Do it Canada
Just for one day
I want to hear what kind of lies the republican regime led by Trump will tell the people (many of the idiots will believe the lies)
I had a terrible thought maybe a premonition. What if Donald Trump suddenly declared canada as "woke" and literally went to war with them as part of his war on the woke?
Hes crazy enough to do something that stupid.
It's like pissing off the nicest guy in your neighborhood. Everyone else is going to be mad at you because they actually LIKE him nevermind you are in the wrong to begin with.
Doug thinks Harper (IDU) will pick him to replace PP before the next election. (That strategy is essentially how he became a provincial premier - see Patrick Brown) He's trying to sound primeminesterial. He does not speak for Canada.
We certainly do.
We also provide housing lumber that's apparently better AND cheaper than the US stuff.
And many strategical minerals that the US has been getting from China, who's now made export restrictions on.
And between 40 and 60% of the US's crude oil yearly imports (that we buyback refined).
I'm expecting Trump to back down on tariffs. As usual, he has no ability for complex thought and somehow imagined China would be writing us big tax payments.
I also expect Social Security and Medicare to go untouched. Too many Maga voters who would be economically destroyed.
Trump doesn't care... 1/
...enough to do it. All he cared about was being above to law and getting bribed, and trying to punish his enemies.
Take away Social Security from millions of Boomer Maga gun nuts and see where that goes. 2/
NY. MI. WI. I’m pretty sure OH, as well, and likely other states from NE to the Midwest. It’s all idiotic. We have an integrated system and we are first to help each other in emergencies. Trump is insane and will trigger a trade war that will cost Americans and Canadians billions for no reason.
There’s no way to just blame those who voted for him. The entire US is going to have to own this now, because the guy in charge somehow has the right to start trade wars unilaterally. Hit us, we hit back. Stupid. But only way to deal with a bully. We’re all going to hurt because of this insanity.
Honestly, who else is there to blame other than those who voted for him, or simply chose to sit this one out?
I voted against him. I may have to share the pain, but I'm not sharing the blame.
You think Trump going buckles? Were have you been in the last 8 years. Trump does not care. We can be paying 1000% on imported good and he won't care. What they are aiming at are the business who will be affected by this and hope they can tell Trump to put a sock in it.
I think more world leaders should tell 45 what they think of him and his policies. He'll melt like the wicked witch after doused with water. His adoring base will see they're out of touch with the rest of the world-not just blue voters.
What ever they got... please just "start".... my family comes from there.. COME ON BISSONS DUE SOMETHING to pist that orange orangutan off.... I'll make sure to fly a "🌈" flag so ya know "safe house" >.> I CANT DUE FOUR YEARS OF THAT DICKLESS twot
I admire your optimism if you think this dystopia will end after 4 years. Even if Trump doesn’t find a way to stay in power, his dynasty have had a taste of presidential power, so we can look forward to Don Jr, Eric and Barron aiming for the White House.
He's also threatening to have our liquor store system stop purchasing alcohol from the US. Ontario is the largest buyer of alcohol in the world. I am not a fan of Doug Ford, but he's doing the right thing here.
You have heard of the French wine industry, right! A global player! Just in case, French means from France ( a country in Europe that’s not in the Americas).
I don't know, it's dangerous rhetoric to take the population hostage...
But on the other hand, they voted for Trump, and there are consequences to hate filled, thoughtless actions.
And...if he's saying this so quickly after the premier's meeting with the Trudeau gov't, it's safe to say he's threatening this with Trudeau's blessing.
Next up, Quebec's 22.6 million MWh and then BC's 12.1 million MWh
Ontario exported 13.9 million megawatt-hours of electricity to the United States in 2023, about 13 per cent of Canada's overall power exports to American customers that year, according to Statistics Canada. Stats Canada 2023
I’m sure in the 4d chess 45 says he plays he has accounted by this because with so many fewer people living in here after mass deportations we won’t even need that Canadian power. That or he is going to make Canada the 51st state and boss “governor Trudeau” around
Let it happen. The Branch Donaldians are so sure about their "America First" agenda and not needing to rely on anyone outside the US for ANYTHING, surely they are well prepared and have more than just a concept of a plan.....
