They don’t care. Trump will do whatever he wants for as long as he wants and tell somebody him and right now nobody who should have that power is exercising it because Congress is his and the courts are too slow.
But once again...completely insane shit is normalized. How?..because the newscycle is just flooded every 30 seconds with new injustices and at some point you just can't decide which thing is more egregious.
They've been so all over the place about this that it's impossible to know what they did or didn't do but who can believe anything they says way. Musk shouldn't be anywhere near the gov but he and his tech crew were given the keys to be the kingdom.
They don't care how it appears. If one thing has become obvious, it's Orange Maggot and Apartheid Nazi DO NOT care what the dems think, don't care about "their norms, don't care about the rule of law. Sooner this is accepted, sooner the dems decide it will take more than Schumer to fight back.
And when it all goes wrong chump will try to blame Biden or the deep state or some other BS rather than himself. I bet people in the DoD are struggling to contain themselves with these buffoons in power.
It’s treason at it highest but Elon is about espionage for china he doesn’t care about America or saving money it’s about total destruction of America to the ground.
If there is or ever was a deep state its certainly dead and gone now. There is no way this guy gets to pimp America's defence secrets to China if such a body existed
As long as the Pattern Remains:
- Bad People Secretly Plan Bad Things,
- Good People Expose the Bad People & Plans
- Bad People Are Forced To 'Claim' The Exposure Is A "Lie", and
- Bad People FAIL To Persecute & Prosecute Good People.
I’ve said it a lot since the election but Misty would’ve made more money under Harris with none of the side effects of his egregiously, predictably, preventatively, caustic stupidity torching himself on the world stage.
He is a walking cliché of psychological failure. And daddy will never hug him.
Any elective war with China would lose its luster once the first half-a-million body bags of US military members come back home. The US military has been defeated by every civilian insurgency for over 50 years. They aren’t ready to fight an actual trained military force. Don’t let Musk kill your kid
In the past, I have held both DOD and DOE security clearances. Foundational to this protection of secrets is “need to know.” Elon has neither that nor any reason to be colluding with DOD brass.
Hoping someone watched smerconish today.. he said the complete opposite.. thought the 80% that polled musk should not be involved ..
Smerconish thinks the musk brilliance should weigh in on the China plan🤣..
I wish David Axerold would go away bc he's extremely problematic within the Dem Party. Yes I agree with this statement but everything he says about the Dem Party is straight BS. He's the Dem strategist that's completely out of touch with the BASE n telling the Dem Party leadership to capitulate.
Minimally why isn’t he jailed for bribery….
Do we really have no laws that can protect society? If that is true, we might as well stop talking about it and cataloguing the infractions and convoluted “deals” being made that the majority do not want, while our freedom is stripped away🤷♀️
It's not just that Elon Musk does business in China. He owns a very *troubled* business, Tesla, that is disproportionally reliant on China to help it to become profitable again.
Elon now knows the US military secret China is most interested in discovering. Seem they have powerful leverage for that.
Well, Russia already has a copy of every top secret file Trump stole in 2020 (which have now been returned to Mar-a-Fraudo, btw) so might as well give something to China too.
Yet, the mob boss, king wanna be. Let's Musk sit in on classified meetings that pertain to China. So, hiding how they are transferring documents is no longer an issue.
If there were potentials of war with China, how exactly would Elon protect his interests? His factories in China are very much brick and mortar. Unless if he were to move them somewhere else - which would cost his broke ass even more!
Is China building their military?
…Fourth key takeaway is that the PLA continues its rapid nuclear build up DOD estimates the PRC has surpassed 600 operational nuclear warheads as of mid-2024 and we estimate the PRC will have over 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030.Dec 18, 2024
They emphasized "trade" war, which could escalate into conventional warfare. I see China retaliating against all American businesses operating on their soil, especially Tesla. Coincidentally, China produces state of are electric cars that are in direct competition with Tesla...
