Totally agree … where the fuck do they find illiterates like her. I don’t like calling people out based on their intelligence, but Trump seems to have surrounded himself with a bunch of morons! But that’s hardly surprising I suppose when he himself is the biggest moron!
I’m a Barbie girl in a MAGA world
ICE getting more drastic, it’s fantastic
You can tell I lie and fact check me everywhere
Deportation to El Salvador isolation
You can call me out and question my shite answers
But hey they’re on a par with Holman & JD Vance’s
Come on Barbie, GOP party
If she had any idea what she was talking about, she wouldn't have been hired. Her job is to say Yes sir, thank you sir, please sir can I have some more?
Saint Anselm College. Perhaps we can give them their due recognition for their poor product. I envision the formal presentation of a dump truck load of manure.
She, so far, I find her to be an extremely offensive propagandist, who seems to have contempt for any journalistic sources who are not in the media clowncar.
Today, the UK marked the passing of the last of "the few". Somebody needs to tell Bollocks Barbie that while we are always grateful for the USA in WW2, for the UK it started in 1939. Incidentally, the Canadians turned up on time!! 😉
All she was saying, George, is that the French should be more grateful to the United States because America played a major role in saving them from the Nazis. What’s so difficult about understanding that?
Trump loves to surround himself with people who are as stupid as he is. It’s hard to find people who are that stupid but in this case he hit the nail on the head.
The qualifications to work for Trump(🤮)
1. 20-27 years old with a sugar daddy.
2. Must have some form of plastic surgery.
3. Special kind of _______.
4. Hair color has to be blonde*
5. Must be petite.
* Not necessarily has to be blonde (sorry to all the smart blondes out there)
“You see the bubbleheaded bleach blonde comes on at five, she can tell about the plane crash with a gleam in her eyes.” Don Henley, dirty laundry. Like he said, we all know that craft is king, so give dirty laundry!
Understandable! Forgive an ignorant Brit! TBF she is much loved here, because she once bitch slapped Sandi Toksvig, because Sandi is Danish, and she didn’t like what the Danes did to bacon 😂😂
As wonderful as these replies are, she was not given a history lesson as she will not see these replies. We need to have more of these reporters stand up to her at the time she says these ignorant statements.
Same old, same old. They take notes from MAGA on social media, the repeat it loosely and then they use the appeal to bias fallacy when they're corrected. It's truly pathetic. But not as pathetic as the two wrongs by their fanboys.
I mean, when she was told what terrifs actually were when getting caught in the lie as she has before, I can not wait for her to start snapping at reporters. XD
I'm sure she was hired for her education and experience like all of trumps other picks... see, it's funny because none are qualified for their positions
I really wish all media outlets that are not trump propagandists would stop attending these "press conferences"... nothing but lies and misinformation.
I also hate this argument that just because a completely different set of Americans fought in WWII that means everyone should prostrate themselves forever to America even when it's now aligned with the ideology of the other side of WWII.
The majority of Americans are beyond furious right now and the intensity is continuing to build. The pitch forks are going to be coming out and there will be nowhere for these amoral degenerates to hide. Get ready because we’re coming!
No! That would be mean. She should keep her hair and serve a sentence at Only Fans... something like 6 months per 20 lies, rounded off. She would have to accept daily requests to explain herself. The money would go teachers and fire fighters, and, sometimes, graphic artists.
we get it..we don't like it. I am personally sorry the world has to see such shit.
Got any good sabotaging stories? I'm collecting them again...French resistance list was lost...
I am honestly grateful a lot of them are dumb AND evil. I am still hoping Trump will speedrun the fall of Germany without invading his neighbors but it seems less and less likely.
Well I am Swedish, but I do not fancy fighting in WWIII because Anti-vaxxers voted for Dollar Store Hitler because their pastors decided that Empathy is a concept invented by Satan.
I doubt anyone in the White House has any idea what they're talking about. They all lack common sense and general knowledge about crucial historical information, fundamental science, and just basic facts. All that they can churn out from their mouths is hateful, scrofulous rhetoric. Shame on them!
And as an aside. John 9:41. You cannot accept Gods forgiveness and grace and then later say you forgot or did not see your lies. Forgiveness is removed and it never comes back. She is damned to Hell. She can no longer stand with Jesus.
Get it right. She is a Bratz doll - created for male gaze and sure as hell not as smart as Barbie. Barbie was a lawyer, a scientist, a doctor - not this butthole mouth Bratz Doll
It's the New World Order. Everyone who runs our government right now, has a kindergarten level of education. They just have a violent lust for control.
Ideas run counter to programming good sir. This poor creature is not paid to have intellectual curiosity or to question. Just to toe the party line. She has lasted longer than I anticipated but probably only because she thinks this is all still cute.
Nobody Trusk appointed and Congress approved has any idea what they are talking about.
That's the point.
Harder to make the Presidents look stupid when you're stupid, too. (That's how stupid people think.)
This was a terrible slander when David Letterman used it against the British after U571 came out, and it's even more of a slander when the official mouthpiece of the regime says it.
Ah Christ not the French now. Do any of the goppers know even a single thing about American history? Since day 1 it's been us, Canada and France. Post WWII half of Europe became bros. We built monuments to each other and honored our shared dead together. Maintaining their graves ever since. War bad.
She knew nothing about Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, and his contributions during the American Revolutionary War. These included leading and training troops in the Continental Army. He is commemorated in Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. Aid, troops, and the navy - French support.
ICE getting more drastic, it’s fantastic
You can tell I lie and fact check me everywhere
Deportation to El Salvador isolation
You can call me out and question my shite answers
But hey they’re on a par with Holman & JD Vance’s
Come on Barbie, GOP party
She's out here breaking lying records, people
If it wasn’t for France, we’d still be Bri’ish
Trump and we all know loves a good pageant!
Explains why she is a perfect fit for trump!
Make America Smart Again 🥹
1. 20-27 years old with a sugar daddy.
2. Must have some form of plastic surgery.
3. Special kind of _______.
4. Hair color has to be blonde*
5. Must be petite.
* Not necessarily has to be blonde (sorry to all the smart blondes out there)
Without France we (USA) would be part of Canada.
And it wasn't her intelligence. Quite the opposite, in fact.
The meme of “Murica saved the day” needs to die off
We contributed a lot but German was never gonna win WW2 even if we stayed out of it
Might have taken an extra year or two but it was inevitable
She is stupid just like the rest of his cabinet
He doesn’t need smart people around him because whatever he says goes
Please do NOT compare her to this little #trunt!
(Credit to for "trunt" 💯)
Sorry for my hysterical reaction 😳🤦
It’s only because of the United States of America that the Ukrainians are not speaking Russian right now. They will be very grateful
Got any good sabotaging stories? I'm collecting them again...French resistance list was lost...
Sadly, it's pertinent.
She's in over her head.
Pick anything whatsoever, even something you might believe she'd know about,
Like the history of the KKK or something similar,
She's so absolutely sure in her ignorance, she reveals in it, like so many of her ilk,
A tragic waste of breath.
That's the point.
Harder to make the Presidents look stupid when you're stupid, too. (That's how stupid people think.)
That certainly fits her, but for the rest of America this one resonates more with me.