So cancer takes more than it parasites...and kinda like greedy rich ppl trying to throw a bunch of disabled and elderly ppl onto the street.
Must be sick if he doesn’t realize that trying to fire hundreds of thousands of people and taking food and medical help from children would possibly make people angry. Is it autism or drug use that doesn’t let him see that. Boo hoo
This is why, Elon. This is why everybody hates you. People don't hate your companies. We know there are a lot of good people working there. We just hate you because... you are a deadly parasite. Your words. You have become a danger not only to yourself, but to the world.
Creating conditions that result in food insecurity, poverty, medical debt, among others apparently do not physically affect anybody. This man is an idiot, and a psychotic.
No, he is just a narcissist who masks his icky guilt feelings from himself with rationalizations. He knows he is garbage, so he says things that are *technically* true, so that he can quiet the RSD. He thinks he can bluff us, and thus make his words true to himself. If we believe it, he believes it.
This is what happens when the awkward kid who got picked last in gym class gets enough money to buy a spot on the "cool kids" team. Then doesn't understand why no one wants to be his friend. I don't think he realizes that once he stops paying, the fake ones will go away too.
I'd like a right-winger to give one example of something "woke" that directly & negatively impacted their life... i.e. how does social media pronouns, Black History Month programs, or Pride merch at Target ruin a white heterosexual's own lifestyle?
It’s interesting that he specifies that he’s never *physically* hurt anyone.
Uber-wealthy people—particularly those who hoard insane amounts of wealth—harm people simply by existing. And they’re so far removed from normal human life they’re absolutely clueless about it.
Extreme wealth is actually a risk factor for sociopathy, if I remember right there have been some studies about it. These people need to be heavily taxed for their own good.
He wants to be loved so badly and can’t figure out why so many of us hate him. I hate the fact that we as a country have to deal with the psychological damage of two men because of their shitty parents. Maybe if Maye Musk hugged her son more and gave him a few dance lessons we wouldn’t be here.
The Felon is developmentally challenged at about the level of a four year old. Instead of getting him the help he needed his parents sent him to military school and turned him into a bully and a sociopath.
King Diapers has the reading comprehension of a struggling second grade student, can’t understand simple concepts such as how tariffs work, how batteries store wind and solar energy, or even that Sharpies can’t change facts.
He’s a dolt too dumb to know how stupid he looks. Or sounds. Or is.
He just can't seem to get away from calling people parasites. Technically he reposted a meme calling people parasites, and now he is using "woke mind parasite". So Empathy (definition of woke) is a parasite.
Is there even a way to investigate that without violating HIPAA? I dunno about you, but the sanctity of patient-doctor confidentiality is not a thread I want to go tugging at. 👀
Musk referred to British diver Vernon Unsworth as a "pedo guy" on Twitter. Taking Tesla private at $420 per share, claiming funding was secured. The SEC sued him for securities fraud. Operating a pyramid scheme to support the cryptocurrency Dogecoin. Accused of sexual misconduct during 2016 flight.
So, my dear pissant Elon, I'm truly woke, because I see you for the evil slime you are. And you will be destroyed. Not by me, but by the attempted evil you bring to the world. For it will lash back at you and destroy you.
And I will celebrate when it happens to you, 🍊💩, and all your minions.
George, I’m so concerned and frightened about what the future here will be. I’m heartsick about how those men were treated - shaving heads, rough handling in chains - no due process - ignoring and defying the court order.
I’m sickened at the people cheering this on.
The judge in that case needs to hold the government in contempt and send private bail bondsmen (to circumvent Bondi ordering the Federal Marshals to stand down) to arrest whoever is deemed responsible for this nightmare. They can appoint independent lawyers to prosecute like in the Eric Adams case.
🍊💩🤡 is holding fund raisers at mara fago for him at a million 💰 a plate he's not hurting he's laughing all the way to the bank . Stop kidding yourself millionaires slap millionaires on the back with more fund raisers it's a joke keep up the fight 👊
Elon Musk margined his Tesla stock to purchase Twitter if this stock sinks below $100/share he will have massive margin calls
This means he used his Tesla stock as “collateral” to buy Twitter. So, if he bought Twitter for say $44 billion, then maybe he had to put up say $60 billion worth of stock. As that stock loses value, the banks may say hey, the value has dropped, you need to pay us cash to cover the lost value.
