She has a child with Down syndrome, and his administration is calling kids like hers and mine parasites. Perhaps she is upset about the dismantling of federal programs that help her son. She must be so embarrassed she voted to give him ultimate power. 😐
I don't care about her emotions. She's part of the 6-3 majority destroying this country, she's voted for immunity for trump, and if she had any integrity, she would have given up her seat during Biden.
I have 0 faith in any of the conservative justices finding a shred of morality or even judicial objectivity. I'll have faith when they give me a real reason to have it
as the mother of two black children from 'sh9thole countries', is she getting a conscious, and a heart? does she approve of turds cuts to needy countries?
You can't tell from this shot, did he snub her because of her vote, and that was her response? Either way, I hope he sees her reaction. as he passes by passing gas.
She got what she wanted, and lied about backing ROE.She is not as religious as she claims to be. She might be reconsidering her fealty to Trump, but I wouldn't want to bet on it !
I kind of there myself concerning Barrett. Maybe she wonders what kind of world she is teeing up for her children and whether she is reconsidering her fealty to Trump instead of to the Constitution. If she and Roberts join forces w/ the 3 non-fascist justices, that would give me a ray of hope.
The Court and Congress' power and authority are in the Constitution, If it is suspended( i don't know how) none of them would have a job. That is what they should be considering !
She would not be the first Justice to give rulings not as desired by the Prez who nominated them. Warren, Brennan, Blackmun, Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter - all ruled much more with liberal bench than *their* party wanted them to. Spending days with the other SCOTUS ladies has an impact.
I don't believe she is racist as she has children of color. Her and husband adopted. She is very religious catholic and she is letting her personal religious beliefs dictate her opinions instead of the following the law.
It does not matter her religion because religion is a bunch of bullshit used as a scapegoat, as far as her kids being black, I don’t care she’s a racist. She chose one so she chose against her own kids.
I don't give a damn about her current leanings or temporary attack of gas at the SOTU. She successfully relegated every American woman to chattel with her Roe v Wade over-turn.
She can rot in hell.
Coney Barett's dissent on this one thing is nothing. She will comply with Putin/MAGA tomorrow on something far worse, and again and again. Don't let the illusion - hey, look, there's a crack, room for other opinions - fool you.
Amy is the only woman Trump appointed and she obviously hasn’t been doing his bidding(or doing him). He views her as his property and she’s just realized it.
I might get some hate from fellow leftists over this, but I think she’s overall a decent person who has just lived a life highly influenced by narrow religious views. She has voted with the left more than any of the other conservative judges.
Oh, she is no good for this country for sure! I just think it’s because of how she was conditioned and not because she’s a complete sociopath like some of the others. If you were dangling off a cliff, she would pass you a line. Clarence Thomas would stomp on your hand.
I agree with you... she and Roberts sided with the 3 liberals to block some of the foreign aid stuff a couple of days ago. She's very conservative, but she believes strongly in the Constitution.
We’ll see what happens. The same sentiment was echoed about J. Roberts during his early tenure on the court and we know the horrific ramifications of his profoundly false & utterly laughable “I only call balls & strikes” pretzel logic.
If we're being realistic about the Court, we know 2 (almost all the time) will vote opposite the 3 D appointed, Gorsuch most of the time won't vote w the 3, Kavanaugh a little less than Gorsuch (he owes trump),that leaves JR & ACB. JR cares about his legacy & ACB gets to be decider more of the time.
Yep, and I’m sure she won’t vote in favor of trans people either. The Supreme Court is still dangerously stacked against human rights, but any push back at Trump is a step in the right direction. We still need to fight for everyone too.
I actually agree with you. I remember during her confirmation hearing saying that she wouldn't let her personal beliefs influence her decisions. Call me crazy but I actually believed her, still do.
Democrats are definitely optimistic and naive. Trump says he is just firing the bad people. Democrats agree, not realizing the bad are anyone he doesn't like, business competitors, Democrats, anyone that isn't white, elderly, children, and unhealthy people.
Barrett has tried to maintain her independence, I'll give her that. I'd like to see more of it (and I don't think outward hostility towards her does us any good).
