The difference between sanity and insanity is how the people with the most powerful voices define you and reality. The loudest voices are rarely right.
This reminds me of a filthy bot on twitter, he was haunting pro-Ukraine tweets pretending to be pro-Ukraine.
Meanwhile, he spammed some "derangement syndrome."
He is still not blocked by pro-Ukrainian content creators, unaware content creators, or at least I hope so.
Growing question from people outside the US: since the Democrats don't seem to be doing any effective opposition, when will you guys be forming a new party to take their place?
The independents could have their party if they actually tried. Democrats are suing even though it will go nowhere, they can’t impeach, they can’t filibuster illegal executive orders, they have no power.
Probably never. At the federal level the US remains firmly wedded to FPTP voting, which tends to devolve to a two-party system. The last time one of the two dominant parties got replaced was in the 1850s, when the Republicans displaced the Whigs. The few minor parties are narrow or extremist.
So the best answer would be if, somehow, the Republican party were successfully fought off to the point of imploding, the Democrats, who run primarily as "at least we aren't the Republicans", would either fall with them or become the new right wing party. Either way we'd hit two party equilibrium.
No, I'd say the best answer would be to get rid of the mechanism that enforces favoritism to only Republicans and Democrats, and then have three or four parties like most voting countries.
Well yeah definitely. That sadly feels off the table to me at the moment so I'm talking about the best one I think may be a possibility right now. That said ranked or weighted choice voting would break the two party duopoly so we gotta push for that.
Trump Derangement syndrome is real. It's just another projection from them. TDS manifest in conditions like revitiligo, loss of morals, intentional memory loss, being able to look your child in the eyes and say "I work to make this world a better place" while millions suffers #EatTheRich
Yeah, but they were, like, really insistent on it. So really it's their fault. They kept accurately predicting so many of his actions and providing so much evidence that I had no choice but to tune them out and mock them! /s
When I try to explain the truth to some maga I know- they are now saying “ well it’s up on the WH home page so it’s got to true.” He has completely destroyed the America we have known and loved. Not to mention the minds of those we know and loved
'Trump would never! Trump would never!'
'Why did he do that?!"
'Putin would never! Putin would never!'
'Oh no! He did it!'
'Hitler would never! Hitler would never!'
'Who could have known? No one warned me!'
Us: 'You need your brain or your ears checked- both most likely.'
From the bottom of my heart, I regret not seeing it sooner. From the minute he slithered down that golden elevator, my friends and family warned me how destructive he might be. I laughed it off, influenced to no small degree by the now-deceased mouthpiece of right-wing radio. I am sorry.
I flirted with the right wing ideology while in college due to him.
As soon as I got into the real world I realized how crazy you have to be to believe all the crap the right wing says.
I am proud to say I saw it way back when I watched my first, and only, episode of Apprentice. I’ve been treated like shit by people because I’ve been so outspoken against him.
It took less than a week in 2017. Remember the "Muslim ban" that saw the airports basically shut down for the weekend? That pretty much set the tone for everything that's happened since.
Same exact thing happened here in the UK with brexit, we were demonised for trying to elighten people about the errors of brexit, we were demonised and called names and ridculed. We lost and now we are paying the price of leaving brexit and have still not seen the aleged benefits years later.
I feel like I've spent 4 years standing on the edge of the Titanic pointing out an iceberg only to be told that I'm delusional. And now all you f****** want a spot on my boat.
Yep, us "remoaners" did exactly the same thing here in the UK before brexit vote. we got shit for trying to point out the obvious and didnt get through. were now still not aware of the final fallout of their stupidity. We still get told we were wrong and were "owned". Sad times when idiots win.
I mean even as an American in high school it was obvious to me that brexit was a bad idea. No offense intended, the English economy is not the powerhouse it once was and stepping away from Europe was just not a good economic decision.
I while heartedly agree with you, because over many years of consecutive bad government our national industries and services were sold off causing higher prices for water, energy and transport to name a few. We tried to sell them, we understood they were being lied to and got demonised for it.
I am now dealing with a recent Brexit benefit of not being in the EU and my micro business not being able to sell into Europe without haveing expensive EU representation, which would not have been so if we had remained. 40% of my market gone. This only happened in December. Still livid years later.
Well my heart goes out to you. I hope your business does not further suffer. And I think human progress is when we come together. A handful of villages become a kingdom the kingdom becomes a nation and a nation becomes a continent spanning union. After that we must only look to the stars
I don't know why they keep saying that the people who see him for what he is are somehow 'ill.' From where I sit, it's the people supporting this megalomaniac who are deranged.
What has always been odd to me about the MAGA tossing TDS around as an insult is that THEY are truly the ones that suffer from it. If that cult isn't suffering from a derangement syndrome, then I don't know who is.
"TDS, or Trump Delusional Syndrome is a serious condition that involves delusions that Donald Trump was a competent president, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This condition is brought about by extreme gullibility and exposure to Faux Noise"
It's like people looked at how he behaved both under his last tenure and during the 4 years between being given the boot & subsequent re-election, and made judgements based on his actions and behaviour, imagine using evidence like that to form predictions of how he'd continue to behave, crazy!!!
There is nothing more absurd than a moron telling you that having an objection to a serial rapist/fraudster/realty show host/compulsive liar (with public ties to dictators and pedophiles) taking on the nation’s highest office is a sign of mental illness.