I deleted my twitter account just before he grabbed it. Dint take much imagination to know what he would turn it into. And guys dont deactivate your FB, whatsapp, instagram, X accounts. Delete the account, so their diminishing subs show, that will hurt the stock.
He's the fall guy for the excesses of Project 2025 so Vought can keep the felon as its avatar while shattering the country to great applause.
Is anyone else old enough to remember "It's the economy, stupid"? Now It's Project 2025, . . . you know the rest.
Look, i fucking hate Elon, but I believe that fact was st least partially debunked. Could be wrong, but i remember reading that it was a heavily misconstrued statement
When Germans are saying "yeah, he's doing Nazi stuff", we ought to believe them. Perhaps you're referring to his extended family are/were "merely" white supremacists who loved the whole apartheid thing so much that they moved from Canada to South Africa?
Yeah that's what the article says. The article itself mostly says that they were white supremacists, but it does say they were not Nazis or associated directly with them. The family sucks
He never *physically* hurt 10's of thousands of federal workers, he just *economically* hurt them, he blatantly lied about them losing their jobs due to poor job performance, and he screwed them out of unemployment insurance in the process. Poor baby.
His cars blow up, his rockets blow up, and his crappy satellites fall out of the sky daily. He will never reach Mars. He's a mentally ill Nazi who is using undeserved power to harm millions of people at home and abroad. He's earned our hatred... as has Trump!
Typical ex-Pretorian boy.. with a silver spoon since he was born. No clue of the real world. In his youth, black people weren't considered as people. He grew up in a police state were whites were protected.
Musk believes he is omnipotent and should rule the galaxy. Add in Ketamine addiction, his plummet in popularity and I think it quite possible he could have a psychotic break soon.
He keeps ranting about the "woke mind virus" and it's clearly projection, the MAGA mind virus is real and it's destroying civil society.
The former is just basic human decency rooted in truth and reality. The latter is a cancer that enables people to justify being the worst versions of themselves.
He's the parasite. He loves that word. He's called people parasites and now it's human empathy that's parasitic. They always tell exactly what they are.
The abolition of USAID is expected to lead to roughly 3,000,000 deaths this year alone. Musk may not have "physically" hurt them, but their deaths are on his hands.
I detect quiet lashings of Ayn Randisms 'rugged individualism' in painting his opposition as a quorum of plurality. Honestly, that nonsense of being able to be a lone island of individuality, as if society doesn't lift you up, is bloody stupid as well.
To use his words, he considers himself to be a "deadly threat" to certain human beings. In other words, he's threatening people with death. So, yeah, that is precisely why people hate him. If he threatens people with death, he shouldn't be surprised at the hate.
Sure, because it couldn’t possibly be people holding him accountable for firing workers, dodging taxes, or spreading nonsense. Must be the ‘woke mind parasite.’ Definitely not the consequences of his own actions.
Musk is the parasite feeding off the US. I hate him for having no conscience and a superiority complex about skin colour. I despise him for using his riches to cause harm and dissension as a foreigner. He is a monster.
Oddly enough I'm counting on Musk to build the machine that enslaves humanity with its sweet lies.
(So he is exactly the opposite of what he proclaims to be. Go figure.)
Leon is a Ketamine addicted fuck face! I thought Drumpf was against any druggie because of his brother’s death from alcohol poisoning, but apparently it’s turning out that Leon is probably Drumpf’s dealer, as Drumpf himself becomes more irrational, which is a sign of addiction. WTF America?
While Musk, his Tech Bros and the nuclear energy lobby exploit and sabotage the 5G network globally, leading to real damage worldwide - and not just desired brain parasites, which are much more likely to be his own AI. 🍅 itheereum-ai #Ai #Ethics #Cyber #Crime
His Emotional Support Toddler isn't fulfilling his needs, it seems. Maybe taxing away his obscene wealth and making him actually do something useful to make a living would give him a sense of accomplishment and boost his self esteem?
If he wasn't so evil some of his behavior could be explained by the idea that he's probably on the Autism spectrum. Autism doesn't turn you into a sociopath, though. Being a spoiled rich nepo baby certainly can.