For once she did her job and people are clapping? This is the same woman who made sure to help overturn Roe v. Wade. She is directly responsible for painful and unnecessary deaths. She doesn’t deserve your praise. She deserves to bleed out in a hospital room like Portia Ngumezi.
I heard a rumor that Trump tries to wear a ton of his own cologne on a regular basis, but dabs on extra for big events. Add that with his already atrocious body odor that he doesn't manage with any deodorants, and the constant influx of deadly flatulence, he could kill a rose just by walking past it
I hope all his actions and words come home to "roost" on the people who enabled him. Meaning money donations, campaign activities both legal and illegal, and voters, We have to bring consequence home to his supporters in spades.
Despite her federalist bonafides. She doesn't seem to be corrupt. We lose her on plenty of votes, but she at least questions. I wouldn't be surprised if she urged Robert's to act on this. She may truly care about the people who were suffering and the rule of law in this case. Wishful thinking?
Let's not give her too much credit. She's an evangelical who gave trump unlimited power as president AND helped strick down Roe v Wade. She deserves that whiff of shit as he walks by
Don’t give her any more credit than that of lying to congress. She chose her bedmates. Turning up her nose now is a little hypocritical after she was the one who shat on the bench.
Until her candid camera disgust matches her voting record, that real-life reaction is nothing more than the ubiquitous, cowardly GOP internal disdain giving way to the popular lure of bigoted idol worship, in exchange for attention & an inflated sense of self worth.
Honestly, what I saw was him greeting and thankinging his sycophant justices and waking right past her without acknowledgment.
I hope it pissed her off. As distasteful as she is, we need her on our side.
She still has to prove she's turned a corner but nonetheless, it IS possible she has found 'some' integrity in the face of that russian asset's attack on her country.
OR it was the smell...LOL...
While I appreciate her reaction that so many of us can relate to, let's keep our hopes tempered as I'm sure many of us will be disappointed by her again soon.
There’s not a single trustworthy Republican left and that certainly includes Trumps bought and paid for judges.
They know exactly what the treasonous RAPIST felon they elected is doing to America. It’s in their 2025 guide book and if not in there they can always refer to the original Nazi handbook.
I'm sure his diaper was full after the bloviating liar was onstage for that long and Im sure his stench repulsed her. I have to turn down the sound or change the channel every time he's speaking. The sound of his voice and his delivery make me want to hurl.
It's been well-known for decades, since the 1990s, that he is bowel incontinent and that he wears adult diapers as a result but sometimes they fail and there is at least a leak of a smell, if not something worse. The crew on The Apprentice used to have to clean him up every so often.
I don't feel much sympathy for her.
I have 0 faith in any of the conservative justices finding a shred of morality or even judicial objectivity. I'll have faith when they give me a real reason to have it
I am sure that's how the vast majority of the Nazis view him. Make no mistake, she's one of them and will side with him..
It's like a demon saying "I'm not with them. I was just walking to Whole Foods...."
swoon, to land the SCOTUS position.
How could ANY woman respect
that loathsome piece of shit ?
She can rot in hell.
Oops. It’s too late to get your soul back.
Like a good Christian housewife.
A part of me retains hope people can take a hard look in the mirror. We've seen it before, so it's not entirely out of the question.
Unless it's Trump himself. Or Musk. Or Johnson....
Let's stop pretending she has suddenly changed her world view to something sane and reasonable.
It's false hope. She is still trash.
... crop dusting
Dude smells like a bucket of cauliflower lite a pile of crap on fire.
Or maybe she simply smelled the shit filling his Depends.
....Or can you?
I loathe the woman and this is the world she wants.
I hope it pissed her off. As distasteful as she is, we need her on our side.
OR it was the smell...LOL...
They know exactly what the treasonous RAPIST felon they elected is doing to America. It’s in their 2025 guide book and if not in there they can always refer to the original Nazi handbook.
It's been well-known for decades, since the 1990s, that he is bowel incontinent and that he wears adult diapers as a result but sometimes they fail and there is at least a leak of a smell, if not something worse. The crew on The Apprentice used to have to clean him up every so often.
Trump has never sued him over it.