Additionally, he is threatening to have our system of liquor stores stop importing alcohol from the United States. The world's biggest consumer of alcohol is Ontario. Even though I dislike Doug Ford, he is doing morally in this situation.
You make us sound like a bunch of piss tanks here in Ontario, worse than we are.
Actually, the LCBO is the 'largest single purchaser' of alcohol in the world.
I disagree. He spews junk out, any junk at any time, just to keep everyone off the real issues that he is incapable of resolving. This is NOT an upper hand.
Doug Ford is just like JD Vance. He flip flops and he's a wannabe dictator, just like the rest of his Conservative party. He's a complete hypocrite. He's just trying to act tough right now, but he would gladly kiss Drumph's ass if it benefited him.
George, out of all due respect, 77,000,000 Americans voted for him. This is on your country. It would be a delusional thought to think this is not going to happen. You began with “already”. I’m shocked you didn’t know 🇨🇦 sooner.
Spoiler alert… It’s going to take more than four years(remember he promised we would never need to vote again if elected)… it’s going to take a generation to undo the incoming damage
Electricity, crude oil, metals, potash, lumber, water. Everything we produce is going to either increase in cost for Americans or will be cut off. Our oil and gas sector are already planning on shifting our oil exports to off shore buyers instead of the USA. 4.3 million barrels of oil/day.
As a Canadian this is more like us. We are not nice or kind. The holocaust ideas came from how we treated the indigenous peoples. BTW did you know we haven’t allowed all indigenous have clean drinking water? Hold us accountable.
You can't blame them one bit. They are speaking to Trump in the only language he seems to understand, threats and intimidation.
It will be interesting to see what happens if nations decide to call his bluff on some of the crazy things he has proposed. He doesn't accept defeat well at all.
We’re a little annoyed up here (that’s Canada-speak for REALLY MAD!!!)… not fond of Doug Ford as a rule but today I give him four 🐾 🐾 up.
Our Premier in Alberta (and her UCP wingnut faction) will be sucking up to Trump 😡
Please take what this former hash dealer says with a grain of salt. He is under multiple investigations for shady dealings with developers. He is our little embarrassment here. 🙁
You don't appease a bully when they make demands. Churchill understood this. And Canadians stood with him against the fascists for 2 years...without the USA, while Americans were having pro nazi rallies at MSG.
I welcome the firm B****-slap the world has to offer on any such stupidity his administration is deserving of it. Stupid should hurt and it is the only way they will learn.
And the Canadians are willing to back it up by supporting this as well as shopping for non American products exclusively until we can be shown the respect we deserve. #ProudCanadian
This Premier is not a nice person. He's like our soon to be Asshat in Chief. He's vindictive and is trying to ruin Toronto by getting rid of bike lanes and public transit. I'm surprised he's not submitting to the said Asshat.
Don’t cut the power
Price gouge in retaliation - it’ll be way harder for him to play the victim if this is framed as a ‘sovereignty’ or ‘self defense’ play
Canada made a lot of concessions to end the tariffs last time. Now the tariffs are returning despite those concessions. It's hard to negotiate in good faith in these conditions. Personally, I think Canada should reconsider the duration of patents (especially medical) and copyright as well
It's going to be a very bumpy ride. We need a Richter scale to rate the magnitude of the crap that will be raining down. And it won't be just 4 yrs. He's going to declare himself Pres for life. The only way he'll leave is flat on his back on a medical stretcher.
As Canadians, we're generally very amicable, and unless pushed
We get along.! Make no mistake, Mister trump, we fear you not, and we will protect our sovereignty and economy no matter!
