Trump should just throw Elon in prison for life and take all his money. Boom…new richest person in the world. Bam…just got rid of a (more) dangerous psychopathic attention whore.
Another distraction by Trumplican Nazi Facists. Its NOT about studies. Always remember that the ONLY reason for Trump, Musk, DOGE etc is to steal rights and property from Americans. Never to improve governance. Remember, WE ARE the Government. We should be asking such questions
in fact, the study does confirm that lawyers maintain legalese to show some pseudo power and i think to show superiority.
I had chatgpt come up with some legal documents for me. They were awesome. I sent to a lawyer and suddenly it’s loaded with whereas, therefore, and unnecessary word twisting.
WTF is wrong with these people? Seriously this is what happens when homeschooling becomes a thing. Mom can only take you to the 5th grade unless she is actually a teacher!
It's successful globally. US and the world. There are so many people who choose to homeschool. I wouldn't dream of putting my children in a US school simply because they're at risk of getting g shot. Every day. Every state. Get rid of the damn guns and then you can talk about schools.
People homeschool for a variety of reasons. BUT. Homeschoolers need to be held accountable. I live in a state that basically looks away. During years I homeschooled my kids, I was mortified by the religious zealots who wrote much of the available materials. 1/2
I sourced all of my materials myself on a limited income. I challenged authorities every time they tried to tell me what and how and when I should be teaching and I taught my children how to live as successful adults. All parents need to do this not just home ed ones.
I agree with you 💯. However I as a genuine non-religious whack job home Ed mum couldn't change the habits of the less appropriate parents/kids etc. It's still a healthy viable option.
Evolution? Lies. Dinosaurs? God made the earth from pieces of other planets that had had dinosaurs so that’s why we have fossils. Books read in public schools? Not acceptable.
It was unnerving. So absolutely homeschool but states: accepted curriculum & accountability, please!
Yup I met some of these in the UK. I am in agreement with you but the bottom line is think about how so many states now are trying to ban LGBTQ books and force Bibles in classrooms. It's an American problem with obsessive Christianity not a strictly homeschooling matter.
It's often true. Glad it worked out for you. There's lots of weird, ignorant, backwards homeschooling kids with parents who can barely pass 5th grade, themselves.
They home school cuz they are too weird for regular school & hide away rather than learn to function with others.
To this point, I’m a biochemist by education. I’ve seen the United States math and science scores and they’re pretty abysmal. I’ve thought about homeschooling here and there just to get my kid more advanced in both.
Have you thought about putting your child in the local public school and then actively taking part in making it better? Having an active parent group that looks at data and advocates for what works in schools will make a positive difference, not only for your child, but for all of them.
Capesch. We had a great school dist but many chose to homeschool. Their kids did as well but the socialization was missing. My husband coached Baseball. All kids need to play too.
Again a woefully common misconception. My kids had so many damn social groups that I had to actively make time for work. There are homeschooling FAMILIES GLOBALLY not just the USA. USA isn't the world. Many many homeschooled families have success stories. Don't make sweeping generalisations.
Just like flying a plane because you want to is illegal. Pilots go through training and certification to ensure safety. Teaching should also be left to trained professionals. Anecdotal success doesn’t justify bypassing expertise when so much is at stake.
I think DOGE should investigate the $3 billion of taxpayers money spent to launch a banana into space.
Surely there is a better way to deliver produce.
Little-known fact-- STFU Lesbian was to be the 4th of the I, Robot series where, after the robots achieved sentience, they started a social media website where they descended into moronic insults, fascism, and pedophilia. Sadly, it was never published b/c the concept was too depressing & ridiculous.
I look forward to more eyes opening to the true reasons he has purchased certain companies. The fact that he bought X in order to influence American culture because his trans daughter shows him because he dead names her.
I appreciate Cuban's insight into how X manipulates and suppresses content Elon currently dislikes. Also fun to watch one billionaire finally pull the emerald curtain and show how we're all getting screwed and by whom.
Here's a law that could be written more clearly: Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. "If you play any part in overthrowing a government elected by WE THE PEOPLE, then fuck you. Do not pass go. You can never, ever hold public office again. And we repeat, fuck you!"
I know a guy who wants to be elected Senator for his State, not just to govern, but to also go around the Chamber and go "Fuck You!" to Senator's faces.
A convicted felon can’t vote. But the double edge sword became a play on words. They can still run for office. Constitution needs amended - fast. Thanks to SCOTUS
Under some circumstances convicted felons can vote.
Unlike Trump, a felon who has served his time is eligible to vote in most states. But tfg never served any time but because of laws peculiar to New York in Florida, he could still vote even as an adjudicated felon . Of course it's not right.
Easy to be concise when you are limited to 300 characters. It makes it even harder to be correct, though. Most correct answers require tremendous nuance and explanation.
Not necessarily true. It depends on the state. In FL, it depends on the felony and if is in state or out. If the person has completed his/her sentence they may be eligible to vote depending on the crime.