If we do go to war with China (huge huge mistake btw), do you think China would retaliate against all American businesses operating on their soil? How would any of this work?
You are not supposed to get clearances if you have obvious conflicts of interest, let alone are someone that can be easily blackmailed. Supposedly they stopped this, but I'm not sure I believe it. They may have just postponed it.
That’s because these people are not “Patriots.” They are not looking out for what is best for the United States of America. They are looking out for themselves and gaslighting the shit out of people by pretending to do it as an act of service to our country.
We had similar with Boris Johnson, his prime allegiance was to his bank balance, he wanted to asset-strip the UK for his own benefit, safe in the knowledge he could flee abroad if it went tits-up.
The difference is Mr. Orange is backed by the richest man on Earth, nobody can stop him now.
Every man can be stopped - the richest, the loudest, the maddest... The question is, what lengths are Americans willing to go to in order to save their country.
Elon has no allegiance to America. With the money he has, he can purchase any passport he wants. Especially the ones from countries with no extradition treaty with America. 🤔
It’s also Facebook, Apple & Amazon who have huge interests in China and also hold government contracts providing cloud services, etc for U.S. These conflicts should have never been allowed by any administration. Yet our intelligence agencies love buying our data from tech companies so here we are.
🗣️🇺🇸🇷🇺 IT's a slippery slope: if Musk is encouraged to be "helpful" in answering questions from the Chinese Government and—out of Tesla desperation—he does help, then the details of his "helpfulness" could become "Kompromat" in the same way Trump appears compromised by the Kremlin.
The Ketamine King is slicing and dicing. He’s an addict, a self medicating fool that believes his own press…he’s willing to do whatever it takes to look good, be appreciated for his Genius (LOL) and get what he want$. Coming out on the top of any heap. A morally bankrupt Malignant Narci$$ist.
The powers that be must have decided it's China's time to rise. Europe had a good run. America had a go. Each ended better than it began. Westward, after China is India, and then the Middle East.
When there's no one left to exploit, where does that leave Africa?
If nothing is holding them back, they know they are better off leaving them alone. No management or investment needed. There there sitting on the shelf for whenever they need them.
Sorry to disappoint you, but you won't defend Taiwan. Have you not noticed over the last couple of months that it's clear Trump is only interested in keeping Trump and his cronies above your laws. He has no international allies because it doesn't suit him
China's own EVs are outperforming Teslas in BRIC markets, though. So Elon is more reliant on them than China is on Elon. They have a cheaper, more reliable EV than Musk, as well. But, we'll never see it.
they absolutely would outperform Tesla in the US if there wasn't protectionist policies. the Xiaomi SU7 is one of the best EVs around. it costs $30K and even at $40-50K it'd destroy Tesla. the Ford CEO had one and wanted to keep it.
This slimy asshat is committing crime, yet again!
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
The USA has lost all credibility as a global partner & ally under the 🍊💩🧷 regime. There's a substantial part of the USA applauding this shit show chauvinism, & machismo towards the rest of the world. 🤬👿
I'm just thinking that a war with China unprovoked would also be considered the most stupid move as well. Is this something Donald's ignorant warhawks came up with without thinking of the consequences?
No problem. They just denied it happened, & MAGA believed it The 2/3rds who didn't bother to vote didn't pay attention, like they are doing with everything else that's happening right now.
Yesterday, Trump denied Musk would be briefed. By yesterday evening, BBC was publishing Musk was already there. Today? DOD is considering using lie detector testing to determine who is leaking information (about illegal and threatening conduct against US national security).
Because the “president”( m**k) is working with russia and p**in and coordinated the election results to go for t***p…and this is just another step in their “master plan”. The plan being to further isolate and destroy the United States, align with adversaries and invade and take over allied countries
As a former military officer I find this deeply disturbing. Our Constitution is in flames and I , as a 63 year old man, Don't know what to do. I contact my state and local DNC and get no reply with my concerns. I feel like all politicians
have abandoned us.
