He was born into going to school in a rolls royce ffs... He was born into never having to do anything. He hasn't done anything outside of landing a rocket back on its pad that nasa hasn't already done. Or that other companies have done.
People have let the right redefine words for way too long. ENTITLEMENT is good, or at least neutral. It's literally "that to which one is entitled, earned, deserved." It's SELF-entitlement that's bad (demanding something one didn't earn and don't deserve) -- you know, like Trump and Musk do 24/7.
["admire" used ironically] “You had to admire the way perfectly innocent words were mugged, ravished, stripped of all true meaning and decency, and then sent to walk the gutter for Reacher Gilt, although “synergistically” had probably been a whore from the start.” ― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
This self-described “on the spectrum” evil pus bag should go back to his own country, as they say. Maybe one of his self driving cars will “self drive” over his male-cellulite ass.
how is musk "part" of our gov't? was he elected? who is he and how did he get access to all our computer systems? He could be a russian operative for all we know
It should be very easy to prove that money directed at a dead person's bank account has gone elsewhere, yet, so far, there are no apparent moves to prosecute those recipients. It looks to me like Musk and his crew don't understand the subtle nuances of a database that began life in the 1960s.
How stupid are Republicans? Must be very stupid, because if you are here working illegally, you may be paying into SS, but you are not entitled to receiving benefits from SS, and you can’t vote. Shocker.
Someone needs to tell Elon that "entitlement" means "we are entitled to this money, because it belongs to us." I paid into Medicare & Social Security all my life with the government's promise that I could collect those funds when I retired. It literally belongs to the people who paid into it.
Crazy King Ludwig searched far& wide to find a Nazi spectrum cowboy with antennas in his hair plugs (oh Myyy) ..this is starting to sound like a fractured fairy tail. "Little Rasputin's Big Adventure"
We let this happen.
Our forefathers are spinning in their graves like boat props.
I encourage everyone to log in to https://SSA.gov and download your statement, both to protect yourself but also to see exactly how much money you have paid in that Elon thinks he's entitled to steal from you.
And social programs like Social Security, Medicare are NOT PONZI SCHEMES OR ENTITLEMENTS! Musk is one big of the biggest recipients of entitlement that ever was! Musk, Trump & Vance are all corrupt thugs who have no idea of what it’s like to serve others.
Musk used to do good things .
Entitled since birth, a sociopath devoid of empathy, whose been sucking on the government teat for a long, long time to become the richest man in the country.
Wants to take the whole cookie jar away from everyone except himself. He's got rockets to build and mars to go to.
there is a billionaire who has his hand in leon's back pocket right now who gets a $38 Billion dollar check from the Govt that needs cutting off the Govt tit for waste, fraud and abuse. he just had his shill do a commercial for his benefit at the White House recently
They're not identifying anything. Those kids can't code for shit. They just claimed to have saved money in my town by "ending a lease" that was ended in 1998. This is like letting your 7-year-old kid brother "fix" your laptop, while a ketamine junkie holds your wallet.
Keep good records for the upcoming 21st century version of the 1945/1946 Nuremberg Tribunal Trials charging them with crimes against humanity and democracy.
He needs to get his Neurolink chip reprogrammed. It's glitching badly. I wonder if Musk has a microchip version that he slipped into Trumps powdered Adderall?
This crap is going to backfire so hard..... Rich people are the entitled ones.... Demonizing poor people who don't work or care is old news, but Elon the future felon is digging himself into a hole he can never climb out of, he isn't even an American, and he reminds white men of what they despise...
Attention clueless MAGA lemmings Muskrat announces the end of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Bang your dead. Nice suicide pact. Jonestown anyone.
Do Americans not pay into their social security fund every pay check? That’s how CPP works in Canada. Which means if the government cuts CPP they are stealing MY money, not taxes. Is it the same there in the US? When are you guys going to stand up for yourselves?
Employees pay into it with every paycheck, the employer matches every penny (hint, that's the part they don't like). Whatever you put in has been doubled by your employer(s). NOT part of the US budget, has no effect on the debt or dificit and not coming from the gov't, gov't is just the banker...
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
Arthur Conan Doyle
Time and time again they show they are not interested in finding the Truth. Simply using accusations made in bad faith as pretext to do what they want.
several of Elon Musk's children were conceived using in vitro fertilization (IVF), including his first five with ex-wife Justine Wilson, and his twins with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis, suggesting artificial insemination was involved.
American paid the premiums for Social Security and Medicare all of their working lives via FICA taxes deducted directly from their paychecks. So, they deserve what they were promised. They earned it!
