We don't spend a penny on marketing. It's all word of mouth for @costplusdrugs.com
That's how we keep prices so low. Please spread the word !
That's how we keep prices so low. Please spread the word !
@mcuban.bsky.social You should be marketing CostPlusDrugs waaaaaay more. Just looked at the price of a prescription I'm on and the difference is WILD. Thank you, sir, for what you're doing.
I could pay a lot of rent for the cost of a good pair
Now let’s redirect back to our regularly scheduled program of telling the Dems to vote this CR down.
I'm sorry, I didn't see what you were saying.
I need glasses too! 🤓😂
Biden got it to $4700 medicare medicaid. Will GOP? Will they keep the 10 negotiated drugs?
$800 a shot UK
$17,300 USA if no drug discount.
We need a few more good Billionaires that want to help people! Thanks again. A worried Dad.
Sure, why pay high prices for marketing when you can sell your shit here for free.
Love it.
To your question though, I don't think Canada has the same legal/economic circumstances that make it such a slam-dunk business in the US.
...that you're a parasite profiting on mass suffering. Just because you make much less of a profit than your deplorable colleagues does not make you "one of the good ones".
NOTE: Sometimes small local pharmacies carry meds for far less & take specialized drug cards (ex: America’s Pharmacy) that only work w/ small places for deep discounts.
Cost Plus Drugs saves a lot of money, and pharma blocked it.
It passed through my mind a little while back, as I absorb it all, and things comes out on their own timing.
Helped to move apartments, arranged hash, best advices, got cooperation of this cage in return.
Around the age of 30-31 went with a """"friend"""" to eat burger, met with two friends of his.
One of them who I met for the first time said this line to me the moment we were introduced.
""""Friends"""" played along with this cage.
Family too.
So an heartfelt fuck off for your response towards my response when I don't five a flying fuck when I see names of my family on the Scrabble.
Because now, or few years ago the force became way too strong to refuse, but many years ago they could have done something about it.
F off.
Look at available information on any topic in English and in Hebrew.
Almost nothing in Hebrew, and the info which exist is in low quality.
And this is a nation which so many don't know the ABC.
R wrote it enough.
"Some men you just can't reach".
Turned it on, didn't work, instinctively turned off and on really quick and it worked.
Of course they saw it.
I'm the only one who his games with R completed the exact boards R showed them in the beginning.
They knew I'm her guy.
It was to prove that the offs came from my Scrabble.
They all knew, they saw it.
She even said to them, look it's him.
Several rounds where I only passed the turns and she kept talking with them, trying to convince them to let me go.
They didn't.
Interfering live streams, TV, radio, marking in red liars' search results on search engines.
One day it was so extreme, I've asked R to have mercy on my nose and pile as many as possible of them to one scratch.
It's all theater.
They pass me by as if nothing is wrong, laughing.
They come from behind.
And they think I don't notice how the door is slightly open almost every night when I'm going shopping because they tried and R offed them.
She's choosing to let them come here and slightly open the door so I would know it's all real.
Tick sound.
But I'm bound to end it from the cage they put me in so they couldn't be direct with me.
And R let's me know almost every night that at least one guy tried to come at me.
So many millions of you are gone and you're laughing.
Bottomless humans by so far.
And we will make sure history will know it.
Thank you, Mark, for creating a way to help people save on their meds!
Great service. I'd rather my money go to these guys then the people that own CVS or Walgreens.
You do. It's hard right now to see billionaires in a positive light. But I see you.
I know you carry the generic for Synthroid, but will you ever make available name brand drugs such as Synthroid?
For some of us (I've been on Synthroid since 1976) the generic just does not work the same.
Thank you!!
I should create a charity and help seniors switch their medications over.
epic did a "marketing campaign" once. they put up a billboard in Madison, WI that said
marketing sucks
always remember. hire men with hooks and ex-epic employees
But they are not spending $ on marketing.
How would a company spread word of mouth today?
The “sales” is does the site save you $ or not. Not promoting snake oil. What way would you suggest to be better?
She died of a stroke 4 weeks later . Our family never knew she stopped taking them or why until it was too late.
Yeah they do scare people on purpose. It should be illegal and it used to be!
Enough said!!!!!
He pays less with cost plus drugs for critical MS medication that isn’t covered there by “good” company insurance than he pays at the big corner pharmacies with his insurance.
Americans are being ripped off by pharma.
Now help out a few good journalists to mount a viable media platform to Fox, Sinclair that are literally poisoning the minds of the gullible
It all must start here you know this Mark !!!!!