As John Stewart pointed out, they don't edit their interviews anyway. But I'm sure Musk's intent was just to convince people who don't watch the show that they do.
What I don't get is... how could Musk possibly think that he'd benefit from NOT being edited? Has he ever seen his own interviews?
Shocker. He needs to go back into the shadows, where he belongs. He would lose that battle of minds so fast it would make his head spin more than it already does during his Ketamine trips.
"If you read this thread you get a feeling this guy is not well respected or regarded. Musk is pretty much EVERYTHING he's accused of in here. That said...he waltzed in here and took the country over. He's even using AF 1 and the helicopter. He's not even a citizen. This is astounding!
He's a pussy which is why he had a tantrum over the interview with Don Lemon. He can only be interviewed by people who flatter and coddle him as he can't defend the lies. His throttling and algorithm on X purposely hinder truth.
Musk also enjoys feeling like the smartest person in the room. He’s terrified of having a smarter person call him on his bullshit and pulling the curtain back to show the world who he really is. He is OZ.
I know you don’t want to hear this but I think he started out about space. Not money or politics. My wish for him dump both. Politics and wealth. You have to sell your soul.
Also because he knows he's in the wrong and working against the public good, and only for the benefit of himself and other billionaires, and that Jon Stewart would quickly expose his lies.
To Preserve Our Democracy
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
“the interview can be 15 minutes, an hour, two hours, whatever. I’ll be honest, I don’t think this network makes any other programming, so we can do whatever the f*** we want as long as we wrap before the new season of South Park"
Musk knows Jon Stewart would rip him apart.
Have you seen Musk's last appearance on Neanderthal Rogan's show ?
Stumbling over his words, incoherent ramblings, lies upon lies.
All bullies are chicken shit cowards that is why they do the tough guy theatre. To mask their cowardice . Trump king of cowards then his cabinet of moral midgets and connivers…
He can't stand the thought of appearing as a terrible video gamer. That's why everyone in the POE2 community make fun of him and ask for their own 'Elon's Maps' tab.
He's terrified of not being praised enough, people calling his bluffs, and being deeply despised; it's so obvious. Ketamine benders can only do so much, fElon.
Damn I owe my husband and 1 dollar. I stupidly bet Musk would try to save his image & go on to the show.
Husband: No, he's too chicken. Remember Bill O'Reilly & Jon Stewart.
I thought, "Yeah, but O'Reilly was smarter, some what."
To Preserve Our Democracy
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Ever since the Luigi incident, Musk has been wearing a flak vest.
And because it doesn't cover his head, he began to carry a child on his shoulders whenever he leaves a building, plane or helicopter.
He never did before.
This is all just playtime to him. He has no effing idea what he’s doing. He’s just happy to have the whole world watching him. This is all about satisfying his own ego and nothing more. King of the Castle.
In reality he’s just a petulant little child with marshmallows for balls.
As a European it amazes me that there aren’t mass protests in the USA against this mafia government’s policies. When is the USA Orange Revolution going to start?
"Strong man," is a weak, insecure man's bluster. No actual strong man needs to be told, because it really isn't all that important to secure men; anybody else, either.
They have to be told they are great and right every day or they collapse into depression of their own making! Elon Musk & Trumper can't handle being told the truths in life.
The length of an unedited John Stewart episode would be endless because of Elons inability to start and end an entire sentence. (unless "chainsaw!!" would qualify as one)
Stops talking mid-syllable, starts again, then pauses, trying to rethink the statement he wants to would take forever.
The United States has been taken over by a bunch of liars and thugs, but most especially, these clowns are cowards.
Half the nation has a low IQ and Trump's is among the lowest, so it figures that a guy who makes no sense, and refuses to admit he is wrong, is viewed as a strong man by his followers.
He could never do it, edited, unedited, five minutes, with even his mom as host instead of Jon with planted questions … because the Daily Show audience would hate his guts and that’s enough for him not to go.
If they can’t control the message & the media,they won’t show.They are full of lies they can’t keep straight & unedited media would put their idiocy & corruption on full display. Grandpa Donnie finally told toddler Elon no. Next news article: Grown man throws temper tantrum on the White House floor.
Malignant narcissists project a fake image they would do anything to protect. They fear nothing more than showing who they really are. Because the Emperor is not an emperor but a miserable beggar and has no clothes.
Musk knows what Steward would do. His ego wouldn't survive narcissistic collapse.
Jon Stewart is a national treasure. If I were Jon, I’d grill Musk the. Trot out all his baby mommas and kids for all the “party of family values” people like an episode of Jerry Springer.
He can double nazi salute in front of idol worshippers, jump up & down at rallies like a pot-bellied cricket on crack but when his bluff is called, the world’s richest man has used tissues & and dirty socks in his pockets & suddenly the cat’s got his tongue.
The core of MAGA is cowardice. Dems need to hammer this point day in and day out. Force them to defend the indefensible or shrink away in fear. Hold up the mirror.
That’s because Musk thinks his billions equate to intellect. We needn’t look any further than what is currently in the Oval Office to know that is bullshit. Stewart would eat his lunch. Musk is smart enough to realize that but he is still a coward.
Musk rhetoric will not stand up in a courtroom. There is difference between TV truth and Courtroom truth. Trump is running the country with executive orders. Allowing DOGE to burn it down while MUSK collects a monthly check for billions. Time for Musk to give the money back.
What I don't get is... how could Musk possibly think that he'd benefit from NOT being edited? Has he ever seen his own interviews?
challenging him to a fight and then chickening out? 😆
They think everyone else is as scared as them and their power.
If they don't, we the people will, and it won't be pretty.
Sorry, chickens!
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Soundproof rooms; timed and killed mics; realtime fact-checking.
Crap, they can even have the questions ahead of time.
MAGA could not find one person who would take that on.
i believe the phrase is "elon is a bitch"
“the interview can be 15 minutes, an hour, two hours, whatever. I’ll be honest, I don’t think this network makes any other programming, so we can do whatever the f*** we want as long as we wrap before the new season of South Park"
The man who says legalize comedy
When he’s called that I always get hungry for a burger!
Have you seen Musk's last appearance on Neanderthal Rogan's show ?
Stumbling over his words, incoherent ramblings, lies upon lies.
"Only if you promise not to edit it to make me look bad."
"We won't edit."
"I'll look bad anyway because I'm a Nazi. No thanks."
That would have been a vicious beatdown.
Husband: No, he's too chicken. Remember Bill O'Reilly & Jon Stewart.
I thought, "Yeah, but O'Reilly was smarter, some what."
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Musk is a bitch.
And because it doesn't cover his head, he began to carry a child on his shoulders whenever he leaves a building, plane or helicopter.
He never did before.
In reality he’s just a petulant little child with marshmallows for balls.
Stops talking mid-syllable, starts again, then pauses, trying to rethink the statement he wants to would take forever.
C(r)ouch faster"
Half the nation has a low IQ and Trump's is among the lowest, so it figures that a guy who makes no sense, and refuses to admit he is wrong, is viewed as a strong man by his followers.
Proceeds to pull out red Swingline stapler.....
And nobody stops him.
Musk would be eviscerated on TV.
Musk knows what Steward would do. His ego wouldn't survive narcissistic collapse.
Source: TheDailyBeast
Anyone? Anyone at all?
Mom! They're all being jerks again 😫
He needs the uneducated because they don't have the ability to see through the bs.
Jon Stewart would wipe the floor with him and he knows it.