Ah. The magic age verification program where no one has to show ID, but also the machine magically knows your age, pls tell more?
Reposted from
Guardian Australia
Australians won’t have to hand over ID when using social media, communications minister vows
Mass surveillance by stealth. Has nothing to do with care for kids.
Experts tell us children know how to bypass age verification.
So let’s set age verification to 100yo.
Kids will bypass verification and get in! We now know they’re kids and we kick them out.
Anyone who can’t get in must be an adult, so we let them in.
Problem solved!
To set it up initially I am linking the application to the authenticator app using my email address, not my handle. I remain anonymous
Mygov could link to authenticator but clunky
"enter your birthday below and please don't lie"
Oh wait, that might be trees.
MyGov can't do jack shit of what it's supposed to do now.
If the SM companies are going to query the MyGov database every time someone logs into Facecrook or whatever it will shit itself in minutes.
I now wonder where this might end.
Thanks for teaching me something new 😊
Also who wants to give that data to anyone
Maths models and IT are no different.
Same issue if some sort of facial verification is used.
I can't see anything working unless it's linked to official records.
A vendor's "scientifically proven" is the Ponds Institute of Technology.
Unless of course if the "magic" actually works.
We will only find out it's not possible after paying Paladin a gazillion dollars.
They could cut us open and count the rings.
How is it possible to run a country when you're that goddamned clueless?
Remember how that went?