Aw, we had no idea you were a lesbian. That must be why so many cowards and pussies are so attracted to you, Mark. Lesbi-honest, you might as well delete your X account and save yourself from the belligerent ramblings of idiots and bigots
It's almost like they want an echo chamber entirely for Nazis
Seems laws can be written in a manner that doesn't require, allow, or at least minimizes philosophical interpretation. If left and right disagree on meaning and enforcement, re-write and approve up through the SC before implementation and enforcement.
Mark, that Line about magic spells kind of intrigues me. As a man of wealth power and influence could you possibly get a magic spell to get rid of some people in government with little poofs of smoke like thanos did on Marvel?
I asked an attorney "why legalese", they explained courts recognize the difference in meaning between the words "will" and "shall", for example. Apply that to the rest of the English language and voila, legalese.
There is No logic in Alien Muskrat's brain.
Elmo wants the Power to do as he pleases & destroy the Earth without be regulated or sued. Odd how he complains about the decline of the human population, but doesn't give a hoot about pollution that affects People's lives.
There is no planet B.
Elon's 🤪
Good point, DOGE is most likely all about allocating funds to individuals and businesses that support their agenda and less about making government more efficient. "Efficiency" is a smoke screen.
Old school. Simple fact for as bitter as it is for Democrats to swallow, no way in hell are low information voters of the US, ever going to vote for a highly qualified woman over a criminal man.
Accept it, it's the misogynist USA and will be for another decade at least.
Male ticket only
Our elections in Australia take eight weeks maximum.
Your cycle runs way too long for elections.
She made a good case, unfortunately too many stupid people who are about to get the wake up call of their lives, I wonder how they'll feel about that.
Failing to go after the bro-sphere , Rogan and others, was a big negative and in low information voters it was seen as fear of the bro-sphere, she needed to be Margaret Thatcher vs the coal miners.
3 hours of punchy conversation with Rogan would have been worth more than $100millon on ads
She failed to go after the factually flawed bro-sphere.
Cuban, David Hogg and other DNC said so publicly weeks before, she needed to face up to Rogan for 3 hours, live.
When musk finds out SC Thomas is the worst corrupt emperor since Nero, and is protecting his hero Trump's fraud and baloney, we will have more drama, but I hope he catches up w the new program:
The peasants now know how to read, so Musk & Trump will be disappointed w their plutocracy mini-game.
This is nothing new .. it has happened for thousands of years ..
In our latest history, from Roman empire, then the Vatican , that's why William Tyndale was burned at the stake in 1536 for translating the Bible into English 🤔🥲🤦😂
Free S Caligula Musk is educating himself, to justify his craycray
What part of Herschel Walker being the ambassador to the Bahamas is giving me, a taxpayer without a vote (yeah whatever happened to taxation without representation btw), value for money?
TBF the "magic spell" thing is partially true with basically any group. Helps to separate in-group from out-group.
Be it legal writings or ketamine addled techbro raving :)
Trumpers suffer from confirmation bias. They only want to hear the echo of the cult. No facts, no rationale, no truth, or any reality will permeate the shell that has been created. There are comparisons to the people in North Korea, who so deeply believe in their dogma, deaf & blind to truth.
Legalese intends for any word in a document to have only one meaning and not leave any possible situation open for unintended opportunity.
So old words, even some Latin and Old English continue to find use.
dictators need for you to think what they think.
That's why they ban books.
Censoring the media will be next.
ABC is first, because Disney values today's dollar more ..
All professions have their "secret" languages. That's part of what makes a profession a profession and not just a job. Anyway, fuck DOGE. It's a fake department.
Jargon exists exclusive to jobs primarily because using language like, “PEG-functionalization resulted in well-dispersed cylindrical nanoparticles with a PEGylated diameter of 5–6 nm, including a 2–3 nm core nanotube structure” for two hours straight will make them lose interest quickly.
Every discipline has its own jargon, designed for people in that discipline to help them make thoughts more precise for others in their discipline. Some people use it well; some people use it terribly. Only idiots in the Dunning-Kruger club condemn it out of hand. [My experience as a PhD in English]
Trying to ban vaccines is essentially magic, praying you won’t get very ill from various diseases without them.
You’d think Musk was a Christian Scientist - pretending the government will work without comparatively rational laws which are vaccines against crooks like our modern day Nixon.
That MIT study is reaching. It's obvious that legalese exists for two primary reasons... 1) it facilitates the massaging/manipulation of the law by skilled lawyers, and 2) it's job security for the legal profession.
Keep in mind Elon was som big on “HIS” Tesla. Idiot never even invented it. He bought it out. So when he “f”’s up really bad will he buy himself out of that??
Loved your webinar on Benefits Pro. The facts, tho! Especially that 4.2% of the global population lives in the US, yet we pay more in "healthcare" than the 95.8% (combined) that don't 🤯 My 2025 cost, single, will be $900 more than 2024, and my new prescriptions are not covered. #Murica
Their insults are so stupid, although I kind of miss them. My favourite was the guy that told me to worry about my own country🇨🇦and then called me a ‘walking yeast infection’ My husband and I are still howling over that one😅
Ramasmarmy is a used up tasteless piece of gum that got stuck to the bottom of Don the Con's shoe and is happy to go along for the ride, contributing nothing.