Things aren’t good north of the border and Trump will destroy us on a whim if he chooses. We’re set to suffer enormously because of who Americans chose.
We're not threatening. We're responding to the threats he's already made to us.
It all goes back to the idiot baboon. His policies will decimate multiple economies if he's allowed to put them in place, which he clearly doesn't understand.
Buckle up world - the orange turd’s a commin. First he starts with America’s oldest friend, and absolutely largest trading partner. Who’s immune to the stupid next??
George I do not take kindly to your future dictator threatening my family. 🇨🇦 and Canadians are preparing to swing for America as hard as you swing for us. We are not a Country to accept bullying. Ask Germany.
George, I don't think you realize how pissed off we Canucks are at Trump. We don't need to use tariffs, it is easier just to refuse to buy goods manufactured in. the USA. If the packaging doesn't state Made In Canada it can sit on the shelf.
I hate Trump even more than I did before for making me have a modicum of respect for Doug. I was expecting him to bend the knee but instead he's bullying the bully.
I feel the same way about the governor of Ohio... ummm... DeWine. (I can never remember his name.) He did the right thing during COVID and the trumpers hate him.
Canadians aren’t threatening you. This is Doug Ford. A corrupt politicians intent on enriching his already rich friends and himself. He is Ontario’s premier, not the prime minister. We are ashamed of him.
I’m all for it. American’s wanted our country to go rogue, so yea, Rump’s administration should be ostracized by every progressive country in the world.
Though not the most MAGA-ish of Canadian conservatives, Ford was compared to Trump when he ran for Ontario Premier in 2018. He's definitely right wing, agrees with MAGA on many things. But most Canadians will react as Canadians first, ideological conservatives second if Trump tries this.
The average Cdn conservative is likely a little to the left of the mainstream Dem party member in the US. Right and left wing is very different up here compared to the US.
I get that (but maybe more Ontario & east than Alberta? I understand there are a lot of MAGA-adjacent types there and other western provinces?) I know the Liberals are the moderate party nationally between the Conservatives and NDP (sort of socialist).
I’d ballpark it to say everything here is 20% farther left than in US, across all party lines. Shift the centre by that much and you’ve got a good idea where Canada is in comparison to the US. Parties here different even when share same name, too. We don’t have same state-fed party unity as in US.
I took a course in Canadian politics as a poli sci major decades ago, and have followed since. The oddities of the system, including different parties in some provinces than federally, the variation among the parties in difference provinces, along with different ideological definitions are intense.
I’d say the US is the odd one. We’re rooted in the same British system used in the Commonwealth. The US is a unique system with anti-democratic concepts, especially regarding the EC, how elections are run, the distribution of seats, and the presidency. Lot to exploit, which is happening now.
Sure would send a message if the ball stops dropping on New Years Eve… I think a lot of people forget that there are four Provinces in Canada that supply power into the majority of the US. Also, Mexico supplies 77% of vegetables consumed in the US. Embargo’s hurt!
Goodbye, old allies. So long, NATO. Hello, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Erdoğan, and Orbán. Unfortunately, we won't be losing Netanyahu anytime soon. Our old friends will work around us or seek out new alliances. Guess who loses.
We can't blame Canada -that fucking orange moron, that cheated to get elected, set this in motion. It's going to be a very long 4 yrs. The US will be in ruins before his term is up. Dems will come along, once again & fix the damage, as they always do after a repuke presidency.
Frankly Ford is getting as close to Trump as anyone would care to up here, only at the Provincial Level. Perhaps Trump squaring off against Abott or DeSantis is a more apt comparison. It only makes sense that if anyone starts a pissing contest it would be him - not that it isn't without cause.
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Canada isn't going to take any BS from tRump. We supply 90% of the US's electricity imports, as well we supply the US with the majority of its crude oil, and almost all of the US's natural gas comes from Canada. We also supply the US with Uranium. tRump needs to give his head a shake.