🌈💜 I despise the word "entitlement(s)" when corrupt officials, elected politicians & psychotic billionaires use it to describe things like Social Security & Medicare/Medicaid! They are NOT entitlements!
if they touch one penny from Social Security or Medicare; that would not be different from armed robbery. which you can get 20 yrs to life for! this is money that is paid in through payroll taxes! taken right off the top before you even see your pay stub! let them fucking try it!
The "quiet part" is that he doesn't think average people are entitled to anything, even if it's literally their own money, government, or Constitutionally protected freedoms.
The mega rich are the new royalty. They believe they are God chosen and everyone else should suffer to give them more.
I think he’s as stupid in some areas as he “might be” genius in another. Musk knows nothing about how SSA works and will not find overwhelming fraud but confidently believes he does and will. Bottom line, he doesn’t really care. He thinks it’s better to privatize it and won’t let facts sway him.
"[Entitlements are] a mechanism by which the Democrats attract and retain illegal immigrants by essentially paying them to come here and then turning them into voter
Any time I think of musk I think of this one guy in cyberpunk 2077 where you have to drive this dude with a botched penis implant to a doctor while he’s screaming and carrying on.
I'm baffled as to why he is being interviewed as if he's an elected official, or in a position to opine on such things.
I'm so sick of the unqualified trash of the entire Trump administration and 95% of the republican party. Profoundly & deliberately ignorant asshats, every single one.
This is how they do it, this is how they trick the poor white folks into thinking it’s all in their best interest: making Scapegoats of PoCs, Immigrants, LGBTQ+ folks, and women.
And they’ll keep robbing us all til there’s nothing left to benefit from in America. Money goes in, nothing comes out!
I’ve yet to see Plan B. If he’s actually gonna get that, where are the old people supposed to go? I believe the nursing homes will just open their doors and let them wander off. We need to let people see what that’s gonna look like. Nobody’s talking about that. They’re gonna have to eat and sleep.!!
Why doesn't he just go forth and be happy? What the fuck is wrong with the Ultra-wealthy? Why can't they be satisfied? I'm not buying the premise that musk gives a shit about America’s state of affairs.
I'm getting tired of Republicans referring to Social Security as "Entitlements". If money wasn't taken out of my Paycheck for Social Security but was instead just "FREE Money" the government was setting aside for me, I could understand that, but it is MY money. I expect it back with interest.
Problem is, "entitlement" is the correct term for both SSI benefits and the program itself. We say "entitlement" because the benefits are paid to people who meet certain eligibility standards and the program is not funded by appropriation. Conservatives have turned that word into...
...something evil, conjuring images of lazy people (always people of color) doing nothing and driving Cadillacs (it's always a Cadillac) on the dime of "honest (white) taxpayers" and so forth. We can rail against that, but the term remains "entitlement." It's sort of like if...
...suddenly the word "tissue" became a bad word. Like it always evoked images of bacteria-ridden snot and boogers. And misanthropes might talk about "human TISSUE," and everyone is disgusted. But "tissue" is also the word we use to describe what our bodies are made of. How would you...
...fight that? I really don't know. The only thing I can think is to somehow reclaim the word. Like, try to make "entitlement" a good thing. But that seems just as unrealistic as telling people not to say "entitlement" at all. I don't know the answer. But the word is not going away.
Don't let them appropriate language - ridicule turns out to be quite effective because idiots don't like being laughed at. It turns out that language isn't their strong point either.
They are entitlements. Entitlements are things to which you are entitled, earned, deserve. Don't let Republicans pervert the meanings of words. It's SELF-entitlement that's bad demanding something you didn't earn or deserve--you know, like Trump and Musk do.
The word entitlement is misunderstood. If you paid into it you are "entitled" to it. It IS an entitlement, because you deserve to have it.
Repubs have bastardized the word (along with socialism, woke, etc.) to make it sound bad, so that the public thinks they don't want what they're entitled to.
Before the SOB takes a chainsaw to Social Security, I want the money that I, and my employer, paid into my savings account. That’s what it is, not government money.
Entitlements? Don't people pay a tax or part of their wages that goes to social security and other programs that are meant to catch them if they can't work?
"like...these are entitlements...hold on, I sorta...sorta have third base stuck to my shoe...haha born with it...so, hand me the chainsaw so we can finish this interview"
These creeps always talk about "Western civilisation" and then describe, like, every civilisation ever. Like, does Elon think that Indians don't have empathy? Or the Japanese?
Yes, there will always be exemption here and there. But I suspect that one can also find kind and caring people in Dubai even if the official politic of the country are not 😁
I was actually think more about ordinary people everywhere rather than government policies. Sorry, if that was not clear 😊
In that case cut me a check for what I put into social security! Because if you touch my money ELON, that’s GRAND THEFT ! And you can be arrested, like you should have been when this BS started ! Fuck this unelected asshole ! Deport him TO RUSSIA! And take TRAITOROUS TRUMP with you !
