In exchange, we ask the providers to charge us much less than they currently charge. Less than the published cash price.
We start this program in the near future. We expect to save a lot of time and money with happier employees.
More importantly, we plan on publishing our direct contracts.
We start this program in the near future. We expect to save a lot of time and money with happier employees.
More importantly, we plan on publishing our direct contracts.
Really hope it works out well for everyone 👍
There are a lot of things in this thread to agree or disagree with, and to discuss. I'm happy to, where I can.
.sorry for any typos !
If a person goes out-of-network, the insurance company pays a percentage of the cost.
How did US arrived to this system?…didn’t happen in one day, why nobody react when it was established?
Insurance companies are in the financial industry, not trained or competent in care or service. They should have no -
1. Physicians cannot arbitrarily raise their prices.
2. They cannot charge you less than they they charge others. It’s illegal.
I thought it was illegal to have a cash price vs a price for those covered by insurance.
Is it possible each state is different? I have a plan that is a large insurer, but has my state name preceding.
We need a more uniform billing structure. There is a significant cost to providers to submit claims to 85 different insurers!
I'll be waiting to hear your updates.
Unfortunately the "Centralist" labour Tony Blair started introducing US Healthcare Providers.
In 16 years we've gone from number 1 functional to 9 million on waiting lists.
US investment is V.BAD!
The NHS was never better than when under labour who actually invested.
So hard to figure out, eh?
They are useless!
Honestly US Money is vile.
It's a criminal entity inside and outside of its borders. I'll include the royals on that as well.
They are merely weapons salesman for the manufacturers.
Employees will demand employers move to Cuban Insurance
We don’t need insurance companies who are so rich they buy naming rights to stadiums and college bowl games
Spend that money on patients!
It makes a ton of sense; when the incentives, payments and players are all part of a single system you can maximize health economics.
BUT providers must take pay cuts. Easier said than done.
Their claims processers could be retrained to do the administrative work for a national health plan, but oh those poor top of the line execs, to not profit from denying services. Whatever shall they do?
That's JUST one company.
Doesn't it seemed like a lot of money is spent not on Healthcare?
Were there any issues getting it up and running?
As it is, anyone employed at the VP level or above of a health insurance company or PBM is the lowest form of human and economic parasite on earth and I hope they burn all in hell.
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act. Biden championed the bill. Allowed over 30% interest rates.
We sailed half million past our OOP max and our private insurance’s third party negotiator took over. It was 18 months after the final procedure before the TPN finished negotiating a final payment for the 75 pages of…
At this point, I feel like an expert on the topic and would relish the opportunity to share our real world experience dealing with the current form of private HCI.
1. Can every company follow this model? What expertise do they need to monitor providers?
2. Does your company save money over what insurance comps would charge you?
- Each time a claim is produced by a healthcare provider, there are people at every step of the process…
Now if we could get some transparency in the process we could really effect change. I think my Senators and Representative (1 in AK😂) hate seeing emails and calls from me at this point.🤓
Well, I say that, but Luxotica pretty much owns the entire eye care industry from insurance to provider
This is the kind of discussion that needs to occur if the USA is to move to single payer. Medical necessity is on the physician and costs fall on the insurance side at, of course, negotiated rates for services and facilities.
Looking forward to see what this becomes!
I knew there was a reason you were my favorite shark 😉
I said what i thought would be a valid reason
Conventional medicine does not generally promote health. Public policy, agriculture, housing, reg of toxic substances, walkable cities, these are the things that reduce spending on medical care.
All people deserve access to care w/o the middleman AKA ins. cos. or tied to employment
Can't believe we're still eliminating middlemen. The A&R rep went down decades ago. (album & rock😂) I thought that was the end for all of em
Wonders never cease.
Personally, when I was on SSDI, one of my life saving therapies CMS cut off (likely due to cost).
Having more appropriate costs for generics may help others avoid this
While reading the thread what came to mind was “control”. How can you control that doctors actually charge less due to the improved process you are offering them when:
1- They will still have the high
2- The horrific tendency America has of raising prices for
3-Publishing… their prices with you? Publishing where? To us the public?
Universal Healthcare like the rest of the industrialized world.
(Maybe wrong usage) risk controls?
US is really an outlier..
We're kind of The Bad Place™ sometimes.
Dietary choices and “personal”choices about misinformation is a big factor.
The lobby system allows for additives as well as poor access to care.
The third party watch dogs should not have a profit motive, regulate, and enforce.
The payer isn’t you. It’s the people who pay you. The money flows through you.
Also, list prices are a ridiculous fiction, saddling patients with notional debt they have no chance of paying and providers have no ambition of actually collecting.
not medicare for all
1. medicare sucks just ask anybody on it
B) medicare can be manipulated to exclude populations
£: medicare is just another layer of unnecessary bureaucratic bloat
physician submits icd codes
physician gets paid
patient never enters the equation
It has made me irate to have an insurance company tell me I can't have a medicine I need because THEY won't pay for it. "since when did they become my doctor?" or
Good Rx
Chances are you may find that medication covered by one of them.
Good Luck!
It would be interesting to know how much blood they have on their greedy hands.
Years ago I had non-profit insurance. I have no idea if that’s possible but it seems to me if an insurance company doesn’t have to answer to investors, it would keep them in line.
I wish more would follow your example. 🙏🏼❤️
Just sayin
Read it carefully.
Billionaires serve their own class.
Good job taking care of your people!
Actually, you’re more like Superman, and Elonia is the Bizzaro Mark Cuban, but you get my point.
The people know it too, Mark. Just listen to a snippet of a call from today's Randi Rhodes Show:
IU + IUSM MD graduate and currently military psychiatrist
That is a fatal flaw in the system. It's just more feudal capitalism. Again, if every employer was you, that might be one thing, lol.
Other insurers are going to demand your pricing and still make HCPs jump through hoops and wait. State insurers too, as you roll it out.
What are your focus groups saying to this?
This is essentially what Ins. Co. are doing to us.
It matters.
I feel this isn't fair, but I could be wrong.
…& most importantly, you’ll be treating doctors & patients with dignity & respect, saving both $ & stress of fighting brutal US health system as is & for patients, saving them pain & even some of their lives.
Mark Cuban for President🙏🏼⭐️
He picks shitty people who execute poorly and slowly
Checks and balances operated on the honor system all along.
It is not going smoothly for him and it hasn't even started.
I think many members of the GOP know he'll 100% fuck them over and there is nothing in it for them at all.
IOW, all evidence indicates that they’re exactly as untrustworthy as you’d expect. No one in need of healthcare would ever user choose such a system.