My Radiologist Oncologist just told me he is moving to a blue state...If I hear another doctor moving out of FL red states maybe someone will wake up because there are very few
Its already affected them..The only thing good that DeFascist, the Governor did in FL was make a law that Doctors do not have to accept a client if they don't want to..for any reason! If they are a MAGAt and they are asked by the doctor and he does not want to take them, as most drs in FL don't,
they tell them to FO. The Drs are pissed here because they are all leaving.because of this friggin fascist..he was the only asshole who got away with it for 4 years. No more.All the young ppl have left the state with their kids to get a better education and the doctors are sick of getting threats by
MAGATs, they just tell them "get the hell out." DeFascist thought it was going to hurt the few transsexuals in the hurt his creeps instead..Every hospital and doctors office has the law framed..he allowed to many kids to die by not allowing the vax in the state for them.Fuck them and him.
OBGYNs left in FL. I have a home in NY but what the hell are ppl doing that don't. I had to make a appointment in NY for March.... and now I have to get another Oncologist...they are all saying the same thing, "they can live with a jail sentence hanging over their heads."
It's very hard to be funny when they are that stupid. I love watching videos where they are asked questions, and they can't answer them, or they just come up with something out of left field.
What "woke" did was lay the groudwork for the counter culture movement that lost the Democrats the election...turns out regular people are sick of the identity politics. When corporate media pushes something for so long there is a natural resistance. This used to be where the left thrived.
Isn’t it called a French/Irish exit? Sometime ones departure from a location or event without informing others or without seeking approval. Discrete, without fanfare. I’m off ya feckers!
Now I understand the comment above.. I was getting a bit wrinkled because I’m Irish!! 🤣☘️
But yeah, leaving without saying goodbye is definitely a thing we do. Sorry 🤷🏻♀️😉
We left because the Elongated Muskrat turned Twitter from bad to worse, and it's now nothing but a right-wing propaganda and misinformation machine. . .so everyone who isn't on the MAGA train is hopping off.
. . .and any time I hear people complain about "Woke", I always think of this picture:
That's probably best.
I block at the 1st ignorant or insulting maga comment, and report when they drag the r word over here. They throw that around the other place, and the other place says it doesn't violate hate speech! Wrong...
I thought they just got sad that so many people they wanted to fight with left so they came here looking to argue. Now they are doubly sad because they just get blocked. 😏
It sounds as if this weekend MAGAts are having their woke moment. Their master called them idiots and to go F their own faces. Some are rethinking their choices, and the rest are on the floor, licking up all that shi#. Those remaining Betas will feed on whatever they get from Elmo and Rami.
All you need to know about the divide in society these days can be seen in the lib/left respecting who a person is and the right wanting to be as dismissive and cruel as they want to me. That is what woke is.
When governments start lying about needing “buffer zones“ between themselves and their adversaries due to a military “being too close”,
🙏 listen closely, that’s total bullshit in the age of nuclear weapons and Intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Buffer zones are bullshit excuses for starting wars.
On the contrary, the most chilling part of the last 6 years is 40% of the country perfectly and entirely capable of recognizing evil AND choosing it anyway...because it's evil. Americans aren't ignorant, they are horrible people.
They choose to be ignorant indeed. There's an aspect to it that even they themselves believe is exculpatory. They seem to feel if they can maintain a pose of good faith belief they may still be welcomed in polite company. Tom Nichols speaks of the election not as a test of politics but of character.
Everyone is ignorant of something. No one should be ashamed of being ignorant of things they have not been exposed to or studied.
Ignorance left unattended, ignored, or embraced, inevitably morphs into stupidity, and there is no cure. Dunning-Kruger effect.
Yeah, for certain things ignorance can be bliss; however, I'm specifically talking about anyone who didn't vote because they wanna be ignorant and pretend the real world doesn't exist.
I can't understand people who choose to ignore human rights. That to me is shameful and disgusting.
It's much worse I'm afraid. Trump made the decision so clear that there were no excuses for the way people voted. It was a referendum on America. We have to be clear eyed that Americans do not support human rights, they do not support democracy. Those values are out of fashion.
This isn't Dunning Kruger.The Nazis weren't misunderstood victims of a lack of education. We're talking about people who are spending lots of resources in eradicating truth. It's volitional.
My concern is that ascribing their behavior to ignorance removes their agency and responsibility.
Well, I know Jimmy Kimmel, etc., cherry picks the people that we see when he does his “interview with the man on the street“.
That said, I do not believe these people are faking it when they can’t find Alaska on a map!
The dumbing down Of America has been going on for 40+ years, hence Donald Trump.
Agreed. I’m 100% Irish, born, raised and genealogy place my roots back 200 years, but I have a Russian name. I met a friendly American man in McDonald’s on O’Connell St when I was about 14 with a gang of school mates. When he heard my name he spat and all friendliness ended. Horrible experience.
Ah, yes, willingly staying on a platform ruled by a single person’s whims—because nothing screams “freedom” like enjoying your dictatorship with a side of Wi-Fi.