Aw no they pissed off Doug, it's over for the states, he is definitely going to follow through on his threat in some way even if it bankrupts Ontario, he is top dumm
And I'm here for it! I won't like the prices going up, but those in the north and midwest that need heating oil will have to figure out other means to heat their homes. 🤷🏽♂️
If he's gonna fuck our economy by tariffing our exports to the U.S., we've got to fuck him back by unplugging the juice.
I don't normally agree with conservative premier Doug Ford, but he tends to be right once every 2 years.
Just for one day
I want to hear what kind of lies the republican regime led by Trump will tell the people (many of the idiots will believe the lies)
We are our own sovereign country and don't take kindly to this bullshit from our neighbours.
Hes crazy enough to do something that stupid.
I hope they’re serious so that Trump buckles under the pressure and learns his lesson.
We also provide housing lumber that's apparently better AND cheaper than the US stuff.
And many strategical minerals that the US has been getting from China, who's now made export restrictions on.
And between 40 and 60% of the US's crude oil yearly imports (that we buyback refined).
I hate that he represents us to anyone on the outside looking in
I also expect Social Security and Medicare to go untouched. Too many Maga voters who would be economically destroyed.
Trump doesn't care... 1/
Take away Social Security from millions of Boomer Maga gun nuts and see where that goes. 2/
I voted against him. I may have to share the pain, but I'm not sharing the blame.
If Trump goes through with these tariffs, our economy is going to suffer regardless of whether we respond. So might as well make that pain reciprocal.
But on the other hand, they voted for Trump, and there are consequences to hate filled, thoughtless actions.
Next up, Quebec's 22.6 million MWh and then BC's 12.1 million MWh
In the last 20s it was reversed 😂 the Bronfmans smuggled that shit into the US
Actually, the LCBO is the 'largest single purchaser' of alcohol in the world.
Seriously though, Yanks, knock it off with the 51st state crap.
I like you just fine as a free and independent country that we get along with
Except for hockey.
And the end-user pays.
Pissing off our largest and best neighbor. Way to go Orange *bad word*
They are polite and patient, then they raise an eyebrow... and ten seconds later they punch your lights out.
Took me a while to get the hang of that trait. And to learn NEVER to push a Canadian to the point they stop being nice.
Let me tell you... Canadians ARE nice compared to other countries.
They are also fierce, compared to other countries, once they decide someone deserves it.
As for how natives were treated, at least you care. Ask the US what they did to theirs.
You even give them the respect of calling them "First Nations" and address the injustices that were committed in the past.
People used to be much nastier. You don't deny it. You learn from it and strive to be better.
It will be interesting to see what happens if nations decide to call his bluff on some of the crazy things he has proposed. He doesn't accept defeat well at all.
Our Premier in Alberta (and her UCP wingnut faction) will be sucking up to Trump 😡
He's also a rapist, terrorist, racist, sexist, Nazi...
And by that, I mean "President." Idiot is the most polite name I'd call the orange taint.
Price gouge in retaliation - it’ll be way harder for him to play the victim if this is framed as a ‘sovereignty’ or ‘self defense’ play
When can we secede territories to Canada? 😘
We get along.! Make no mistake, Mister trump, we fear you not, and we will protect our sovereignty and economy no matter!
It all goes back to the idiot baboon. His policies will decimate multiple economies if he's allowed to put them in place, which he clearly doesn't understand.
It's an act.
Don't piss off the Canadians, they only have two modes - nice, and "have you even heard of the Geneva Convention?!!"
I need you to stand with me🍉❤️🩹🇵🇸
The US is by and large an importer, whereas Canada is an exporter. They need supplies, we need a market to sell to.
We also need to get way better at refining & manufacturing
"Oh, yeah, hot shot? We're gonna increase tariff on maple syrup! How you like that you Canuk Cowards!"
Canada: "Oooooo. You got us! Now we're scared 😱. Enjoy unpastuerized milk & sugar on your pancakes, you doddering dimwit!"