On paper they do but it’s really a team. They could have just assigned it to one of them sure but there has to be a team assigned to different areas of waste reduction.
Pending congressional approval of DOGE. It would be great if they actually made it efficient and invested in making things better so we can get more for our $ instead of cutting regulations and programs they don't like. But improving things takes real work and they don't want to do that.
Exactly. Cutting programs or deregulating is the easy way out. Actually improving efficiency and outcomes takes effort, investment, and long-term thinking something too many seem to avoid.
couldn't have said it better myself. I'm sure there is waste fraud and abuse, but outside of that not every gov program needs to have an ROI. it's just part of living in a society.
The assumption that ROI is strictly monetary is where we lose ourselves. The education system or public library has no direct monetary ROI but it does have a positive return on the community at large! It even benefits those who don’t use it bc others are better for the use of it.
Exactly. Not everything has to turn a profit, some things exist simply because they’re necessary for a functioning, equitable society. The obsession with ROI misses the point of public good.
Not defending this, but I always thought that laws were "intentionally gray" (language given to me by regulators when I worked in local government) to allow for freedom to implement differently and then the courts are who define any misconstrued interpretation. Still could be written better, obvs.
Had a lawyer explain to me once, that attorneys purposely include some degree of ambiguity or confusion to leave room for argument, so as to rely on their litigation skills.
I spent two hours in our Church conference shaking my head in disbelief over the extended disagreement of a single word ... an entire room full of people more full of themselves than the 'spirit' they purported to represent.
It’s not really as sinister as you’re trying to imply. It happens when the parties can’t agree on more specific terms but are on a deadline or otherwise just want to get the deal done.
Every day they set a new low for themselves. They don't even try to learn anything that might make them smarter. The Dark Ages make more sense to me now than anything I read in school.
I had chatgpt come up with some legal documents for me. They were awesome. I sent to a lawyer and suddenly it’s loaded with whereas, therefore, and unnecessary word twisting.
It was unnerving. So absolutely homeschool but states: accepted curriculum & accountability, please!
They home school cuz they are too weird for regular school & hide away rather than learn to function with others.
Just like flying a plane because you want to is illegal. Pilots go through training and certification to ensure safety. Teaching should also be left to trained professionals. Anecdotal success doesn’t justify bypassing expertise when so much is at stake.
Surely there is a better way to deliver produce.
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If you're going to leave X, then just do it. And when you do, stop bringing all of their drama and toxic bullshit over here.
You're acting like a teenage girl, fr.
Unlike Trump, a felon who has served his time is eligible to vote in most states. But tfg never served any time but because of laws peculiar to New York in Florida, he could still vote even as an adjudicated felon . Of course it's not right.
I think...
It's almost like they want an echo chamber entirely for Nazis
And you KNOW how sensitive they are.
YOU may have all the money in the world to be able to withstand the damage its continued existence is doing, but the rest of us decidedly do not.
The French 🇫🇷 Government has fallen.
Bangladesh 🇧🇩 and Myanmar 🇲🇲 are unstable.
Pakistan 🇵🇰 and Afghanistan 🇦🇫 are facing issues.
Yet, India 🇮🇳 stands firm and strong. 🔥🔥
of the Ancient Egyptians
and ever since
They had shiploads of legal
documents lol
They did a paper, though
I love it!
I think it’s really a tell that he hasn’t thought about this at all but he just heard it and it’s sounds nice.
Elmo wants the Power to do as he pleases & destroy the Earth without be regulated or sued. Odd how he complains about the decline of the human population, but doesn't give a hoot about pollution that affects People's lives.
There is no planet B.
Elon's 🤪
I’m so glad you supported Kamala Harris.
I look forward to endorsing a Harris/Clinton ticket in 2028!!
Accept it, it's the misogynist USA and will be for another decade at least.
Male ticket only
Your cycle runs way too long for elections.
She made a good case, unfortunately too many stupid people who are about to get the wake up call of their lives, I wonder how they'll feel about that.
Celebrating the Chaneys was not a hood look. 🤷
3 hours of punchy conversation with Rogan would have been worth more than $100millon on ads
Cuban, David Hogg and other DNC said so publicly weeks before, she needed to face up to Rogan for 3 hours, live.
The peasants now know how to read, so Musk & Trump will be disappointed w their plutocracy mini-game.
In our latest history, from Roman empire, then the Vatican , that's why William Tyndale was burned at the stake in 1536 for translating the Bible into English 🤔🥲🤦😂
Free S Caligula Musk is educating himself, to justify his craycray
Be it legal writings or ketamine addled techbro raving :)
Stay classy, Twitter...
Haven’t been back to X in weeks and do not miss it.
So old words, even some Latin and Old English continue to find use.
That's why they ban books.
Censoring the media will be next.
ABC is first, because Disney values today's dollar more ..
You’d think Musk was a Christian Scientist - pretending the government will work without comparatively rational laws which are vaccines against crooks like our modern day Nixon.
And I still can't get over that the efficiency board has two heads. Just can't get any less self aware.
Every contract I've read since, made sense to me.
It was the attorney's.
“So true!”
it’s cant