This is the Dems secret weapon. Funny !!!
Reposted from
The Borowitz Report
“Sorry, chap, you’ve got to take one for the team,” the King said.
They haven't seen each other since traveling on the Lolita Express ...
🇬🇧 KingCharlesIII 🇬🇧
But seriously, King Charles COULD put him at the kiddie table and serve up some "hamberders" and diet coke. MOUSES!
The 2025 summit of Pedophiles.
The disgraced prince begs king for instead the rack in the Tower of London.
And we need to stop saying “gaslighting”. That shuts their brains off to what we say after that
When are the Epstein/Trump files coming out?
You think it hasn’t happened before? 🤔
I don't think Trump's convictions would fall under automatic refusal of entry.
A big Fun from the Commonwealths!
times with Epstein
Chess ?
Should be made mandatory in U.S. schools.
My generation ?
The players were heroes for Nations.
I don’t care who is meeting with him in England. It’s the fact they are giving him time of day at all turns my stomach. Cancel all meetings with Trump looks like England is giving their blessing discreetly. You think Andrew has influence on Dumpster why meet at all?
Do you invite rapists to your house? Disgusting.
Pay taxes and fair wages
Billionaires prefer we beg them for charity.
The petitions are the latest sign of international disapproval Trump has faced after berating Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during talks at the White House on Friday.
Because I can't tell if the information is parody or not.
It did sound too good to be true.
Not happening at a pizza joint.
This is crossing red lines.