Remember, the Trump team feels veterans are lazy and not fit for a government job while Captain Bone-spurs and Elon are heroes who are making great sacrifices.
You'd think that Vets are the one group you so not p*ss off, they have military skills and the respect of the US military... it would only take a handful with connections to invoke a military coupe to remove the Republican party, and instill marshal law, just saying 🤷♂️ lol.
Nobody cares more for the troops. Unless there's a photo op in Arlington. Or it's raining in Normandy. Or they're trans or black (because they couldn't have possibly gotten their jobs based on ability or merit - has to be DEI). On second thought. This guy doesn't give a shit about our troops.
Yes, fully counts. My Dad was a decorated hero, gallantry in action under devastating enemy fire, for Iwo Jima, and a Purple Heart recipient, and when he saw military vets attacking John Kerry's Silver & Bronze Stars + Purple Heart, he was outraged. Disgusted by their abject display of dishonor.
Bill Genaust died on Iwo Jima, but statistically, it's a pretty safe MOS. Al Gore was a military journalist in Vietnam, and conservatives ridiculed him. Why? Because conservatives are supremely disingenuous, insincere people.
They have violated their oaths of office hundreds of times in less than 2 months and have never been called on it, much less impeached. Treason has been normalized.
Neither of these 2 have ever served and know what it is to serve their country. And when they come home, wounded the president not care about those who have sacrificed for this country and when they give the ultimate sacrifice, you go to arlington, and take a picture of their grave as a photo opp
Veterans are rarely yes-men. Being a yes-man is the most important core competence on your CV if you want to work for Trump (I first typed "Putin" by mistake, I start to confuse them)
The Rethuglicans always love our troops when they're in some God forsaken hell hole getting their butts shot off, but when they come home the cowards couldn't care less about us.
I’m sorry, friend, but who is out there telling us there’s massive fraud with no evidence? Who is out there telling us immigrants are eating pets, or committing more violent crimes than citizens even though that’s not reality? Who is manufacturing rage and hate?
There is massive fraud in the govt and if you don't think so then you are very naïve. There were illegal aliens that actually did eat pets, nothing new there. Illegal aliens commit more crimes per capita then citizens.
The Dem rage machine is designed to keep their people angry, nothing more.
Please all you of the still free press start ask harder questions of this administration like why does trump sell us , Ukraine, & our allies out to Putin and call him out on his being a dictator wannabe
Not surprise.
The Russian guvernor general in USA comrade Krasnov is hired to cause destruction both internally and for foreign affairs as well. Also he doing his best make institute of president US as dirty as possible.
Many of my fellow veterans can’t get it through their skulls that we are just a prop for Republicans. They used to throw us a bone to get our vote, but now they have Silicon Valley in their corner, so they don’t need our service. They still want our vote, claiming it’s the patriotic thing to do.
Vets are %6 of population, but %30 over VA facility workforce.
Cutting 80k+ workers is beyond cruel.
They fired or forced out more Vets than the count of the undocumented deported as of today.
Don't believe anything Doug Collins says, I have appointments moved out past 45 days scheduled, GTFOH.
The man on the left, James Donald Bowman (true name) served in the US Marines in Public Relations. The man on the right has no idea what it means to serve his country. As his father arranged for a family doctor to sign multiple Medical Deferments to keep DJT from serving his country.
Trump said veteran are “losers” and “suckers”. Then 65% of us proved his point by voting for him. My sympathy is for those who knew what Trump was and voted against him. Trump is bringing all the dysfunction he promised.
The world is very much laughing at this absolute shitshow. Every day I wake up and check what batshit mental things Trump and the Space Nonce have done today
I know. I realise the UK isn't politically perfect, but I think ultimately our PM is a decent guy. The situation in the USA right now is ludicrous, its just never ending. Which we knew was going to happen, but even so...
I can't help but wonder how that elderly veteran feels about giving away his Purple Heart to Donald so he could turn around and stab him in the heart with it.
It is disgusting, but I'm not surprised Trump has no respect for veterans. He has made that very clear. Veterans that voted for him, I hope they now realize this man who not only calls them suckers & losers but also treats them that way with his actions as no respect for them. I support our heroes.
6,000 VA ppl betrayed and laid low through a war of attrition declared by Musk, Trump, Vance, with aid from a do-nothing GOP. Number will go higher with collateral damage and future firings.
Afghanistan: 2,500 troops killed
Iraq: 4,500
Persian Gulf: 400
Because we vets are nothing more than pr props that a number of MAGA like to use for their purposes. But like many people/groups Trumpie, Vancie, Muskie and MAGA hate, we're nothing to them in reality.
Do they think for one second that their military is going to thrive when recruitments know that at the end of the day their country will garbage them to the curb…..good luck.
This type of thing happens when people have no respect for the military people that defend their right to be the fools that they are. Trumpty and pudgy boy couldn't serve a day in the military. They'd wash out.
Protocol issue here. vance may salute having been a marine. trump however may not since he never served in the service. Presidents receiving a salute may acknowledge this by bending the head while prior military cab salute. It is all in the list of military protocols.
I hate this but: the president can salute during the national anthem, although traditionally, only individuals in uniform are authorized to render a military salute. Recent legislative changes have expanded this privilege, allowing the president to salute as the Commander-in-Chief.
OK, thanks for the update; I did look this up and even have an old book on military traditions and protocol. As for the salute during the anthem, anyone having served in the military may salute, even in civilian attire. This was passed some years back.
Not surprising- neither have a clue as to what it takes to do something honorable for their country. Let’s just say sacrificing themselves for the benefit of others is not something either understand.
I do not understand how ANYONE in the military can support these two buffoons. Draft dodging orange fucknuckle. I'll be fair and give Vancy-pants credit for his service and will not be snide about it being "only" desk work; someone has to do it. HE should be ashamed. That he's not is reprehensible.
I can see some serious protests in the future. These folks won't go quietly.
Wait. What?
On TVs near you...
Considering how many I knew that were George Carlin fans, they may have missed this one:
All you guys do is manufacture rage and hate to keep your people angry and dangerous.
The Dem rage machine is designed to keep their people angry, nothing more.
What could possibly go wrong?🪦
The Russian guvernor general in USA comrade Krasnov is hired to cause destruction both internally and for foreign affairs as well. Also he doing his best make institute of president US as dirty as possible.
Cutting 80k+ workers is beyond cruel.
They fired or forced out more Vets than the count of the undocumented deported as of today.
Don't believe anything Doug Collins says, I have appointments moved out past 45 days scheduled, GTFOH.
6,000 VA ppl betrayed and laid low through a war of attrition declared by Musk, Trump, Vance, with aid from a do-nothing GOP. Number will go higher with collateral damage and future firings.
Afghanistan: 2,500 troops killed
Iraq: 4,500
Persian Gulf: 400
You're welcome.
(Or worst)
Great. Again.