Hello, I'm Mohamed, happy birthday. It's a time to give and I can't celebrate it because of our situation. I would like to ask you for help for my family. It's so cold we have to buy a new tent. Help us and donate so we can heat and buy a tent.🙏🫂🥹
Hate speech and inciting civil unrest it’s free speech. Half of the U.S. signed up for poverty and generational ignorance. The rest saw through the class war. The malignant narcissists want all megaphones to keep hate speech. Elon blocks Laura Loomer.
The vicious right, those righty whitey ringy dingy ding dongs, keep complaining that they can't get "debates" going on Bluesky. Heck, even Loomer was banned after an hour.
But if I recall recent court rulings correctly, this is our cake & we can bake it for whomever we want. Or not. Correct?
No, we must continue to be woke till Hell fucking freezes over. We must be like Adm. Kirk, Capt. Scotty, Dr, McCoy, Lt. Comm. Chekov, Lt. Sulu, and Lt. Uhura when they rescued Capt. Spock from the Planet Genesis.
As far as I can see, being woke just means being kind and caring about other people. You've got to be a real piece of work to make 'being kind' a bad thing.
I am always flabbergasted at how a term that is literally about being aware of and battling injustice became a rallying cry for the right symbolizing what’s WRONG with the country. Then I remember that most of that voting bloc is either illiterate or too lazy to look up a definition to a word.
Next thing you know, the F-150 won’t start and I’ll be lookin’ for consolation from the locals and the bottom of a bottle of Jack. Yee haw - I’ll find me another to keep this bed warm soon…
Hey there, my name is Finist If you are interested in making money online please contact me at (518) 929-5408 or email me at [email protected]. If you are interested and want to grow please contact me.
Best regards
Finist John rivers
Email: [email protected]
Yeah, hey, Meta/X users . . . yeah, it's not us, it's you. It's totally your fault. It's not us, it really is totally you. Now, go back where you came from and continue tearing each other apart. Don't bring it over here, we'll just block/ban it.
Don't make us get a restraining order, we'll do it.
My sister and brother in law(Irish) do that ALL the time when we go to fests, casinos out of town. They'd rather do that than have the long drawn out, "NO, don't go, stay, have another beer, etc., etc.,"😉
It’s a topic for a different thread.
It could always be worse.
Red Army Faction, Baader-Meinhof worse!
I'm sorry, didn't you just tell me I was 'woke'? So why would I need to 'wake up' if I'm already up?
But hate needs a target, and their target escaped them, leaving them in a crippling withdrawal.
Think they’ll be interested?
Damn right.
They want your children straight, white, armed and angry.
MAGA must Lie, Cheat and Steal! Abortion. Guns. Equality. End Christian nationalism!Maga is the CONFEDERACY!!
But yeah, leaving without saying goodbye is definitely a thing we do. Sorry 🤷🏻♀️😉
Au revoir Pee Wee
. . .and any time I hear people complain about "Woke", I always think of this picture:
I block at the 1st ignorant or insulting maga comment, and report when they drag the r word over here. They throw that around the other place, and the other place says it doesn't violate hate speech! Wrong...
"Right frog"
- The Muppet Movie
No need to announce ourselves and engage the trolls.
🙏 listen closely, that’s total bullshit in the age of nuclear weapons and Intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Buffer zones are bullshit excuses for starting wars.
Ignorance left unattended, ignored, or embraced, inevitably morphs into stupidity, and there is no cure. Dunning-Kruger effect.
I can't understand people who choose to ignore human rights. That to me is shameful and disgusting.
My concern is that ascribing their behavior to ignorance removes their agency and responsibility.
That said, I do not believe these people are faking it when they can’t find Alaska on a map!
The dumbing down Of America has been going on for 40+ years, hence Donald Trump.
Hate speech and inciting civil unrest it’s free speech. Half of the U.S. signed up for poverty and generational ignorance. The rest saw through the class war. The malignant narcissists want all megaphones to keep hate speech. Elon blocks Laura Loomer.
But if I recall recent court rulings correctly, this is our cake & we can bake it for whomever we want. Or not. Correct?
I'll proudly continue being woke 😌
You'll scare them even more.
It's everything they are afraid of.
Poor blue ticks and their fragile soul.
Well, that's a fine how do you do
If you try to use woke to try to degrade something, you're essentially trying to commit mass murder, with a rubber duck.
It's stupid.
Good Bye!
I don't wanna fight my kkkin!
Thanks, I'll be here all week.
Best regards
Finist John rivers
Email: [email protected]
Don't make us get a restraining order, we'll do it.
"Trump creates MAGA.
Trump grifts MAGA.
Trump invites Elon.
Elon buys Trump.
Elon divides MAGA."
Dr. Sattler:
"MAGA, Trump, and Elon f*ck themselves in the face.
Women inherit the country."
When it comes to leaving, the Irish are the leftest, which also explains the woke politics.