Part of feeling entitled is knowing that no one else beside you is. President Leon (sic) is clueless and we’d all be happier were he away from us and living his dream on Mars.
His words are from a rich moron who hasn't truly worked a day in his life. My mom struggled and worked for 50 or more years. She's EARNED her SS. And to take it away woud absolutely destroy my family. We live by that check every month.
Elmo could never get elected for anything. Just because he is ultra rich doesn’t mean he should allowed to buy positions for whomever he wants. This couldn’t have been imagined by the framers or anyone else, until it happened. I fear it is too late to reverse.
I want to add, my Medicare is not free. I pay $363/month for the insurance coverage I get. Between the Medicare premium and my medigap premium (without that I'd pay 20% of all my medical needs) and my Part D prescription that covers a lot of nothing. It's no different than any insurance here.
I keep yelling it from the rooftops: "Elon, keep your dirty dickbeaters off of my Social Security!! I paid that $ in over a lifetime of hard work, of which you have never had to endure; Quit Stanford 2 days into the semester & dropped, which should have triggered you to leave. You're the alien here!
Considering I'm on disability @georgetakei.bsky.social , this scares me. A bunch of rich jerseys taking away money meant for senior citizens and thr disabled. It's cruelty.
"Most of the federal spending is entitlements. That’s the big one to eliminate."
Democrats better be getting their asses in front of Trump voters and making sure they know what's *actually* going on, versus lies that come out of the mouths of Trump sycophants.
Letting people redefine terms and then hold them against us is something we need to end
Repeatedly when you use speed dial
We vets will fight & die for this country so yall don’t have to. They know this.
After 3 decades of combat in the worst places in the world, they FEAR US!
Let’s add to that fear! COME STAND WITH US. Let’s SCARE the fuck out these piss ants.
Sorry for spamming.
You guys are amazing!!!
Here's hoping this is a blowout protest!!
We let this happen.
Our forefathers are spinning in their graves like boat props.
Musk used to do good things .
Inflation, "we will bring it down", we won't touch entitlements
"Pocketbook issues were of prime concern and a significant driver of Trump’s support, Older voters worried about everything from inflation to their ability to pay for retirement."
Wants to take the whole cookie jar away from everyone except himself. He's got rockets to build and mars to go to.
How are they identifying the “fake” social security numbers? How are they determining the wrong people are receiving the checks?
Not a single example.
E. Lon Hubbard is making up shit again.
No proof required, let the mob do its worst
...including having a lack of irony...?
Arthur Conan Doyle
Time and time again they show they are not interested in finding the Truth. Simply using accusations made in bad faith as pretext to do what they want.
Kettle meet pot
The mega rich are the new royalty. They believe they are God chosen and everyone else should suffer to give them more.
"[Entitlements are] a mechanism by which the Democrats attract and retain illegal immigrants by essentially paying them to come here and then turning them into voter
Also Musk (weird fellow)
I'm so sick of the unqualified trash of the entire Trump administration and 95% of the republican party. Profoundly & deliberately ignorant asshats, every single one.
And they’ll keep robbing us all til there’s nothing left to benefit from in America. Money goes in, nothing comes out!
I pay for them every time o work and get paid.
Repubs have bastardized the word (along with socialism, woke, etc.) to make it sound bad, so that the public thinks they don't want what they're entitled to.
Social Security, Medicare = Welfare programs for lazy Americans
I am entitled to my own money. I paid into social security for over 40 years. Like fvck, I’m not collecting.
The point is that democrats should push back and explain that social security is a benefit that we pay into every working day of our lives.
Per usual, democrats have a messaging problem!
I was actually think more about ordinary people everywhere rather than government policies. Sorry, if that was not clear 😊
I’ve paid into SS & Medicare/caid for 44 years after getting a hardship driver license so I could work at 15— and you dare call ME entitled?
That’s MY money & I was *promised by law* I’d get it back.
The government entitled themselves into the fund and borrowed our money out of it, when it was even allowed to, putting the fund in jeopardy.
The Dunning Kruger is so powerful here it's tangible.
Elon Musk and the billionaires are not entitled to my money.
This isn't hard. They're seriously stupid.
Musk needs to either follow all of the laws that government workers follow, or stop pretending he has any authority.
Democrats better be getting their asses in front of Trump voters and making sure they know what's *actually* going on, versus lies that come out of the mouths of Trump sycophants.
Obviously they’re entitled to it it’s their fvuking money !!
WTAF is wrong with America