A war with China, it will be great for the billionaires, but not so great for the rest of us who will be forced to pay all of the price, in both blood and money. Well MAGA, get ready for the meat grinder, bc we are going to make sure that you guys are first. Fuck you all to all the hell dimensions
And WHY is Musk getting access to top secret information?
Does he even have the clearance?
Yeah, Canada is on the hook for 16 F-35s, but we cancelled the rest of the contract and are looking toward Europe, who I think you're going to see ascend to be the next great global power.
But EU countries have all lost freedom at some point, so they're not eager to warmonger.
Only 1 among many. During the 2nd coming of King Donald, bringer of chaos, corruption & disinformation, the number of dangerous & stupid moves have become overwhelming. Perhaps MAGA's plan is to destroy the USA with stupidity? (They are suceeding)
Empty America of as many Lefties as possible (all visitors are lefties) and no other countries' citizens are in the country so there is little outside concern.
Incite a civil war.
Unalive a bunch of lefties.
Dissappear a bunch more lefties.
Encamp the rest of the lefties.
This is Treason yet again. First is cutting off aid 2 Ukraine, and now selling our war plans 2 China via Musk's$390 Million Dollar donation2Trump'sElection. "Money talks Bull Shit walks and the rest of us are all running a very distant 3rd." "Them that has the gold, write the rules," The Golden Rule
How do career military officers sit and watch what is happening. Not only is the commander in chief an out of touch psycho but his Defense Secretary is a moronic alcoholic. How long can these men sit quietly.
The military complex is ok with setting up our soldiers like a bowling pin to die giving our top secret Chinese information about our war plan against China to musk. WTF
Donald Trump's aim has always been to not just be president but be the LAST president of the United States. And he figured out he can openly sell the country to foreign powers and nobody will punish him for it.
And yet Trump just denies it & the GOP pretends to believe him even though they know damn well Hegseth was planning to spill state secrets & Elon was eager to get them. More info belonging to the American people Elon wants to have to advance his own interests. Trump either knew or was incompetent.
Now they're walking it back, supposedly it was some other stupid, obviously lie reason. There are people in the Pentagon that really hate these people.
Once again, it's not just a conflict of interest on a business level. Musk does a ton of business with China. If he wanted to ingratiate himself with China, wouldn't passing on top secret information give him a leg up on the competition?
Every one must have the frog and scorpion story right? Or perhaps asking a mass murderer to kill someone you hate, he says, cool I just need a gun. He shoots him and you are shocked when he turns to you, gun to your head and blows your brains out.
Actually, allowing a convicted felon to run was the most dangerous and stupid move, everything since that moment is collateral damage caused by the most dangerous and stupid move!
Im watching Tim Walz, AOC and Jasmine Crockett and i believe the Dems have some good younger leaders to choose from next go around, if one or more would throw their hat in the ring! I think its time for new blood!
TBH, you know Elmo has access to the PDB. All of these cabinet level criminals have access to vital, secret information. If this circus ever ends, it will be a long and expensive rebuild.
Please watch and rewatch this movie, in the U.S. Archives from the #DontBeASucker a reminder of how the Nazis conned their country into becoming the cause of mass murder and all the other horrors that Nazis unleash. The lessons are true for the USA🇺🇸 , in 2025
I'm afraid Trump's already compromised it so another traitor knowing about it maybe we'll be lucky and they're not feeding them a good information but I won't bet on that one
Unless they deliberately fed the idiot the wrong plan of course…
Elmo loves spreading disinformation - maybe he’s about to share some (and become a ‘useful’ idiot) without knowing it!
