This is PERFECT because I have been calling him Windsock Graham in my head for most of a decade (wow, old).
He is a great canary, though! Whenever he distances himself from Trump, we can know that -something- is spooking the powers that be, and he's casually resting one hand on the lifeboat.
Lindsey is like the weasel racist cult member who cuts the holes in the sheets for his boss terrorist Trump saying please sir can I lick your balls some more
Again. Lindsey Graham's mouth is his as*hole and every time he speaks, nothing but sh*t comes out of it. Nothing he says makes any difference to anyone, so please stop keeping this guys in the news or making him think his opinion matters.
I fully understand that they probably don't intend for there to be a vote, but it's still hilarious that all these people think Trump would win a third term, when the most popular president would *also* be eligible for a third term.
They already have mentioned adding consecutive to the law, because they are terrified of Obama running, especially with presidental immunity and potential for Supreme Court changes.
I understand they are twisting what it said in the 22nd Amendment, nothing about consecutive terms, just two terms. Besides, unless the 🍊💩just seizes power, it ain't happening. They need a 2/3 vote in both house to change it.
He's already seizing power. He's taken most of congress power and next is the courts. I'd be surprised if they don't force a way for him to run and Democrats will try to force Obama and he'll say no them they will lose again because Trump controls the elections now.
Sad to see the downfall of America in such a fast way...
I can only hope that Republicans in Congress come to their senses and take back their country.
It's only to prove that he isn't gay. I believe most of the world can see that's not true. Most of us don't care if he is or isn't. Yet, I want to yell, "Just come out of the closet already! Your life will be less stressful!"
Will no one rid us of this orange orangutan & his deplorable ignorant minions. Never thought I would experience the robber barons from the 1880’s & 1930’s Germany at this moment in time. Bound to repeat history if you’re not aware of the past.
why do his constituents re elect him, he is the worse pearl clutching flip flopper alive and John McCain would have been ashamed to ever have called him friend.
Folks. Buy guns and ammo while you still can cause there is absolutely no way that we are going back to normal and the Right will not relinquish power without a fight. To think otherwise is detrimentally foolish.
"Soul? Are you kidding me? Right wingers have no soul. That's why they clap on the wrong beat. Do think Nina Simone ever dedicated a tune to some right winger?"
One can only imagine what the dictator has on these people. In the movie, The Apprentice, there was a secret room where video surveillance was recorded & stored. It was just a quick segment, but you know every trump hotel has it.
It's funny that I feel the same way about Graham that I did about Ben Shapiro on a different post. This guy is an ass hat just trying to stay relevant. The MAGA world has left him behind. He's so thirsty to find acceptance. Go have another bottle of Scotch, Lindsey.
Since handing his wee ballsack to Trump, Lindsey hangs upside down by his feet each night in a dusty barn. He can't see his own reflection in a mirror.
He’s always been a follower and a clinger and he just found someone new to cling to. Since his best bro McCain died he has floundered- and you can see how little he really respected McCain by how quickly he turned on him out of political expediency.
He gave that up long ago. I know these crooks think the party will last forever, but there will be a reckoning. They should all remember, every day, that the orange stain is loyal only to himself.
Well, that's IF he doesn't ban the democrat party. And ANY opposition. Last night, he spent a lot of time demonizing the democrats. Demonizing a group is the first step to eliminating them.
I don’t think they have to have anything on him. He’s just a tiny man who wants to be with the big boys. He sold out the memory of his “good friend,” John McCain.
They're all compromised. He's got dirt on that guy, they've got dirt on him, he rigged it for him and it goes on and on and on. It's a mess of corruption.
Certain plan is new amendment to overide the current 2 term limit. Republicans barely have makoirty in house and senate so doubtful they could rustle up the 2/3rds majority needed to send it to states for ratification.
When Yrump is dead and gone, one of his slimy toads will sell the tapes they have on Lyndsay to make a quick buck. I'm betting they are at a criminal level.
What inspiring speech did he hear? Did anyone else hear this speech? I only heard rally speech of lies trump gave and, between you and me, it wasn’t inspiring. Maybe if one has had a frontal lobotomy, it would seem to be slightly inspiring.
He has debased himself so thoroughly that the only plausible explanation is Russia having evidence he’s a child molester. That might be the only actual crime that could still get a Republican in trouble with MAGA?
Oh, I think he has sold his soul to something much, MUCH worse than an elderly, brain damaged orange man who is apparently human, but the verdict is still out on that one (the being human part)
And hate. Mutual hate is a heavy uniter. Rumpydump said last night(so Ive read) that he's killing "woke"!! Never happen, good people will always be good people.
He should know a third term is illegal, but this reiterates my statement that everyone needs to embrace the Second Amendment and get armed because he won't go quietly.
not anti-gun, but due to mental health issues of those in my home, it was unwise to have a firearm. But they have since moved out, and now I'm seriously considering it.
PSA Dagger micro is an affordable glock 43 clone.
PSA AR15 in 5.56 or 300blk
Is an affordable rifle.
MAC 1014 is a high-quality, very affordable 12 Guage shot gun.
I recommend one of each and daily practice after a good safety and handling class.
Someone needs to figure out what tfg has on Lindsey. I do not believe in outing someone. But in this case, he has asked for it by voting for & praising every thing he knows is wrong.
It may be that he is nervous that he’ll end up with polonium in his milkshake, or a new hobby base-jumping out of 20th floor condo balconies without a parachute.
I think we all know. What I don't understand is why he's still being cagey about it. So what? The issue isn't what he is, it's that he's being hypocritical about it.
Not when Gatez walks off trafficking. Nobody will publish the Epstine docs because you know NAMES are on it. At this point it could be published and nothing would happen, we would be gaslit about it.
It’s always Thai boys. And if it isn’t. It’s Thai FemBoys.
He is a great canary, though! Whenever he distances himself from Trump, we can know that -something- is spooking the powers that be, and he's casually resting one hand on the lifeboat.
I can only hope that Republicans in Congress come to their senses and take back their country.
~In the land of the blind, one eye is king~
He spoke believably, straight from his heart.
Lindsey, you shouldn't have sold your soul as it was becoming to you.
Wonder if he'll ever get it back? Nah...don't think so.
Zoot Mantis.
He didn't sell anything.
Nothing they do should shock anyone
In fact, the shock is really their main goal…have you back peddling, confused, and hopefully, surrender to all of this and lose interest…
Stay firm
Otherwise his transformation from harsh critic to sycophant suggests he’s some kind of invertebrate
Regardless, he defines suck up with every fiber of obsequious being
It has to be really, really bad.
more likely it was a pair of tiny shriveled body parts that he sold.
- George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons (2011)
PSA AR15 in 5.56 or 300blk
Is an affordable rifle.
MAC 1014 is a high-quality, very affordable 12 Guage shot gun.
I recommend one of each and daily practice after a good safety and handling class.
There’s something!!!!!!!!!
I wonder who Graham killed?
Big black cock at both ends. On video.