Wwaaaaaaaiit a second...aren't these the people who said that empathy and compassion are a weakness, not a strength? We gotta tell him to pull himself back up by his bootstraps and take the criticisms like a MAN.
Fe-fe, fi-fi, fo-fo, far
I smell smoke, in my Tesla car
Elon Musk, Elon Musk
He's a bust, that Elon Musk
He's gonna get caught, just you wait and see
(Why's everybody always pickin' on me?)
Elon you have ruined the lives and careers of millions either directly or indirectly. We don't want you dismantling our institutions and democracy because it's inconvenient to you. We care about other people where you don't. So kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF.
If he was a scientist, perhaps he could find the woke mind virus and develop a vaccine for it🙄. I got my woke mind virus from Sunday school, then from becoming an avid reader. Guess that’s why they are going after libraries.
Musk is partially responsible for halting millions of dollars in emergency food and medicine provided by USAID. That's killing women, men and children.
Yes. He has physically hurt people and even killed some.
Him and his "woke mind virus" bs and only he and Trump can save western civilization.
These people have such an overinflated view of themselves, nepo babies or trust fund babies who have never experiences an iota of what regular everyday people do.
Elon Musk has repeatedly told an anecdote of how he was bullied as a child, citing an incident where he was pushed down a flight of stairs by a classmate and broke his arm.
Elon omits the detail that the reason the other kid pushed him because Elon was mocking him over his mother's recent suicide.
Clueless mfkr is hurting MILLIONS by depriving them of food, medicine, health care and, in America, rightful access to social security retirement funds.
Cuts to veterans benefits, pediatric cancer research, climate and weather data collection causing harm too.
But anyways cool story, Gage's Dad. Lol
I'd like to see them admit this.
"Mommy, why won't anyone play with me. They're all so mean!"
I hope he gets to use it.
Uber-wealthy people—particularly those who hoard insane amounts of wealth—harm people simply by existing. And they’re so far removed from normal human life they’re absolutely clueless about it.
That is physical AND mental harm, not only to the individual, but to their families as well.
Yeah, that sums it up.
On second thought, nah. Elmer is crazy, trump’s just stupid.
He’s a dolt too dumb to know how stupid he looks. Or sounds. Or is.
I hope people learn to respect the ballot box from now on.
He is doomed to a future alone and in fear, cowering from a world that will forever ridicule him.
The level of money he has he could pay to build a lab and hire chemists to produce his bespoke drugs.
"Woke" implies a sense of awareness. Aware of one's surroundings, and of other people's actions. /1
I see their plans, and I'm doing my part in pointing it out, and trying to thwart it. /2
They're afraid of others seeing them for what they are. It's another form of projection, being guilty of what they acuse others of. /3
And I will celebrate when it happens to you, 🍊💩, and all your minions.
Seems war and harmful policy are just morality-laundering.
I’m sickened at the people cheering this on.
It is not appropriate.
It is deeply troubling and offensive.
Yeah, I'm only one man. But...
—at this point I don’t care!! BlueSky is 1000 times better! Way better!
Is anyone else old enough to remember "It's the economy, stupid"? Now It's Project 2025, . . . you know the rest.
Well done.
I hear St Petersburg is lovely in Spring...
Boy, is that word doing a LOT of work.
The former is just basic human decency rooted in truth and reality. The latter is a cancer that enables people to justify being the worst versions of themselves.
Jesus...they are all such snowflakes!
Isn't that dealer 101?
(So he is exactly the opposite of what he proclaims to be. Go figure.)
You did not get elected to any office & you have absolutely no right to do Jack Shit!
Does that clear it up for you, you asshole?
I smell smoke, in my Tesla car
Elon Musk, Elon Musk
He's a bust, that Elon Musk
He's gonna get caught, just you wait and see
(Why's everybody always pickin' on me?)
Yes. He has physically hurt people and even killed some.
These people have such an overinflated view of themselves, nepo babies or trust fund babies who have never experiences an iota of what regular everyday people do.
Elon omits the detail that the reason the other kid pushed him because Elon was mocking him over his mother's recent suicide.
He is just a bottomless pit of garbage
Cuts to veterans benefits, pediatric cancer research, climate and weather data collection causing harm too.
🚫 Musk, boycott Tesla!
I think he’s got one wrapped around his own cerebral cortex.