And yet, all we do is complain on social media while Republicans take a bulldozer to our country, and democrats act like the nerds from 80s movies just letting them do it. There is no one person that can stop this - there's congress, but their too busy wringing their hands or begging for money
yea theyll do that. believe me I could talk about stupid nazi tricks all day. The blood lust mixes with embarasement, so now they are thirsty for blood and also desparate to demonstrate to us that they really are sane and the white water is going to get us
or china. They did it cause they are scareyd of the chinese for skppoky reasons. But its not because they jusyt love rapi9ngand murduring innoocent people oh no, that was just 'neccessary'
Musk works for both Putin and China and is also working as president of this country. Accordingly, the US is now aligned and in concert with the tyrannical governments of those countries. I voted for HARRIS, not for this corrupt, traitorous garbage.
Every move Trump makes is for the purpose of destroying our country.
Trump will order protesters jailed, disappeared, or shot.
Trump is a traitorous POS.
May his demise be swift and certain.
Calling them "stupid" makes them seem less dangerous.
I said it, "...makes them seem less dangerous."
Corruption is how you give a US defense contractor with deep ties to China access to highly classified information regarding war plans against China.
Musk also has deep ties with Russia, what information has he been given that Putin is interested in?
4 years
Having your cake and eating too
IOW, they always were
As long as the Pattern Remains:
- Bad People Secretly Plan Bad Things,
- Good People Expose the Bad People & Plans
- Bad People Are Forced To 'Claim' The Exposure Is A "Lie", and
- Bad People FAIL To Persecute & Prosecute Good People.
Good #Americans Will Always Prevail!
🇺🇸 🗽
He is a walking cliché of psychological failure. And daddy will never hug him.
Yeah, except my word for it is more colorful.
It’s worth the 3 minutes to read, I promise.
Smerconish thinks the musk brilliance should weigh in on the China plan🤣..
Do we really have no laws that can protect society? If that is true, we might as well stop talking about it and cataloguing the infractions and convoluted “deals” being made that the majority do not want, while our freedom is stripped away🤷♀️
Elon now knows the US military secret China is most interested in discovering. Seem they have powerful leverage for that.
but uh yeah it was biden was going to sell out the country to china
I believe them.
I read last week they have 3 carriers now.
Then I looked at how close Okinawa, Japan is to Taiwan.
Think about that for a minute.
…Fourth key takeaway is that the PLA continues its rapid nuclear build up DOD estimates the PRC has surpassed 600 operational nuclear warheads as of mid-2024 and we estimate the PRC will have over 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030.Dec 18, 2024
Don’t be silly.
"You don't hold any cards, Donnie."
The difference is Mr. Orange is backed by the richest man on Earth, nobody can stop him now.
When there's no one left to exploit, where does that leave Africa?
Convince me that is NOT gone. Eradicated.
Taiwan will be assimilated by China within a year I expect.
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
Xi needs only to pick up the pieces.
have abandoned us.
have a look
Does he even have the clearance?
Why buy them if the parts required for maintenance may not be available
But EU countries have all lost freedom at some point, so they're not eager to warmonger.
Incite a civil war.
Unalive a bunch of lefties.
Dissappear a bunch more lefties.
Encamp the rest of the lefties.
Takeover complete.
Money, Power, Control…
Everyone’s fears and desires.
Choose wisely.
It is only one of two things.
Arrogance (includes incompetence)
Collusion (includes incompetence)
There is no risk because Xi and Trump and Putin are all in on it together. OR at least Trump thinks so
It’s almost like they are assets for the “enemy “
Citizens of Earth are ready to be done with military madness
“There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy,” Newsom said in a statement issued last week. “But in California, we defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction”
That is a scary image!!
Elmo loves spreading disinformation - maybe he’s about to share some (and become a ‘useful’ idiot) without knowing it!
But, the fact that there was still a meeting that didn’t include CEOs from other companies is an unprecedented conflict of interest.
Trump is in a triumvirate agreement with Putin and Xi to carve up the globe based on "might makes right".
Oligarchs win (wave at Musk).
I now believe it when Musk's son X says the election was fixed.
The MAGA ticket needs to be declared invalid and the election then was won by Harris/Walz.
" Relations" in Russia and it's been overlooked...