No, it's not. He is just an idiot who fails to show that they have the most basic English writing skills. I doubt this "genius" would be able to pass an America civics test.
All based from the pure evil that rests inside them. Soulless monsters. They joke amongst themselves about the holocaust, 9/11 and any other heartbreaking event you can imagine, for the sheer love of evil!👹
Perhaps there is a Nobel prize to be won here … perhaps in the quantum timeline branching of the multiverse, observers always tend towards the crappiest one.
We all know Drumpf can't read, says he doesn't need a teleprompter, so he rambles on making up his own words, claims the print on a paper is too small and doesn't have his glasses.
I swear, between now and a couple months we’re gonna see a document leaked where he fucking called it “the diaper of ejaculation” and it wouldn’t be a joke, it’d be his actual attempt at writing “department if education”
It’s a Freudian misspelling. Elon is only part of a man. He used his wealth to make him impotent to get a cosmetically larger wang. His actions are those of desperate man who can’t do what almost every man can do. That’s why he ignores his kids. They weren’t made by him.
rtump is an ignorant moron jerk butthead who has no clue about education. His daddy bought his way through school.
Then he puts a person with no knowledge of education in charge.
For these people, intelligent is frightening. And that's what's actually frightening. And when you're always lying, nothing is more threatening to you than people searching for truth and understanding - aka scientists.
They’re gonna regret this. Not only losing their brain trust but also the backlash they are sure to face from an army of disgruntled parents. Once people feel the reality of these cuts they are going to be outraged if they’re aren’t already.
It was intentional misspelled to mean “depart men of education”, or “deport men of education” Trump this morning said citizens vandalizing Teslas should be disappeared to El Salvador.
Disagree with the quoted post. If you're getting rid of education, spelling it wrong is absolutely on brand.
Agree with your post, though. This is the worst timeline. I need a microwave from the 70s and an IBM 5100, stat. At this point, I'll take SERN's timeline over this one.
Come on Captain Sulu, can’t you step through the arch of time and make our timeline right again? Help us Captain Sulu, you’re our only hope (or was that the other one?)
2 billionaires who have never been in public school, don't pay taxes, probably never paid into social security and won't ever need it and have literally no idea (or care) about anything the average US citizen needs to survive. Makes sense...
Are people in the US still pretending that idiot is a genius? “Why don’t people like me anymore?” Hmm, name five things you did last week and let’s reflect a moment…
We have let dumbass America somehow use the democracy system to turn around and now try to install an autocracy by sheer ignorance. Forrest Gump said "stupid is and stupid does", and yet that's what we got, a nation of Stupids trying to run things and failing miserably. Vote stupids out nationwide😱😉
Tbh wouldn’t be surprised if the typo was done intentionally. Influencers and other online entities will do similar things to increase engagement, because engagement, even negative engagement, is money.
Don't let that tree be cut down in vein. Use what we got from it. The seeds for a better tomorrow. The wood to build shelters for our collective knowledge and unyielding curiosity. The pulp for books, to chronicle mankind's logic, tenacity and hardships. From the stone age to the stars!
Just wait for the revised history of drumpf to be published, and it'll read just like the "god-like origins" of the kim family in north korea, being immaculately born in the mountains to beaming lights and heavenly songs of angels and the like...
There was no need for this level of photo manipulation. There is literally a photo of Trump along with a bunch of other people giving a thumbs up at a soldier's grave.
Ugh, I feel that. It's hard to stay positive sometimes, but we can't give up on fighting for a better future for everyone. What's one small thing you're doing today to push back against the negativity?
Calls, emails, postcards are daily now 😮💨 Today I tipped more than I can afford & my blue hair continues to give me opportunities to push back
p2p. ❤️🔥
Gloating over dismantling education, and then crying when you're called a fascist. Musk and trump are the 2 most dangerous domestic terrorists in the county right now.
So, just so we're clear, if a word contains the sequence "m-e-n," any further letters are extraneous and highly discriminatory?
Is... Is that how it works now? I just want to be clear, and - you know - not to offend anyone who think all human value derives from the contents of their briefs.
The executive orders the D president signs on day one undoing every one of Trump's executive orders will also include an order jumpstarting DOEII.
So if you could build it back better starting 2/1/2029, what do you include?
Duh huhh herr durr!
Can you warp us through a worm hole to another dimension, Captain? Please for the love of Mike. Where’s the reset button on this thing?!
Then he puts a person with no knowledge of education in charge.
They did it to make you spread it. And you complied.
We're truly living in Idiocracy!! 😳
Also DOGE: "We don't need the Department of Education!"
Collective sustained STRIKES WORK!
#nationalstrike #generalstrike
Agree with your post, though. This is the worst timeline. I need a microwave from the 70s and an IBM 5100, stat. At this point, I'll take SERN's timeline over this one.
A smug fucking face trying to celebrate the death of something good as evidence of their own superiority and power.
And they can't even get the victory lap right.
At least Bush's "Mission Accomplished" sign was spelled right...
1. What could possibly go wrong?
2. The amount of irony here is just...way too much for me.
3. All I can do is LOL at this point.
DOE is Department of Energy....
And I'm not even American...
Probably more of the grift and the mockery.
Their veiled sexist agenda.
If you keep kids dumb, they won't notice spelling mistakes later on. 💩🤡
We live in interesting times 😎
And in these trying times, remember Dan Quayle's other quote:
"The future will be better tomorrow."
Worst timeline ever. . .
Like that tree, I think we should plant acorns. Take it upon ourselves to preserve knowledge and learning in today's youth.
Their stealing another election
Knee capping all institutions that help elders and sick people are on purpose.
He believes that people will die off as a result to achieve his goals.
Thus lowering the cost of doing business. Let that sink in. How much are you worth?
"...but there were signs..."
To somebody, somewhere anyway.
Too smart for spellcheck apparently. And if he did notice, didn’t care enough to fix it.
Kinda feels like his approach to his Cybertrucks and dismantling government, doesn’t it?
Depart men (from) Education.
They need the uneducated, they thrive on their ignorance.
p2p. ❤️🔥
You also have to be able to prove it.
As they did ...
“We have to shut down the department of education because we can’t learn to spell!”
Is... Is that how it works now? I just want to be clear, and - you know - not to offend anyone who think all human value derives from the contents of their briefs.
Oh! They got it all screwed up!
"Depart, men of education!"