My Threads 🧵 and Bluesky page tells you how I felt about his dumb ass for years. Since before his first term. A Con Man does what a Con Man does. Nothings changed. But the GOP party. They lost their backbones and what little integrity they once had. Period.
weird how everyones so detached from reality they don't even know whats actually happening because they all put it through some kind of "everything is terrible and we're all gonna die" lens
What delusion did he have that trump was going to fulfill that would have made him vote that way? And since you didn't say EX fiance, how did you get him to see facts and truth?
He didn't understand how tarrifs worked, he didn't feel seen by the Democratic party as a working class white male. I know cry me a river but him seeing everything unfolding the way we all said it would is enough. He's not a horrible person this is all really upsetting to him. He done fucked up.
Lol. What authorites? Theyve all be cut from the budget. Besides: what laws would they enforce? Trump and elon have made it quite clear laws mean nothing now
Then it's time for a night-prayer:
Merciful God in heaven,
give bread to the orphans,
give solace to the widows
and give our beloved
President Donald J. Trump
a gentle death
We should get serious about running out of food with deportations, avian flu, and firings. When everything crashes and it will, we have to worry about martial law and a new dictator for life.
I'm curious how his cultists are faring BEHIND the scenes: I ask them and they say it's great how he's eliminating waste and fraud (lol ELIMINATING FRAUD? Pretty sure he's more on the "supply" side...) and deporting dangerous foreigners; but I wonder if his illegal acts are affecting their lives. 🤔
"TDS, or Trump Delusional Syndrome is a serious condition that involves delusions that Donald Trump was or is a competent president, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This condition is brought about by extreme gullibility and exposure to Faux Noise"
Trump derangement syndrome was the name given to people who understood how bad shit was gonna get, by the people who actually have trump derangement syndrome. Their concept of it is entirely wrong, because they have trump derangement syndrome.
Dr. Dunning and Dr. Kruger had a theory about this...
And when I first heard it, I naively thought it was what happens to a MAGA brain. Which makes more sense.
But of course we've been living in upside-down world for a while now.
For several weeks after they started using this term, I thought the same thing. Fake=Faux=Fox. It's always been so unreliable. But in recent years, it has doubled down on that.
That's not naivety, that's logical thought at work.
Anyone who is so obsessed with the Dumbold Lump that they wear that weird red hat, and follow him around like sheep, repeating the lies that he spouts as gospel truth, is clearly deranged.
The thing that scares me the most: if the Democrats would win the next election, they could potentially use all that power that Trump just consolidated.
Which is a clear sign that the Republicans are never going to give up that power. They will never. Give. Up. This. Power. Willingly.
In fairness I genuinely can't conceive of the Dems ever actually using power. Most of them seem to view getting elected as the actual end goal most of the time.
Bingo. The purpose of the Democrats is to raise money and do nothing of value politically. The purpose of the Republicans is to remake the United States into Gilead.
The ying has not been balancing the yang for quite some time now.
I guess nowadays it’s considered deranged to look at facts, history, what they and say, connecting the dots and forming an opinion based on those facts. Such a silly thing to do (dripping with sarcasm) 🙃🙃
That’s because we have analytical skills and are trained to exercise critical thinking when assessing the world around us. Also because Donald told us exactly what he was going to do and we believed him.
TDS is the right's biggest case of projection and always has been. Anyone with empathy and compassion for their fellow human is right to feel repulsed by him.
The if TDS were ever made into a real diagnosis, it would be used to describe the cult behavior of his followers and how they will excuse everything he does even when the evidence is right in front of them.
I'm mad at the ones who voted for him. I'm rageful at the ones who decided to protest vote or who chose not vote for whatever reason. We didn't have to be here.
Meanwhile, he spammed some "derangement syndrome."
He is still not blocked by pro-Ukrainian content creators, unaware content creators, or at least I hope so.
Do I need to say any more.
Certain percentage of Americans give the match to Trump to set fire to America. What do you expect an orange neanderthal gonna do with these matches?!
Wonder what Sulu thought of Trump with over 3 centuries perspective...?
Marjane Satrapi
'Why did he do that?!"
'Putin would never! Putin would never!'
'Oh no! He did it!'
'Hitler would never! Hitler would never!'
'Who could have known? No one warned me!'
Us: 'You need your brain or your ears checked- both most likely.'
As soon as I got into the real world I realized how crazy you have to be to believe all the crap the right wing says.
Desperately want to look away from this American horror movie ... increasingly NEED to.
It's a tearing apart of everything solid, real, secure ... like being told Mum wasn't my mum & Dad was secretly Adolf Hitler.
Billions are petitioning Satan on the website, ""
Let us pray,
Lord Satan,
We beseech you. Please take him in your eternal fiery hell.
"Only the good die young."
He may have already made a deal with the devil.
You might get a visit from the authorities...
You should be crying at your own words.
I am.
Merciful God in heaven,
give bread to the orphans,
give solace to the widows
and give our beloved
President Donald J. Trump
a gentle death
This guy is one of the exceptions. Most of them will never be released of this brainwashing, even after Trump's death.
Dr. Dunning and Dr. Kruger had a theory about this...
But of course we've been living in upside-down world for a while now.
Anyone who is so obsessed with the Dumbold Lump that they wear that weird red hat, and follow him around like sheep, repeating the lies that he spouts as gospel truth, is clearly deranged.
They jeer at her because she saw the truth.
Which is a clear sign that the Republicans are never going to give up that power. They will never. Give. Up. This. Power. Willingly.
The ying has not been balancing the yang for quite some time now.
But we've given up everything we had that was stable and secure because 36% of registered U.S. voters didn't cast a ballot.
I found this pull-out egg machine in a Northern Ireland parking lot intriguing when I was there in 2024.