3 minute videos ???
33m users !!!
LFG !!!
33m users !!!
LFG !!!
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📢 App Version 1.99 is rolling out now (1/5)
With every update, we’re aiming to make the Internet less toxic, more fun, and more in your control.
• 3 minute videos!
• A separate request inbox for DMs from unknown users
• Mute accounts more quickly
With every update, we’re aiming to make the Internet less toxic, more fun, and more in your control.
• 3 minute videos!
• A separate request inbox for DMs from unknown users
• Mute accounts more quickly
What triggered Bezos and Zuckerberg to kiss Dumb Corleone's ring in 2024 when they just sat his first term out?
The fear of seeing Lone Skum becoming too powerful doesn't seem enough to justify the risk of ruining their companies' image by supporting the urangutanned.
If yes, it would only make me like you more.
Because never too old to be a failed rock star!! 🙌🏻 😂
#LFG !!
Having more money than you could ever spend in your great great great grandkids lifetime and using that to make more money is, by definition, unethical AND immoral. If you are not actively trying to use that money for good AND diminish your personal wealth 1/
Edit option.
More expanded gif choices.
The info about pharmacy near me is incorrect. Also the phone number to change information is showing 0
We need all the democracy leaders we can hear on Bluesky!
Would like to know if you’ve watched the Bozos on Gov Gavin’s Pod. I understand going where “Others” are, TO A POINT, but no pushback? I’m quite disappointed from what I’ve seen..
💙💙🌊🌊 #NeverGiveUp #UnitedBlue #Resisters #BlueCrew #TrumpSucks #NaziElon #AndysMyGov #Obama2028 (Any of the 4 will work)🌊🌊💙💙
Can't we just get emojis on DM's and group chats please!?
My friends and I are also really into Pokémon cards and media, and we’re excited to see that corner of BlueSky grow more and more! Having fun!
An observation, if I may please, there seems to be a limit of 50mb on the videos?
Kind regards 🙏