But the power of arrest is with the executive branch of the government. And guess who is currently the head of the executive branch in the USA, yep, the Orange Abomination.
So it's OK to have abusive male guards in women's prisons, but not trans women. R's on duty continuing to "protect" women, in defiance of our basic human rights and the law.
When is congress going to wake the fuck up arrest the criminals???? He will continue to ignore court orders. The only way to stop him is to detain him and put him in prison. South Korea could do it why can’t we?
Bullies have to keep bullying.
Inadequates like Trump and Musk have to keep punching down otherwise the other inadequates will see they are weak trust fund babies.
Trump is a bully because his dad bullied him.
Glad I left. It wasn’t the fear of possible day-to-day violence that convinced me to leave. It was the thought of getting pulled over on the highway for a traffic violation and then who knows what happens once the cops get involved.
If we keep talking about one trans, this and a few trans that we will never win another election. we cannot defend trans rights on the sidelines. get with it people. back away from the issue.
Scapegoating of small defenseless minorities is not just an early symptom of fascism but a key mechanism in its operation and growth strategy. The outcome for the minorities in question is catastrophic, often fatal. But I guess you’re OK with that?
To clarify further: it is a key characteristic of a healthy and well-functioning society that it has NO SCAPEGOATS. The moment you allow minorities to be scapegoated you’re on the road to Fascist Hell.
Solidarity or we a fall. They always start with the smallest marginalized group. I tried of them making us argue over human rights. Wealth inequality is the only issue ..the rest is just a distraction
Yes there are. Suicide is anger turned inward. Don't. Get angry at them. Don't get angry at yourself. it is their fault not yours. Build up a nice healthy rage at them.
As someone who’s craved that void a time or two and a mom of a trans daughter, I hope you have good ppl you can count on around you. I sent this to my daughter earlier today. 🫶🫶🫶
🥺 I woke up, saw this and audibly went “Awee!”
You’re an amazing mom. I can tell you that during this chaotic chapter, she must be so SO proud and confident to have your support.
I have my mom (long distance) and my partner. For me it’s my access to gender affirming care that has saved my life.
Just you being scared shows how much you care about her. Every tiny thing you do to support her journey will mean the world to her trust me. The trans community is wounded, but I think holding onto hope that the love will overcome the hate in the end. Tell her I said to outlive these fu*****. >>
As a mum, I can't imagine how scared you must be right now. Only a handful of people should be losing their lives over this, and they are all male, white, and richer than God
I think right now, we’re in full blown shame mode. If this were stopped today, it has already hurt us for generations to come. There is no fully coming back from this for us. Not while we’re alive.
T-Rump feels he's the ultimate law of the land, and if he doesn't like a judges ruling he simply will ignore it, and without consequence I might add.
Im so tired of being trans and i hate that after my transition i am saying that now when a couple years ago i was so god damn happy to finally be trans masculine
I hope you find people and friends who remind you that being yourself is the best you have done and something to be proud of. It’s ok to be tired and angry,but try not to direct the anger at yourself. You have every reason to be proud, those who deny that have every reason to be ashamed. ❤️🩹
I hear you! In trying times like these strong people like you may be seen as a threat, but only by weaklings and cowards. They may currently seem to have the upper hand, relying on a bunch of crooks, but they are in for a surprise. Everyone suffering now will come out stronger and more powerful!
It’s a constant stream of cruelty these fuckers produce. Trans individuals aren’t hurting anyone so what business is it of those sadistic shits what people do .. or wear
As a trans individual thank you i have been saying this and still get told im exaggerating. Im disabled to and we know a thing or two about how this shit goes.
Executive Orders can be deemed unlawful by federal courts. Judicial review ensures the separation of powers. Only if Congress is silent on an issue can they legally shape policy. Hopefully EVERY E.O. by this idiot is scrutinized by Congress and if R's support them then they're on record for it.
Trump doesn't want a civil war with California. So we can separate and become our own country and still protect the west coast from a high military stand point. But the people are tired of the corruption of Donald Trump. He is nothing but #treason and so are the GOP. https://bsky.app/profile/williamebales.bsky.social/post/3ljlb4l26tk2h
Lol, that's a good thing. This m3ans they are scared of the protestors. But fencing will not stop millions from tearing down fencing. Handheld saws can cut right through them very quickly. "VETERANS MARCH" MARCH 14TH, 2025. Remove #Despotism #ProtectProtestors
I wish people could just understand that transpeople must be prison housed with other trans people to solve this issues, which quite frankly is a no Brainerd that costs nothing more
Thoughtless cruelty…. Portraying themselves as saviors, only to reveal themselves as harbingers of hate, resentment, and ignorance. We have a lot of work to do in order to break this cycle of cruel ignorance
Just a reminder to everyone who thinks all is sweetness and light in the UK.
The incarnation of ALL trans women is in the male estate in the UK.
WITHOUT exception!!
Yep. Trans women subjected to SA and r@pe, are imprisoned with MEN.
Why aren't they working to improve the lives of average Americans who are struggling daily with food, rent, medical and pharmacy costs. They would rather pursue cruel, discriminatory policies against people who do no harm and simply wish to live their true lives. It infuriates me. 😡
This is how it begins. Please don’t think it can’t happen to you, because it will. Something terribly inhumane and unjust will happen to everyone, eventually, if we don’t stop this madness.
