had too much stuff in it and if I wanted a better position, I needed to take some stuff out.
That's because my cousin George is 87% of what's in that head, and he's got major plumbing issues. My aunt Cici keeps yelling at him but he don't listen.
He loves guns and likes white people. You no my grandad once told me, he said “son” I said what ahh you need there grandpa…I called him grandpa…and he said “I forgot”
Added a bunch to my list off of your posts tonight. I hate that these people are so hateful :( anyways, posting this for the good people on here, like yourself ❤️
Long as SOME Malignant Chode can successfully leverage it into something it NEVER WAS and NEVER will BE?… Long as Failing Upwards from Utter Mediocrity, is STILL in effect?
Kash, should talk to Michael Cohen. Michael, said “he would take a bullet for Mr. Trump” Michael, ended in jail. Trump, is a fair weather friend. Being loyal is a one way street to him. People still want to be in his circle. Why?
If they have a conscience or get a conscience late in life they might think “what the hell was I thinking” it might be too late. We all make mistakes in life and have free will.
Even despite the perverts and crooks, this is actually the scariest of all of the proposed appointments. Patel takes the FBI back to the Nixon era and even Republicans could become targets of revenge investigations. It could take decades to restore the trust of the public and agents for the FBI.
America, will be doom if he’s confirmed. Republicans need to stand strong and together. President Obama distance himself from Rev. Jeremiah Wright because of a statement Rev. Wright made.This man is dangerous. Only god know how much damage this man can do. Lives will be in danger.
So looking forward to the day when Murdoch's Fox "News" gets sideways with Trump for not doing exactly as he says, and he decides to punish them for not being loyal enough.
What Fox News is doing is dangerous. They once again leave their audience in the dark. This is why folks who watch Fox still think the ACA and Obama care are two different things. Fox continues to lie to these folks smh
oh but that was slightly funny, "I voted trump to get rid of obamacare, but they are getting ride of ACA instead", these people was told, they did not care until it effected them. 0 sympathy.
The thing I don't understand is why consumers keep going back to it like hogs at the trough. You literally can't show these supporters facts that matter more than their feelings. Fox keeps getting away with it while ratings go up... How?
I don’t know. People are just watch that shit because they Fox has them programmed to think that other networks are lying to them. Nothing of what Fox says is rooted in facts, it’s all conspiracy theories and propaganda, and I think their audience can’t tell the difference
Unfortunately, "telling the difference" doesn't even enter into the equation in many cases; habitual Fox viewers just take their spin as gospel and don't even bother considering another side of the story, having been conditioned to regard it all being nothing but lies from "the dark side."
Because they aren’t a news organization. By their own admission, the are just “entertainment”. Also, self-induced ignorance is a thing, especially with MAGA.
This is true! A Republican coworker told me yesterday that she just found out who Elon Musk is: he owns Space X. I said he also owns Twitter and Tesla, and she did not know this. I really can't understand when people can't be bothered to just watch a simple news program daily.
Yep! I still can’t people voted to send him back to the Oval Office. It boggles the mind. People around the world must be saying “what the hell” is wrong with the American people.
If we are not going to use the intelligence we have gathered about Trump's compromised relationship with Putin right now to defend our nation, when are we going to use it? Never?
The Trump revenge tour seems like it is just a master class on nepotism and an inability for a 6th grader to be even a passable president. And yeah, unfair to 6th graders. I doubt all of the 6th graders in the country combine have nearly as many sex crimes under their belts as our president elect.
I just realized Patel was a public defender in Miami at the same time I was practicing. I'm sure I bumped into him endless times when he was there. He doesn't look familiar but there's always a Miami connection.
Just sayin'
Makes me wonder why none of those who have the power and are in threat of becoming instrumentalized stand up against Trump and his bunch of oxygen wasters.
People with self-respect, spines, and integrity need not apply.
you will be shocked- applauding all these moves
how can that be good business?
nasty on there too on any push back
one guy wrote that he'll get me deported (lol)
Idiot shoe's 👞
Apparently, she was right.
Why does an article about a bad graphic not have a picture of it?
Nom nom nom
Just a skill
Long as SOME Malignant Chode can successfully leverage it into something it NEVER WAS and NEVER will BE?… Long as Failing Upwards from Utter Mediocrity, is STILL in effect?
They’re good.
What exactly do you find scary about Kash Patel and what’s the evidence you have to support it?
Make Biden #DeclassifyTrump, so we can force the Congress to #ImpeachTrumpNow.
Which, again, isn't much of a flex.