There are sadists in the courts, there are sadists in the prisons, there are sadists in the streets, there are sadists in the schools, hospitals, churches, there are sadists in the white house.
As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse in a bathroom and having been involved in the rescue of two women involved in sexual assaults in bathrooms I have to agree with this ruling.
Can't wait to scroll thru your account and see the numerous times you have advocated for not having male prison guards in women's prisons, since that's overwhelmingly where any SA originates.
And they call themselves " Christians" The guards at Auschwitz, and other death camps were all just"doing their jobs". Of course there were no cellphones with build in cameras, and social media in those days ....
military reserves could mop the floor with any rioting or hostile territory, they don't train & declare failure, it's readiness declared, u underestimate our collective foe, Lao Tzu advises otherwise
What this seems to be coming down to is who will enforce the court holdings? Thanks to the Senate Republicans, the justice Department is led by Trump sycophants.
You are safer in a bathroom with a Trans Woman, than you are with any of Trumps cabinet picks, or ya know, the president!
Don’t forget, he said he wanted to date his own daughter…
Just more lawsuits to add to the heap. Only these will likely be wrongful death suits due to the women being raped to death in prison. If you weren't aware: that's what happens when you put women with men in prison. This is unconstitutional on an unhinged level, and no female judge would agree here
This is depressing. Trans women are women! They are human! They should be treated like people! Violence against any woman is just horrendous. This is horrible news. I'm so sorry.
This is a constitution crisis.he ignore an order. Solidarity or nothing. I get this woman is marginalized and a criminal but he defied the court orders.full stop nothing more.impeachment the con president. @amyklobuchar.com @smith.senate.gov @democrats-judiciary.house.gov @housedemocrats.bsky.social
@marcelias.bsky.social @normeisen.bsky.social @glennkirschner.bsky.social @aclu.org @lambdalegal.bsky.social What can be done about this if trump if disobeying court orders? Will the court ever find him in contempt??
Expecting a criminal known to defy court orders to follow a court order is wild. Treasonous trump doesn't care about laws and rules because he's never been held accountable for his endless string of crimes.
You think an adjudicated rapist who hires rapists whenever he can, was a groomer for Epstein, helped Tate-the-child-trafficker escape justice, and pimps for a country using rape as a weapon of war isn’t looking to create more rape? Trump is a rapist first and anything else after.
The cruelty is the point. They are monsters. They use lies to demonize trans people and then attack them joyfully like Romans watching "enemies of the state" being torn apart by lions. And the equally monstrous Republicans watching stand by and celebrate the atrocities.
They should be able to sue since the courts ruled against it. They are being harmed physically and emotionally, and they were transferred illegally. @aclu.org
They're not sadists if they don't feel a goddamn thing. They're worse. It's their fanbase that has all the sadists, unable to care that they're all getting fucked because the only thing they do care about is their hatred.
They have a twisted envy of everyone who has experienced persecution.
Inadequates like Trump and Musk have to keep punching down otherwise the other inadequates will see they are weak trust fund babies.
Trump is a bully because his dad bullied him.
I admit, sometimes the call of the void can be loud. Especially in this political climate
You’re an amazing mom. I can tell you that during this chaotic chapter, she must be so SO proud and confident to have your support.
I have my mom (long distance) and my partner. For me it’s my access to gender affirming care that has saved my life.
I think right now, we’re in full blown shame mode. If this were stopped today, it has already hurt us for generations to come. There is no fully coming back from this for us. Not while we’re alive.
The party of EVIL. See how right that sounds?
Not an iota of this despicable man is worth saving.
And to those who don't care & still don't think they'll be next on their list: FAFO.
The incarnation of ALL trans women is in the male estate in the UK.
WITHOUT exception!!
Yep. Trans women subjected to SA and r@pe, are imprisoned with MEN.
There's no loyalty in MAGA, just cruelty.
What has Trump & his followers in such fear?
Don’t waste your life. Get professional help and stop creeping people out over bathrooms.
TERFs when actual cisgender rapist: 😴
Every time.
frontal assault kinda predictable....
Seize initiative and control forcing them to react to you and your moves
It has caused routs more than once in organized armies
initiative, yes, trading pieces like chess no, game is & has been rigged
new quotient, alter the parameters, watch 4 mission creep, everybody, blueredall
s***'s way 2 complex, outstrips humankind's hubris no matter the stripes
They also won’t be the die hards doing the dirty work it will be the proud boys and oath keepers
And they ain’t smart enough to act like regulars if their social media and actions are to go by
sane hands on one side. at least, please? =D
Don’t forget, he said he wanted to date his own daughter…
Govts are supposed to protect the people
back to sleep everybody they've moved off of an identity politics topic
The last occupant of the White House enabled the genocide of what is it now 50,000 people, many of them babies and children
please, libs, pull your head out of your ass for once
SCOTUS (hahaha): "Hey Bondi, do your fucking job and send the Marshals after him."
Bondi: "Nope!"
SCOTUS: "Oh well, we tried. 🤷"
It won't be safe any longer for many lgbtq+ people.
They have a twisted envy of everyone who has experienced persecution.
America is in trouble, until the people rise up against him and his cronies. Please don't think you can play by the rules. He never has